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至尊木虫 (职业作家)

[交流] The 46th YY of language learning, EC, Master Doctor Homes

2013.05.18.外语学习、English Cafe、硕博家园YY英语口语交流第四十六期活动公告~

       活动19:30开始,19:30到20:00之间为Warm Up时间,大家可以和主持人以及活动里面的虫虫热情互动,中英文皆可。大家可以谈谈对活动的建议、体会,也可以谈谈自己最近碰到的有趣的事情、关注的新闻、读的书等,当然不要忘了调试麦克风哦。
       19:30 ~ 20:00 Warm Up 时间;
       20:00 ~ 22:00 Topic Time
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2013年05月18日 星期六  19:30--22:00


Main Topic

Do you know how to stay COOL in summer?

It is the in the middle of May now. How time flies! Can you believe we are almost halfway through the year 2013? Spring has ended. Surely you have sensed the arrival of Miss Summer.Miss Summer is a sassy lady.Her hot temper tends to irritate us.Today we are going to talk about staying cool during summertime.

1.In summer is it common to have an unbearable hot temperature in your region? If it is the case, can you remember the hottest year ever? Did Anything interesting happen because of the hot weather in that particular year?  

2.Sun stroke is a heat-related disease? Have you even had a sunstroke before? How did you survive that?

3.Many people would choose to eat certain foods or to drink cold drinks to stay cool on hot summer days.What is your favourite food or drink for those days?

4.Are you a sports lover? In your opinion what kind of sports we could play in summer?

5.Do you think you can endure a very hot summer? What would be your tricks to stay cool (especially when you don't have air-conditioning in your place)?

6.Have you made any special plans for this summer,for example,going traveling to a comparatively cooler region of the country? If it is the case,have you thought of the ways of staying cool on the trip?

7.There is a saying goes like this,"if you stay calm, you can stay cool"(心静自然凉), do you agree that our moods can influence our feelings about the temperature?

8.Some said, "Summers are getting hotter because of global warming.Man-made Pollution casues global warming.We human beings have ruined our living environment.We deserve the punishment from Mother Nature." Do you agree? What should we do so that the global climate wouldn't change so rapidly in the future?


1.What is a heat-related illness?

A heat-related illness is a medical condition that may occur as a result of heat exposure. Even short periods of high temperatures can cause serious health problems. Heat-related illness encompasses a spectrum of conditions that range from minor illnesses to life-threatening medical emergencies. There are several heat-related illnesses, including heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, heat fainting, and heat rash(热痱).

Signs and symptoms of heat stroke:
high body temperature (above 104 F or 40 C),skin that is red, hot, and either moist or dry (sweating may have stopped),rapid heart rate,difficulty breathing,headache,
dizziness,loss of coordination,nausea and vomiting,confusion and restlessness,seizures,and

Treatment for heat stroke:
Get the person to a cool indoor or outdoor area and remove restrictive clothing.
Cool the person rapidly using whatever methods you can. For example, if possible, immerse the person in a tub of cool water or place them in a cool shower. You may also spray them with lukewarm water and blow cool air from a fan towards them. If the humidity is low, loosely wrap the person in a cool, wet sheet and fan him or her vigorously. Alternatively, place ice or cold packs to the armpits, neck, and groin areas.
Monitor body temperature, and continue cooling efforts until the body temperature drops to about lower (38.8 C), in order to prevent overcooling the affected individual.
If the affected individual is awake and alert, give them cool fluids to drink. Do not give them alcohol to drink.
Sometimes the affected individual's muscles will begin to twitch uncontrollably (seizure) as a result of heat stroke. If this happens, keep the person from injuring his or themselves, but do not place any object in the mouth and do not give fluids. If there is vomiting, make sure the airway remains open by turning the person on his or her side to prevent choking.

2.Top 7 tips for keeping cool this summer
Things can get sweaty in summer. Here are some tips to make your house feel like a home and not an oven on hot days.
(1) On hot days, heat comes straight through unprotected windows almost as if there was nothing there at all. The answer is to shade your north and west facing windows.You could consider putting a reflective film(反射膜) on the glass.
(2) A bit of strategic opening and shutting can make a big difference。
Shut your windows and curtains on hot days, then open up the whole house when it gets cool in the evening. Thick curtains with block out backing or solid blinds (not ones with gaps in them like Venetians) will make a bit of a difference to your summer cooling and a lot of a difference to your winter heating. Also, if you have bits of your house which you just can’t keep cool, shut the door to these areas so they don’t heat the rest of the house.
(3) Use a fan first
Instead of turning on the air-conditioning as soon as it gets warm. Then if it gets too hot for the fan, try the fan and the air conditioining together, to help move the air around the room. Fans are a good money saving tip, while your air conditioner needs more electricity to power(It costs you more money to cover the eletricity bill)。
(4) Set your air-conditioner to 26°C
Hot weather can make you want to set the cooling all the way down to 21°C and get out. But cooling to just 26° should keep your home comfortable and save you money.
(5) Just cool the room you’re in and you’ll save lots of energy, and give your cooler a chance to work properly, instead of trying to cool a bigger area than it’s capable of. Shut the doors to this room and seal the gaps so your nice cool air doesn’t sneak out under the door.
(6) Hang out in the great outdoors
No, we don’t mean in the middle of the day. But when it gets cooler in the evenings,going out for a walk at the local park can be a lot nicer than staying at home.
(7) Get inventive!
If you just can’t cool your house properly, it’s time to pull out creative ideas. Try using a spray bottle to spray water on your face, carrying around a wet face washer on the back of your neck, wetting your sheet before going to bed.

3.How to Cool Yourself Without Air Conditioning
Are you suffering through a summer without air conditioning? Here's how to cool down your house, as well as some tips for cooling yourself.
(1)Sleep cooler. If the heat is keeping you from resting at night, try these ideas:
*Get a fan for your room. A fan on a low setting(低档风力) that can keep a light breeze blowing across your room can work wonders. If you don't like air blowing directly on you while you sleep, you can still make your room cooler by using a fan in your window to circulate fresh air.
*Put a small pillow in the freezer an hour or two before you go to bed. Put a few plastic shopping bags over it to keep ice from forming on the fabric.
*Hang up your bedding in the coolest part of the house during the day. As soon as you get up, take your bedding to the coolest room in the house and hang up the blankets and sheets so that each side is exposed to the air. Take them down and put them back on your bed just before you go to sleep.
*Use silk or satin(缎子) pillowcases, and satin sheets. These fabrics will feel smoother and cooler as you sleep.
*If you wake up too hot, consider how many coverings - e.g. over 26C maybe sleep uncovered, over 23C 1 sheet, under that 1 blanket, etc. Similarly your dress or no dress top or bottom.
(2)Just add water. The relief is almost immediate, and will last for up to one hour or more.
*Drink water frequently. Your body will feel cooler if you are hydrated. Try drinking eight ounces(227~236毫升) of water at least every hour. Adding mint leaves, or orange, lemon or cucumber slices to your water makes it more refreshing.
*Get a cheap spray bottle - fill it with water, adjust it to fine mist and spray it on your exposed skin for an instant cooling effect.
*Keep the back of your neck in shade (wear a cap backwards, or raise your collar) or put a wet handkerchief on the back of the neck. The sensor for our body temperature control system is in this area, and so with this method you can make the rest of your body think that you are "cool".
*Place or tie an icepack behind your head.
*Soak a t-shirt in the sink, wring it out and put it on. Sit in a lawn chair (or other chair that lets air through to you) in front of a fan. Re-wet as it dries. Use lukewarm water for this so you don't "shock" your system with cold water.
*Run cold water over your wrists for 10 seconds on each hand. This will reduce your temperature for roughly an hour.
*Soak your feet in a bucket of cold water. The body radiates heat from the hands, feet, face and ears, so cooling any of these will efficiently cool the body.
(3)Dress appropriately.There are several strategies to dress (or undress) for the heat, depending on your situation:
*Wear summer clothing. Wear loosely-woven natural fabrics (cotton, silk, linen) rather than polyester, rayon, or other artificial fibers (with the possible exception of performance fabrics).
*Wear light colors. Darker colors will absorb the sun's heat and stay warmer longer than light or white clothing, which reflects light and heat. Wear natural summer clothing.
*Cover yourself up.Covering up may actually keep your cooler, especially if the heat is low in humidity.In the scorching temperatures of the Middle Eastern deserts, traditional cultures wear clothing covering from head to toe. By protecting your skin from the sun beating down, you'll also shade your skin. Be sure your clothing is made of natural fabrics and loose-fitting.
*Alter your diet. What you eat and drink can help keep you cool as well.
Stock your freezer with flavored ice treats.Freeze a bag of chopped fruit such as watermelon, pineapple or lemons. Cooling down can be a tasty experience too!
*Use a hint of mint.Mint refreshes the skin and leaves a nice cooling sensation.Try a few minty or menthol(薄荷脑) products to cool your skin.Slather on lotion with peppermint (avoid your face and eyes),shower with peppermint soap, use a minty foot soak or other powders with mint.There are even a few minty recipes you could try, for example:Mint Tea,Minted Fresh Green Pea Soup
Use cucumbers.Slice a thin piece of cold cucumber (from the fridge or a cooler) and stick it in the middle of your forehead! This feels fantastic on a hot day or when stuck in a hot car and works almost immediately! An ice cube or a cold soda can work similarly, though the astringency of the cucumber is more refreshing for your eyelids.
Eat spicy food. It's not a coincidence that many people in hotter regions of the world eat spicy food.Spicy (hot to the taste) food increases perspiration which cools the body as it evaporates. It also can cause an endorphin rush that is quite pleasant and might make you forget about the heat.
(4)Think cool. Read books about climbing Mount Everest(珠穆朗玛峰), or watch winter movies like "March of the Penguins" and "Ice Age", or find a horror story to read.You might not be physically cooler,but if your mind envisions a cold environment/a scary scenario, you might feel a bit cooler.
(5)Rest smart. Relax and cool down at the same time with these tips:
*Sit still.Do not try to fan yourself — trying to move while feeling hot can make you feel hotter. Simply rest until the evening.
*Avoid peak sunlight hours. Take a cue from people in extremely hot climates and avoid going out between 10 a.m. and 3p.m., when the sun's rays are hottest. You'll also avoid a sunburn this way.
(6)Cooling Your House
*Close your blinds. Shutting your blinds and curtains during the day will help block the sun's heat. As soon as the sun hits your building in the morning, close all windows and keep exterior doors and windows closed throughout the hottest part of the day. Do this until night falls and it's cool enough to open the windows for the night.
*For even better protection, get aluminized blinds or insulated curtains (or use removable sheets of reflective bubble insulation, or cardboard cut to size and covered in foil.) *Open the windows at night. Open selective windows so that cooler night air is blowing in throughout the evening. Leaving all interior doors open (including closets and kitchen cabinets) helps, too. If you leave them closed, they store the daytime heat and your house won't cool off as much at night.
*Be sure to get up and close the windows and blinds as soon as the sunlight hits your house. This can be as early as 5 or 6 in the morning in some areas.
(7)Cool down your house with fans. Position a ceiling fan, an upstairs window fan or an attic fan to draw off the heat collected in upper rooms and push the heat outdoors. Set up your portable fan so that the fan sucks up cooler air from the floor below, and blows hot air upwards towards the ceiling.
(8)Make a DIY air conditioner. Put a metal bowl of salted ice in front of a fan, and adjust the fan so that the air is blowing over the ice. Or, use one or more 2 liter bottles and fill them mostly full of (water - 70%) & (rock salt - 10%) (air - 20% for expansion) (the salt brings the temp of the frozen water down to a lower oF), freeze them, then place them in a large bowl (to catch dripping condensation). Position a fan to blow on them. As the salty ice in the bottles melts, the air cools around them. The fan will blow that air at you. The water & salt in the bottles can be refrozen every night and used again repeatedly.
(9)Turn off all heat sources.Don't use the stove or oven to eat. Eat cold food, or use the microwave. Incandescent light bulbs also create heat - switch to compact fluorescents or LEDs. Turn off your lamps and your computer when you're not using them. You should also turn off your TV since it gives off a lot of heat, as well as some plug-in power adapters.
(10)Avoid steam. During the day, don't take a hot shower, wash dishes and clothes or cook until after dark.

Do not leave a fan on in an enclosed room when no one is present (unless it's an attic fan). A fan does not cool the air already in the room; in fact, it heats it. The fan's motor generates heat and even the circulating air creates a less significant amount of heat from friction. It just feels cooler when you are present because of natural moisture evaporation from the skin, which only cools your body if you are in the room. Save electricity and turn off all fans in enclosed rooms that are not occupied.
The early morning and evening are usually cooled down enough to enjoy your walk, run, hike, bike, gardening, or yard work.
If all else fails, go to the mall, library, church, movie theater or some other air-conditioned public building.
Cooling methods that depend on the evaporation of water, including sweating, will work best if the humidity is fairly low.

While it is rarely a problem for individuals with good health, over-hydration is a possibility for individuals with heart, liver or kidney problems. If you have any serious health problems, be mindful of how much water you drink, since your kidneys may not be able to excrete an excessive amount of water properly.
If you experience symptoms of heat stroke or dehydration,call 119 or other emergency numbers.A body temperature above 40 °C is life-threatening and fatal if it reaches 45 °C.
Babies, children, pregnant women, and the elderly are all much more prone to overheating than others. Be sure to keep an eye on members of your family, co-workers, and neighbors. Also, as you age, your body does not regulate temperature as well as it used to (even if you stay fit) and your skin may not be able to sweat.Be cautious and see if you can relax in an air-conditioned place for a while.

Join us, and maybe share your own opinions and stories with us



[ Last edited by zxhappy on 2013-5-17 at 09:31 ]

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