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荣誉版主 (知名作家)



[交流] 每周一听——那些年我们一起练过的听力(第76期)已有48人参与





    American investigators this week examined    (1)    from the Asiana Airlines passenger jet that crashed last Saturday at San Francisco airport. Officials say two kinds of equipment, the autopilot and auto-throttle, did not appear to have failed. American and South Korean officials are working together on the investigation. Asiana is Korea's second largest airline after Korean Air.

    Asiana Flight 214 was carrying more than 300 people from Seoul to the United States. They included 141 Chinese, 77 Koreans and 61 Americans. Two passengers died after the crash. More than 180 people were taken to California    (2)    for treatment. They were injured when the airplane, a Boeing 777, crash-landed.

    Information from the plane's flight data recorder shows that the aircraft was traveling too slowly as it    (3)    in for a landing. The landing gear struck a seawall at the end of the airport runway, causing the tail end of the plane to break off.

    Investigators are also attempting to understand    (4)    that led to a 90 second delay in the order for everyone to leave the airplane. The chairwoman of the National Transportation Safety Board, Deborah Hersman, met with reporters Thursday in San Francisco. She said her investigators had questioned six of the 12 flight    (5)    . The other six remained hospitalized.

    Ms. Hersman said investigators would talk with all the flight    (6)    as they try to learn about the performance of the plane’s safety equipment. Two flight crew members were injured when emergency escape equipment inflated inside the airplane.

    The equipment is supposed to open up outside the plane so passengers can    (7)    . The air safety official said the manufacturer of the device had offered to cooperate in the investigation.  
    At    (8)    , the NTSB chairwoman said the pilot at the controls was only about halfway through his training on the Boeing 777.

    But the head of Asiana Airlines    (9)    that the pilot and his co-pilot trainer lacked experience. Speaking at his company's headquarters in Seoul, Asiana Airlines president Yoon Young-doo defended the pilots' training.

       (10)    . Senator Charles Schumer is from New York, where a 2009 plane crash killed 49 people.

1.        estimated
2.        treatments
3.        agencies
4.        deaths
5.        developed
6.        drop out of school
7.        reach their potential
8.        earnings losses
9.        from birth through age 5
10.        She said support programs for pregnant and breast-feeding(breast feeding) women will be developed in health centers and hospitals

[ Last edited by 求知者001 on 2013-8-25 at 16:10 ]

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银虫 (小有名气)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
非常想学习英语啊 ,以后每天都会来学习一下,讲解的很详细,楼主辛苦了
30楼2013-08-26 15:45:10
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荣誉版主 (知名作家)



求知者001: 回帖置顶 2013-08-24 16:43:58


1. estimate vt.估计,估算
例句:We cannot estimate how far the businiss will succeed.

2. reduce vi.减少
例句:This is an obvious place to reduce spending.

3. stunt n.惊险动作,特技
例句:Was the shot just a stunt?

4. affect vt.影响
例句:How will it affect me?

5. prevent vt.预防;阻碍
例句:The repercussion s are hard to prevent.

6. support vt.支持;帮助
例句:Fund managers support the change.


1. The research shows that malnutrition causes more than 20 percent of child deaths in Ethiopia.

more than 不只是
例句:Running releases more than just sweat.

2. In addition, stunted children in Ethiopia are more likely to drop out of school, meaning they will end their education before it is completed.

in addition 另外;除此之外
例句:In addition there are obvious environmental concerns.

3. She said it affects both those who suffer from it, and the larger society.

suffer from 遭受
例句:Sometimes I suffer from toothaches.

4. It says this means more than 26 million people of working age have not been able to reach their potential.

be able to 能够
例句:You should be able to converse comfortably.

A new study shows that child hunger costs Ethiopia billions of dollars a year in economic losses. The research showed that in 2009, the country lost an estimated $4.7 billion because its children do not get enough to eat, that is equal to 16.5 percent of its Gross Domestic Product.

The report says poor nutrition has slowed growth and development in two of every five children in Ethiopia, and it says 80 percent of malnourished children do not get treatments.

The African Union Commission, the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) and Ethiopian government agencies did the study. The research shows that malnutrition causes more than 20 percent of child deaths in Ethiopia. And the report notes that the deaths have reduced the number of working people in the country by eight percent.

Elizabeth Byrs is a World Food Program official.
Elizabeth Byrs是世界粮食计划署的官员。

"The study estimates that Ethiopia could reduce losses by $12.5 billion by 2025, if it reduces underweight rates to five percent and stunting to 10 percent."

The report says under developed or stunted children in early education repeat grades more than non-stunted children. In addition, stunted children in Ethiopia are more likely to drop out of school, meaning they will end their education before it is completed.

Mrs Byrs said the effects of stunting do not end with childhood. Instead, she said, stunting remains a life-long problem. She said it affects both those who suffer from it, and the larger society. The report says nearly 70 percent of adults in Ethiopia have suffered from stunting as children. It says this means more than 26 million people of working age have not been able to reach their potential.

The report notes that adults who were stunted as children are less likely to have jobs that require a lot of physical labor, because they generally are smaller. It says this results in earnings losses.

Mrs Byrs said the Ethiopian government recently launched a half-billion dollar National Nutrition Program, because the effects of the malnutrition are so severe. She said the government's program would provide food and vitamins to young children from birth through age 5. She said the goal is to prevent stunting during the first 1,000 days of life.

Mrs Byrs also said the program will increase school feeding programs. She said support programs for pregnant and breast-feeding women will be developed in health centers and hospitals.
2楼2013-08-24 16:43:52
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铁虫 (职业作家)


湿父帮我翻译一下这句话:渐渐地,我们都变成了我们曾经厌恶的人。  我要发到空间。

[ Last edited by woaihouyan on 2013-8-24 at 16:55 ]
3楼2013-08-24 16:52:47
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荣誉版主 (知名作家)



3楼: Originally posted by woaihouyan at 2013-08-24 16:52:47
湿父帮我翻译一下这句话:渐渐地,我们都变成了我们曾经厌恶的人。  我要发到空间。

Gradually,we become the ones we hated before
4楼2013-08-24 18:58:42
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