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北瓜静人(hanches代发): 金币+10 2013-10-13 19:44:00
Any enterprise has its scheduled production management goal, but achieving goals process will appear all sorts of controllable or uncontrollable factors hinder the process of implementation, so the enterprises should design thorough execution of management control system, used to appear in the process of correcting deviation and prevent errors. Internal control is such a management tool. Enterprise internal environment in corporate control plays a very important role, it is all the way to control and methods on the environment. The overall goal of the enterprise and even for the whole of the internal control and other elements are very important influence. The internal control environment is the basis of the internal control function, the effectiveness of the internal control environment, the health is directly related to its role in the whole internal control ?
2楼2013-10-02 21:38:14
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