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[资源] 高分子入门——大分子:日常生活和难题解决的必备材料(英文第二版)

Giant Molecules: Essential Materials for Everyday Living and Problem Solving By Charles E. Carraher Jr.
2003 | 483 Pages | ISBN: 0471273996 | PDF | 3 MB
The Second Edition of Giant Molecules presents an introductory textbook on large molecules that exhibit specific physical and biological properties related to their size, orientation, and environment, making this subject accessible to students from high school to universities.
Written by Charles Carraher, author of more than forty books on the subject, this up-to-date guide presents material in an integrated fashion, marrying fundamentals with illustrative applications. The text assumes no previous formal scientific training, and includes new and updated questions and answers, a glossary of relevant terms, bibliographies, visual aids, and related Web links in every chapter. Giant Molecules, Second Edition will appeal to individuals who have a personal or professional interest in polymers, as well as to college chemistry and materials science students who study polymers.
The Building Blocks of Our World.
Small Organic Molecules.
Introduction to the Science of Giant Molecules.
Relationships Between the Properties and Structure of Giant Molecules.
Physical and Chemical Testing of Polymers.
Engineering Plastics.
Rubbers (Elastomers)
Paints, Coatings, Sealants, and Adhesives.
Nature's Giant Molecules: The Plant Kingdom.
Nature's Giant Molecules: The Animal Kingdom.
Derivatives of Natural Polymers.
Inorganic Polymers.
Specialty Polymers.
Additives and Starting Materials.
The Future of Giant Molecules.
Appendix 1. Studying Giant Molecules.
Appendix 2. Electronic Web Sites.
2003 | 483 Pages | ISBN: 0471273996 | PDF | 3 MB

[ Last edited by Pureland on 2013-9-29 at 15:03 ]

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