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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 2013 EI 新目录中新增加的期刊已有26人参与

3D Research        20926730        20926731
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering                21680485
Acta Informatica        00015903        14320525
Advances in Optics and Photonics                 19438206
Advances in Radio Science        16849965        16849973
Advancing Microelectronics               
Agricultural Research        2249720X        22497218
Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech        17226996        20354606
AI and Society        09515666        14355655
Algorithms                19994893
American Chemical Society, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Preprints        05693799       
Animal Biotechnology        10495398        15322378
Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati, Fascicle VI: Food Technology        18435157        2068259X
Annual Review of Food Science and Technology        19411413        19411421
Applied Petrochemical Research                21905533
Applied Physics        19960948       
Applied Water Science                21905495
Architectural Engineering and Design Management        17452007        17527589
Asian Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering        21681015        21681023
Atmosphere                20734433
Bioinspiration and Biomimetics        17483182        17483190
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures        2212683X       
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery        21906815        21906823
Biomaterials Science        20474830        20474849
Biomedical Engineering Letters        20939868        2093985X
Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio        03663175        21730431
BrewingScience        18665195       
Bridge Structures        15732487        17448999
Central European Journal of Geosciences        20819900        18961517
Cereal Foods World        01466283       
Communications of the Association for Information Systems        15293181       
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory        1381298X        15729346
Computer Science - Research and Development        18652034        18652042
Computer Science Review        15740137       
Computers in the Schools        07380569        15287033
Connection Science        09540091        13600494
CTBUH Journal        19461186        19461194
Digital Creativity        14626268        17443806
Earth Interactions                10873562
Eco-Engineering        13470485        18804500
Ecological Processes                21921709
Energy, Sustainability and Society                21920567
Engineering Education        17500044        17500052
Environmental Research Letters        17489318        17489326
Ethics and Information Technology        13881957        15728439
European Journal of Electrical Engineering        21033641        1295490X
European Transport - Trasporti Europei        18253997       
Fachhefte Grafische Industrie, Bulletin Technique               
Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe        12303666       
Food Australia        10325298       
Food Reviews International        87559129        15256103
Food Technology and Biotechnology        13309862        13342606
Foundations of Computational Mathematics        16153375       
Foundations of Science        12331821        15728471
Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale                19718993
Gaswaerme International        00209384       
Geosystem Engineering        12269328        21663394
Grasas y Aceites        00173495        19884214
Guangzi Xuebao/Acta Photonica Sinica        10044213       
HP Laboratories Technical Report               
IBM Data Management Magazine               
ICGA Journal        13896911       
IEEE Biometrics Compendium               
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine               
IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine               
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications        10577122       
Indian Geotechnical Journal        9719555        22773347
Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences        09714588       
Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research        09710426       
Informatika        18160301       
Informatik-Spektrum        01706012        1432122X
Information Systems Management        10580530       
Information Systems Research        10477047        15265536
Intelligent Decision Technologies        18724981        18758843
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews        03080188        17432790
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering        16875966        16875974
International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering        19346344        19346352
International Journal of Ambient Energy        01430750       
International Journal of Applied Glass Science        20411286        20411294
International Journal of Arts and Technology        17548853       
International Journal of Biometrics        17558301        1755831X
International Journal of Chemical Engineering        1687806X        16878078
International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology        09556222       
International Journal of Computational and Mathematical Sciences        20103905        20103913
International Journal of Computer Mathematics        00207160        10290265
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials                22341315
International Journal of Corrosion        16879325        16879333
International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies        19473532        19473540
International Journal of Electronic Government Research        15483886        15483894
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction        10447318        15327590
International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design        19478186        19478194
International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management        19355726        19355734
International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering        21076839        21076847
International Journal of Optics        16879384        16879392
International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics        1346213X        20426550
International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing        16877195        16877209
International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering        20419031        2041904X
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning        17437601        1743761X
International Journal of Technoethics        19473451        1947346X
International Sugar Journal        00208841       
International Woodfiber Report               
ISACA Journal        19441967        19441975
ITALICS Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences                14737507
JBIS - Journal of the British Interplanetary Society        0007084X       
J-FOR        19276311        1927632X
Journal - American Water Works Association        0003150X        15518833
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems                19422466
Journal of Applied Geodesy        18629016        18629024
Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering        13467581        13472852
Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology        21909385       
Journal of Cloud Computing                2192113X
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making        15553434       
Journal of Computer Information Systems        08874417       
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication                10836101
Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage        15564673       
Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering        14668858       
Journal of Cotton Science        15236919        15243303
Journal of Cryptographic Engineering        21908508        21908516
Journal of Culinary Science and Technology        15428052        15428044
Journal of Dam Safety        19449836       
Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics        19408676       
Journal of Functional Programming        09567968        14697653
Journal of Healthcare Engineering        20402295        20402309
Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing        20734212        20734239
Journal of Informetrics        17511577       
Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology        13468073        18847978
Journal of Instrumentation                17480221
Journal of Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging        13439677       
Journal of Materials Chemistry A        20507488        20507496
Journal of Materials Chemistry B        20507518        2050750X
Journal of Materials Chemistry C        20507534        20507526
Journal of Pipeline Engineering        17532116       
Journal of Robotics        16879600        16879619
Journal of Sensors        1687725X        16877268
Journal of Structural Fire Engineering        20402317       
Journal of Technology Transfer        08929912        15737047
Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering               
Journal of Textile Engineering        13468235        18801994
Journal of the Association of Information Systems                15369323
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society        01046500        16784804
Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers        09135693       
Journal of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals        17559278       
Journal of the Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses        00372072       
Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence        09128085       
Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology        10170715        22337180
Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy        22256253       
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics        14292955       
Journal of Validation Technology        10796630        21507090
Journal of Water and Climate Change        20402244       
Kami Pa Gikyoshi/Japan Tappi Journal        0022815X       
Kobunshi        04541138       
LIA Today               
Light and Engineering        02362945       
Logical Methods in Computer Science                18605974
Magazine of Civil Engineering        20714726        20710305
Materiales de Construccion        04652746        19883226
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems        13873954        17445051
Mathematical Programming Computation        18672949        18672957
Mathematical Scientist        03123685        14756080
Mecanique et Industries        12962139        17652960
Mechanics of Machines, Mechanisms and Materials        19950470       
Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis        21929262        21929270
Micromachines                2072666X
Military Operations Research        02755823       
Multiagent and Grid Systems        15741702        18759076
Nature Photonics        17494885        17494893
Networks and Heterogeneous Media        15561801        1556181X
Networks and Spatial Economics        1566113X        15729427
Neurodiagnostic Journal        21646821       
Nippon Steel Technical Report               
NPG Asia Materials        18844049        18844057
OCLC Systems and Services        1065075X       
Oil Shale        0208189X        17367492
Optical Nanoscopy                21922853
Opto-electronics Review        12303402       
Powder Diffraction        08857156       
Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, Procurement and Law        17514304        17514312
Progress in Artificial Intelligence        21926352        21926360
Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal        17686733        21167176
Radioprotection        00338451        1769700X
Recent Patents on Electrical and Electronic Engineering        22131116        22131132
Research Letters in Materials Science        16876822        16876830
RIAI - Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial        16977912        16977920
Rivista dei Combustibili        00355852       
Road Materials and Pavement Design        14680629       
SAE International Journal of Alternative Powertrains        21674191        21674205
SAE Technical Papers               
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations        16876075        16876083
Science China Information Sciences        1674733X       
Sensors (Switzerland)        14248220       
Sequential Analysis        07474946        15324176
Ship Technology Research        09377255       
Software Quality Journal        09639314       
South African Journal of Industrial Engineering        1012277X       
Spatial Cognition and Computation        13875868        15427633
Storage Management Solutions               
Structural Equation Modeling        10705511       
Structural Survey        0263080X       
Surface Science Spectra        10555269        15208575
Systems Research and Behavioral Science        10927026        10991743
Technical Communication Quarterly        10572252        15427625
Technical Paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers, MC               
Technical Paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers, RP               
Technical Paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers. MM               
Technical Paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers. PE               
Technical Paper -Society of Manufacturing Engineers. CM               
Technical Services Quarterly        07317131       
Technisches Messen        01718096       
Textile Outlook International        02684764       
Theory of Computing Systems        14324350       
Tidsskrift for Dansk Keramisk Selskab        13983261       
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine        17382696       
Traitement du Signal        07650019        19585608
Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society        0371750X       
Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems        21606455        21606463
Transportation Research Board - Special Report               
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science        23249935        23249943
VINE        03055728       
Water (Switzerland)                20734441
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science        17590876        17590884
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery        19424787        19424795
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment        20418396        2041840X

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  • 2013-03-16 15:34:57, 82.5 K

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新虫 (初入文坛)

2楼2013-03-16 17:31:39
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铁虫 (初入文坛)


[ 发自手机版 http://muchong.com/3g ]
3楼2013-03-17 23:33:26
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木虫 (正式写手)

已经收录 谢谢
4楼2013-03-21 10:16:23
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6楼2013-04-26 17:43:49
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新虫 (初入文坛)

7楼2013-05-07 13:21:52
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木虫 (小有名气)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
8楼2013-05-07 14:15:16
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银虫 (小有名气)

大神 非常感谢!!!!
9楼2013-05-17 21:57:25
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[论文投稿] 好运来! +3 jibeidaxue 2024-10-15 3/150 2024-10-18 07:46 by lizhengke06
[教师之家] 高校老师工资真那么低么 +26 小土豆人 2024-10-16 36/1800 2024-10-18 06:57 by 2671
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[硕博家园] 博士“读”后感。 +10 麻辣烫。 2024-10-11 17/850 2024-10-17 23:57 by 麻辣烫。
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[硕博家园] 博士开题 +9 光华919 2024-10-15 17/850 2024-10-17 22:04 by 15552261799
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[教师之家] 。。。。。。。。。 (金币-5) +19 lice_1987 2024-10-14 33/1650 2024-10-14 17:54 by lice_1987