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至尊木虫 (职业作家)

[资源] Salon Ovation's Cosmetology Dictionary

Salon Ovation's Cosmetology Dictionary

Publisher: Milady Publishing
Number Of Pages: 506
Publication Date: 1995-09

From abampere to zymosis, cosmetology has its own jargon and terminology, with definitions often differing from what you'd find in your regular dictionary. For students of the beauty industry, the need for their own dictionary is clear. SalonOvations has done a very nice job of providing lucid, concise definitions and readily understandable pronunciations for more than 5,000 terms of anatomy, cosmetic chemistry, nutrition, color, dermatology, aesthetics, and the like. And as a plus, SalonOvations also provides a useful glossary of prefixes, suffixes, and roots.

Book Description:

Perfect for students and professionals, this newly revised A-Z reference defines many terms and phrases used in cosmetology, dermatology, esthetics, hair structure and chemistry, nail technology, nutrition, color, massage therapy, and professional skills. The "sounds like" format of the pronunciation keys makes it easy to say even the most difficult words.

[ Last edited by chemredox on 2007-11-28 at 19:47 ]
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银虫 (小有名气)

★★★ 三星级,支持鼓励

谢谢分享,但是我下载不了 啊!
3楼2007-11-28 15:57:40
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2007-10-29 11:11   回复  
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