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[资源] 【经典】A Unified Approach to the Finite Element Method and Error Analysis

【英美经典】《A Unified Approach to the Finite Element Method and Error Analysis Procedures》【已搜索,无重复】

Language: English


This book provides an in-depth background to better understanding of finite element results and techniques for improving accuracy of finite element methods. Thus, the reader is able to identify and eliminate errors contained in finite element models. Three different error analysis techniques are systematically developed from a common theoretical foundation: 1) modeling erros in individual elements; 2) discretization errors in the overall model; 3) point-wise errors in the final stress or strain results.
Thoroughly class tested with undergraduate and graduate students. A Unified Approach to the Finite Element Method and Error Analysis Procedures is sure to become an essential resource for students as well as practicing engineers and researchers.
Key Features:
New, simpler element formulation techniques, model-independent results, and error measures
New polynomial-based methods for identifying critical points
New procedures for evaluating sheer/strain accuracy
Accessible to undergraduates, insightful to researchers, and useful to practitioners
Taylor series (polynomial) based
Intuitive elemental and point-wise error measures
Essential background information provided in 12 appendices

(1)【英美最新教材】《The Finite Element Method》(2013年)【已搜索,无重复】

(2)【经典】A Unified Approach to the Finite Element Method and Error Analysis Procedures

(3)【英美经典】《Finite Element Analysis Theory and Application with ANSYS》





[ Last edited by star_zhang on 2013-5-7 at 05:13 ]

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