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木虫 (小有名气)

[求助] 关于投BT的cover letter 里边的statement的问题!学术菜鸟求助

本人学术菜鸟一名,第一次投sci,最近刚刚投了一篇BT,with editor两天之后,编辑让我改格式(我的理解是这样的),原文如下:
Please modify the manuscript following the comment(s) as shown below.


- Please give mandatory statements required for submission in your covering
- Each research highlight can be maximum 85 characters, including space.
- Conclusions can be maximum 100 words.
- Combine results and discussion.
- Please follow Guide for Authors for pages/figures/tables/references
- Please number the references in the list (place them in alpha bet order
and then number numerically so as to reflect that guide for authors on it
has been followed).
- Please do not use first person (we, our, us) in the text.
意思应该是在cover letter 里边声明上述的内容?有没有大牛给个模版什么的,先谢谢了!!!

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金虫 (小有名气)


感谢参与,应助指数 +1
wilson_8809(seapass代发): 金币+1, 鼓励应助! 2013-05-09 10:39:10
1, Each research highlight不能超过85个字符,包括空格
2,Conclusions 不能超过100单词
给你贴一个cover letter看一下吧

Dear editor of the Bioresource Technology,

We would like to submit the manuscript entitled “XXX” for consideration as a research article in Bioresource Technology (Subject Classification for Bioresource Technology 60.070: Organic acids).

In this paper, we employed metabolic profiling method to investigate the intracellular metabolic changes in 菌株 in response to different medium conditions and identify potential key metabolites mainly responsible for fumaric acid production. Based on the comparative analysis of potential key metabolites combined with relevant metabolic pathways, exogenous addition strategies were proposed for fumaric acid production improvement, and an optimized fermentation medium was achieved in which fumaric acid production was successfully increased. It was the first successful attempt to apply metabolic profiling analysis to rationally guide medium optimization of organic acid, which provides new insights into metabolic characterization of high-yielding fumaric acid and provides a promising platform for biochemicals production improvement to meet the requirement of further application.

This is our original work and we certify that we have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the appropriateness of the experimental design and method, and the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data. All the authors have reviewed the final version of the manuscript and mutually agreed that it should be submitted to Bioresource Technology. To the best of our knowledge and belief, this manuscript was not previously submitted to Bioresource Technology or any other journals.

With the best regards,
E-mail: xxx
8楼2013-05-09 10:35:50
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金虫 (小有名气)


★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wilson_8809: 金币+8, 有帮助 2013-05-11 13:36:40
Thanks a lot for the editor’s suggestions about the whole manuscript. The manuscript has been revised and adjusted by the authors. All of the instructions provided by the journal have been taken into full consideration. 当然前提是你确认你是对的

1. Bai, D.M., Jia, M.Z., Zhao, X.M., Ban, R., Shen, F., Li, X.G., Xu, S.M., 2003. L(+)-lactic acid production by pellet-form Rhizopus oryzae R1021 in a stirred tank fermentor. Chem. Eng. 58, 785–791.
2. Branduardi, P., Sauer, M., De Gioia, L., Zampella, G., Valli, M., Mattanovich, D., Porro, D., 2006. Lactate production yield from engineered yeasts is dependent from the host background, the lactate dehydrogenase source and the lactate export. Microb. Cell Fact. 5, 4.
3. Cao, N., Du, J., Gong, C.S., Tsao, G.T., 1996. Simultaneous production and recovery of fumaric acid from immobilized Rhizopus oryzae with a rotary biofilm contactor and an adsorption column. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62, 2926–2931.
4. Carta, F., Soccol, C., Ramos, L., Fontana, J., 1999. Production of fumaric acid by
10楼2013-05-10 14:34:41
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金虫 (小有名气)

11楼: Originally posted by wilson_8809 at 2013-05-11 13:37:16

good luck
13楼2013-05-11 14:19:01
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