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[交流] 美国Moffitt研究所招聘生物学背景博士后

H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center.


A post-doctoral position is available to study the role of calcium signalingand the actin cytoskeleton in cancer cellinvasion, metastasis and intercellular interactions in Dr. Shengyu Yang’s lab at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center. Our goal is to reveal how the hyperactive store-operated calcium signals promote cancer invasion and metastasis by dysregulating the actin cytoskeleton and intercellular interactions. Biochemistry, cell biology, state-of-the-art live cell imaging techniques, genetically engineered and xenograft mouse models will be employed in the study.  Our recent work can be seen in Cancer Cell. 15: p.124-34, Nature. 464; p.1062-6;  J. Biol. Chem 280: p. 17230-7 andJ. Biol. Chem 286: p. 38865-75

Successful applicant willbe a highly motivated recent graduate with aPh.D. or equivalent degree, will have expertise in cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology or related fields and will be familiar with routine cell culture, biochemistry and molecular biology techniques. Experience with fluorescence imaging, image analysis, calcium signaling and mouse work will be a plus.

The Moffitt Cancer Center is a modern facility on the University of South Florida Campus that conducts research on various aspects of Cancer Biology with emphasis on translational research. It is the third largest Cancer Center in the US based on patient volume. The research environment includes state of the art modern core facilities and pathogen-free modern animal facilities, access to clinical material, etc.

Please send CV, cover letter and three references to Dr. Shengyu Yang at Shengyu.yang@moffitt.org
Lab webpage: http://www.moffitt.org/research--clinical-trials/individual-researchers/shengyu-yang-phd

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