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新虫 (小有名气)

[资源] 欧洲老外boss面试经历。。。流水帐,大家将就着看吧已有3人参与


1月下旬,当时已经投了70多封到米国,有25%的回复,绝大多数都说没钱位,仅有的几个要了推荐信的也是没有进一步动作。思前想后打算试试欧洲有没有机会。然后陆续投了10几封到英国德国法国和瑞士的老板们。过了两个星期之后 (2月下旬),现在面试的这位boss回信说“Thank you for your enquiry about post-doctoral research. At present I do not have any open positions at (英国某校). Are you eligible to apply for any scholarships for post-doctoral study?”

我心想“kao”,你都说英国没open posistion咯 当然去德国啦。而且本人也对德国比较向往。于是就立马跟boss说“德国”。

“thank you very much for your application for a postdoctoral position in the group of Prof. Dr. XX.Prof. XX would like to give you the opportunity to explain your interest in a position in her group in more detail at the phone. Would you be available for a phone interview this Friday, 8 March at 9:00 AM (London time = GMT)? ”


secretary立马回我“thank you very much for your prompt reply. I understand that you are not available this week. I need to get contact to some colleagues first if there is a time slot available next week. I will get back to you soon with a suggestion. Please be patient.”
然后一天之后“thank you for your patience. My new suggestion for a phone interview with Prof. Dr. xx is Tuesday, 12 March 10:00 AM in Germany (GMT+1).


1. Simply introduce myself.
2. Tell your doctoral work?
3. Tell one work that I most satisfied with.
4. Several question about the details of work.
5. Describe the future plan. / What are your long term career goals?
6. What is it that you are hoping to learn in my laboratory?
7. Which project do I most like

1. why do you want to come here?
2. what do you like within our researches?
3. Introduce your experiments (以下若干个小问题, 为什么要做这个;你的这个文章投

4. What is your favorvite paper of ours? Why?
5. Why choose postdoc abroad? Did you attended conferences abroad?
6. Your questiones.

这几个问题聊得boss都笑了几次,我看反应是应该ok了。然后大概聊了总共半个小时。say good bye。

面完下来感觉面试良好,想了一下除了准备充足外,boss 讲的一口非常纯正的英国音和略慢的语速也使得我基本能catch到point。
“Thank you for your calling. You are so nice, and I was very happy to talk with you. I am going to prepare for the fellowship application. Which fellowship (Humboldt Foundation or Marie Curie) is more suitable to me? Personally, I prefer to Humboldt fellowship.”

boss也是立马回复“Good tohear from you. I think the Humboldt is fine, but I would apply for more than one fellowship - they are qutie competitive. We have someone in the Institute who can help with this, so when you hve a first draft of your applications, let me have them and I will look at them and also show them to my colleague for advice.”


[ Last edited by hinhin on 2013-5-1 at 20:31 ]
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铜虫 (小有名气)

★★★★★ 五星级,优秀推荐

47楼2013-05-16 10:11:40
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禁虫 (著名写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖

2楼2013-05-01 21:11:30
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3楼2013-05-01 21:15:16
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新虫 (小有名气)

2楼: Originally posted by Htab at 2013-05-01 21:11:30

谢谢提醒! 现在正在恶补英文
5楼2013-05-01 21:33:38
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