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[交流] 开年大贴一---迄今为止最好的国际权威机构知名材料学杂志排名已有17人参与

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举例说明:Adv Mater和Acta Mater小木虫上对打貌似由来已久,各说各有理。
但最近几年的发展,Adv Mater确实如日中天,新材料新新性能层出不穷,研究领域虽然仍旧以纳米为主,但已不局限于纳米,很明显,略胜一筹。但优势也相对有限,毕竟冷门学科也需要研究,甚至有些更有用,当然,引用次数和热度远不如前者,但毫无疑问是传统杂志的No。1。
需要说明的是由于Acta Mater因为改过名字,所以上面两个名字都排上了,如果合二为一,排名定在美陶之上,但广大网友切不可简单几何相加。
至于Nature Mater为何不是排第一,可能是需要时间吧,毕竟太嫩,综合贡献肯定不如美陶等对科学几十年的贡献吧。Nature集团搞出来就是为舆论大家,假以时日,必定成大器,拭目以待。

1 - 100 of 362 results Academic Top journals in Material Science
Material Science  

Agriculture Science16Arts & Humanities3Biology4Chemistry5Computer Science2Economics & Business7Engineering8Environmental Sciences9Geosciences10Material Science12Mathematics15Medicine6Physics19Social Science22Multidisciplinary1 Overall for Material Science  

Cement1Ceramics2Composite Materials3Fibres4Glass5Material Synthesis & Processes6Metallurgy7New Materials12Paper Industry8Plastics10Polymer Materials9Rubber11Wood13Overall for Material Science0 All Years  

Last 5 Years5Last 10 Years10All Years0
Journals  Publications   H-Index  

1  J BIOMED MATER RES - Journal of Biomedical Materials Research  6728  103  
2  ADVAN MATER - Advanced Materials  9635  98  
3  J AMER CERAM SOC - Journal of The American Ceramic Society  23615  95  
4  NAT MATER - Nature Materials  2912  90  
5  Polymer  25117  78  
6  Acta Metallurgica  7368  76  
7  J MATER SCI - Journal of Materials Science  39544  66  
8  ACTA MATER - Acta Materialia  9022  61  
9  J COMPOS MATER - Journal of Composite Materials  4282  61  
10  COMPOSITES SCI TECHNOL - Composites Science and Technology  5259  60  
11  J APPL POLYM SCI - Journal of Applied Polymer Science  41175  59  
12  INT J PLASTICITY - International Journal of Plasticity  1723  55  
13  J MATER RES - Journal of Materials Research  14621  51  
14  MATER SCI ENG A-STRUCT MATER - Materials Science and Engineering A-structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing  22153  49  
15  CEM CONCR RES - Cement and Concrete Research  6882  49  
16  POWDER TECHNOL - Powder Technology  7594  48  
17  METALL MATER TRANS B - Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B-process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science  6997  48  
18  ADV FUNCT MATER - Advanced Functional Materials  3047  48  
19  PROG MATER SCI - Progress in Materials Science  343  48  
20  J MATER PROCESS TECHNOL - Journal of Materials Processing Technology  12366  46  
21  POLYM ENG SCI - Polymer Engineering and Science  8432  45  
22  Acta Metallurgica Et Materialia  2503  45  
23  MAT SCI ENG R - Materials Science & Engineering R-reports  262  44  
24  METALL MATER TRANS A - Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-physical Metallurgy and Materials Science  14211  43  
25  MACROMOL RAPID COMMUN - Macromolecular Rapid Communications  4139  43  
26  COMPOS PART A-APPL SCI MANUF - Composites Part A-applied Science and Manufacturing  2921  43  
27  J ELECTRON MATER - Journal of Electronic Materials  9862  41  
28  POLYM DEGRAD STABIL - Polymer Degradation and Stability  6496  41  
29  COMPOS STRUCT - Composite Structures  4546  40  
30  J MATER SCI-MATER MED - Journal of Materials Science-materials in Medicine  3895  40  
31  J INTEL MAT SYST STRUCT - Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures  2543  40  
32  J BIOMATER SCI-POLYM ED - Journal of Biomaterials Science-polymer Edition  2122  40  
33  ANNU REV MATER SCI - Annual Review of Materials Science  1161  40  
34  J EUR CERAM SOC - Journal of The European Ceramic Society  7759  39  
35  COLLOID POLYM SCI - Colloid and Polymer Science  24746  38  
36  SCRIPTA MATER - Scripta Materialia  9010  38  
37  FATIGUE FRACT ENG MATER STRUC - Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures  2595  38  
38  MATER TODAY - Materials Today  2230  37  
39  APPL CLAY SCI - Applied Clay Science  2191  37  
40  Hydrometallurgy  3651  36  
41  COMPOS PART B-ENG - Composites Part B-engineering  1520  35  
42  CURR OPIN SOLID STATE MAT SCI - Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science  899  35  
43  MATER RES BULL - Materials Research Bulletin  10935  34  
44  J ALLOYS COMPOUNDS - Journal of Alloys and Compounds  25876  33  
45  MICROPOROUS MESOPOROUS MAT - Microporous and Mesoporous Materials  5245  33  
46  MATER STRUCT - Materials and Structures  3618  33  
47  Journal of Colloid Science  1506  33  
48  IEEE TRANS COMPON PACKAGING T - IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies  1235  33  
49  Organometallics  21515  32  
50  J BIOMED MATER RES PART A - Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A  2684  32  
51  POLYM COMPOSITE - Polymer Composites  2460  32  
52  J ENG MATER TECHNOL - Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology-transactions of The Asme  1574  32  
53  ANNU REV MATER RES - Annual Review of Materials Research  192  32  
54  MATER LETT - Materials Letters  13493  30  
55  MATER CHEM PHYS - Materials Chemistry and Physics  9334  30  
56  Scripta Metallurgica  6568  30  
57  CONSTR BUILD MATER - Construction and Building Materials  3450  30  
58  Composites  1699  29  
59  J COMPOS CONSTR - Journal of Composites for Construction  714  29  
60  REACT FUNCT POLYM - Reactive & Functional Polymers  2090  28  
61  CEMENT CONCRETE COMPOSITES - Cement & Concrete Composites  1625  28  
62  IEEE IND APPL MAG - IEEE Industry Applications Magazine  1191  28  
63  IEEE TRANS DEVICE MATER RELIA - IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability  827  28  
64  NANOSTRUCT MATER - Nanostructured Materials  1510  27  
65  DIAM RELAT MATER - Diamond and Related Materials  6474  26  
66  CERAM INT - Ceramics International  5069  26  
67  COMPUT MATER SCI - Computational Materials Science  4107  26  
68  Scripta Metallurgica Et Materialia  3533  26  
69  ADV ENG MATER - Advanced Engineering Materials  2059  26  
70  INT J ADHES ADHES - International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives  1836  26  
71  Geothermics  1714  26  
72  J NUCL MATER - Journal of Nuclear Materials  25233  25  
73  J MATER SCI LETT - Journal of Materials Science Letters  11658  25  
74  Materials Science and Engineering B-advanced Functional Solid-state Materials  9114  25  
75  J ELECTRON SPECTROSC RELAT PH - Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena  6427  25  
76  MATER DESIGN - Materials & Design  4651  25  
77  J CONSTR STEEL RES - Journal of Constructional Steel Research  2555  25  
78  POLYM TEST - Polymer Testing  2153  25  
79  MATER SCI FORUM - Materials Science Forum  34110  24  
80  European Journal of Wood and Wood Products  9554  24  
81  J TEST EVAL - Journal of Testing and Evaluation  2801  24  
82  J ADHES - Journal of Adhesion  2122  24  
83  MAG CONCR RES - Magazine of Concrete Research  1694  24  
84  FIRE MATER - Fire and Materials  1139  24  
85  Journal of The Less Common Metals  8571  23  
86  ISIJ INT - Isij International  4786  23  
87  PROG ORG COATING - Progress in Organic Coatings  2579  23  
88  J REINF PLAST COMPOSITE - Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites  3114  22  
89  J ADHES SCI TECHNOL - Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology  2710  22  
90  MECH COHESIVE-FRICT MATER - Mechanics of Cohesive-frictional Materials  177  22  
91  INT MATER REV - International Materials Reviews  163  22  
92  MATER TRANS - Materials Transactions  4979  21  
93  GEOBIOS-LYON - Geobios  3517  21  
94  Kybernetes  2297  21  
95  J BIOMED MATER RES PART B - Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-applied Biomaterials  1558  21  
96  OPT MATER - Optical Materials  4915  20  
97  Intermetallics  3154  20  
98  INT J REFRACT MET HARD MATER - International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials  1257  20  
99  J WOOD CHEM TECHNOL - Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology  858  20  
100  J COMPOS TECH RES - Journal of Composites Technology & Research  760  20  

Journals  Publications   H-Index  

101  LIQ CRYST - Liquid Crystals  5063  19  
102  J SOL-GEL SCI TECHNOL - Journal of Sol-gel Science and Technology  3388  19  
103  MATER CHARACT - Materials Characterization  2542  19  
104  Advanced Cement Based Materials  233  19  
105  J TEXT INST - Journal of The Textile Institute  3546  18  
106  MATER MANUF PROCESS - Materials and Manufacturing Processes  2973  18  
107  J ELECTROCERAM - Journal of Electroceramics  1487  18  
108  SCI TECHNOL ADV MATER - Science and Technology of Advanced Materials  1237  18  
109  J MATER ENG PERFORM - Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance  3364  17  
110  POLYM-PLAST TECHNOL ENG - Polymer-plastics Technology and Engineering  2660  17  
111  PART PART SYST CHARACT - Particle & Particle Systems Characterization  1047  17  
112  CHEM VAPOR DEPOSITION - Chemical Vapor Deposition  861  17  
113  MATER RES INNOV - Materials Research Innovations  544  17  
114  J MATER SCI-MATER ELECTRON - Journal of Materials Science-materials in Electronics  3146  16  
115  BULL MATER SCI - Bulletin of Materials Science  3053  16  
116  MATER SCI TECHNOL - Materials Science and Technology  2318  16  
117  Microporous Materials  483  16  
118  MACH SCI TECHNOL - Machining Science and Technology  421  16  
119  NORD PULP PAPER RES J - Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal  1313  15  
120  Solar Energy Materials  1107  15  
121  J BIOACT COMPAT POLYM - Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers  915  15  
122  MECH ADV MATER STRUCT - Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures  684  15  
123  Kolloidchemische Beihefte  591  15  
124  MATER CORROS - Materials and Corrosion-werkstoffe Und Korrosion  7159  14  
125  PARTICULATE SCI TECHNOLOGY - Particulate Science and Technology  963  14  
126  APPL COMPOS MATER - Applied Composite Materials  665  14  
127  COMPOS INTERFACE - Composite Interfaces  658  14  
128  Materials Science Reports  57  14  
129  Metallography  948  13  
130  Texture, Stress, and Microstructure  751  13  
131  J MECH BEHAV BIOMED MATER - Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials  680  13  
132  J THERMOPLAST COMPOS MATER - Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials  586  13  
133  Fibre Science and Technology  526  13  
134  INT J APPL CERAM TECHNOL - International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology  520  13  
135  CEMENT CONCRETE AGGREGATES - Cement Concrete and Aggregates  512  13  
136  Polymer Gels and Networks  180  13  
137  Journal of Applied Metalworking  129  13  
138  MECH COMPOSITE MATER-ENGL TR - Mechanics of Composite Materials  5785  12  
139  MATERIALWISS WERKSTOFFTECH - Materialwissenschaft Und Werkstofftechnik  3697  12  
140  INT J POLYM MATER - International Journal of Polymeric Materials  2212  12  
141  J CELL PLAST - Journal of Cellular Plastics  1664  12  
142  J CERAMIC SOC JPN - Journal of The Ceramic Society of Japan  1584  12  
143  FULLER NANOTUB CARBON NANOSTR - Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures  1354  12  
144  J VINYL ADDITIVE TECHNOL - Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology  1282  12  
145  J POROUS MAT - Journal of Porous Materials  1008  12  
146  J INORG ORGANOMET POLYM MATER - Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials  890  12  
147  Microscopy Microanalysis Microstructures  421  12  
148  GEOSYNTH INT - Geosynthetics International  299  12  
149  Journal of Light Metals  54  12  
150  Journal of The Magnetics Society of Japan  3714  11  
151  Ieej Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials  1580  11  
152  MATER SCI SEMICOND PROCESS - Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing  1233  11  
153  Ndt International  1077  11  
154  IRONMAKING STEELMAKING - Ironmaking & Steelmaking  803  11  
155  INT J CLOTH SCI TECHNOL - International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology  589  11  
156  ADV CEM RES - Advances in Cement Research  321  11  
157  J COMPUT-AIDED MATER DES - Journal of Computer-aided Materials Design  311  11  
158  Supramolecular Science  294  11  
159  BRIT CERAM T - British Ceramic Transactions  279  11  
160  FIBER POLYM - Fibers and Polymers  943  10  
161  POWDER MET - Powder Metallurgy  645  10  
162  INT J MATER PROD TECHNOL - International Journal of Materials & Product Technology  606  10  
163  Tire Science and Technology  511  10  
164  International Journal of Cement Composites and Lightweight Concrete  376  10  
165  ADV APPL CERAM - Advances in Applied Ceramics  365  10  
166  J SANDW STRUCT MATER - Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials  291  10  
167  J ADV CONCR TECHNOL - Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology  263  10  
168  International Journal of High Technology Ceramics  224  10  
169  CAN METALL QUART - Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly  209  10  
170  METAL SCI HEAT TREAT-ENGL TR - Metal Science and Heat Treatment  10901  9  
171  POWD METALL MET CERAM ENGL-TR - Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics  9475  9  
172  MATER SCI-ENGL TR - Materials Science  6868  9  
173  Metal Finishing  4163  9  
174  INORG MATER-ENGL TR - Inorganic Materials  3347  9  
175  ANTI-CORROS METHOD MATER - Anti-corrosion Methods and Materials  1752  9  
176  MET MATER INT - Metals and Materials International  1562  9  
177  Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals  1059  9  
178  J ELASTOM PLAST - Journal of Elastomers and Plastics  936  9  
179  ACS APPL MATER INTERFACES - Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces  821  9  
180  GOLD BULL - Gold Bulletin  780  9  
181  INT J POLYM ANAL CHARACT - International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization  607  9  
182  ADV COMPOS MATER - Advanced Composite Materials  550  9  
183  J ENERG MATER - Journal of Energetic Materials  547  9  
184  PLAST RUBBER COMPOS - Plastics Rubber and Composites  536  9  
185  DES MONOMERS POLYM - Designed Monomers and Polymers  502  9  
186  MATER HIGH TEMP - Materials at High Temperatures  426  9  
187  Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization  340  9  
188  China Particuology  317  9  
189  AMER CERAM SOC BULL - American Ceramic Society Bulletin  246  9  
190  Journal of Heat Treating  190  9  
191  Ceramurgia International  177  9  
192  Metamaterials  133  9  
193  Journal of Materials Shaping Technology  122  9  
194  Sensors Update  117  9  
195  STRENGTH MATER-ENGL TR - Strength of Materials  9303  8  
196  TRANS NONFERROUS METAL SOC CH - Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China  2741  8  
197  J JPN INST METAL - Journal of The Japan Institute of Metals  1128  8  
198  MATER RES-IBERO-AM J MATER - Materials Research-ibero-american Journal of Materials  853  8  
199  Journal of Coatings Technology and Research  467  8  
200  Particuology  438  8  
Journals  Publications   H-Index  

201  Brazilian Oral Research  430  8  
202  SCAND J METALL - Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy  273  8  
203  PLATIN MET REV - Platinum Metals Review  229  8  
204  Process Metallurgy  164  8  
205  J MATER PROCESS MANUF SCI - Journal of Materials Processing & Manufacturing Science  91  8  
206  MECH COMPOS MATER STRUCT - Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures  84  8  
207  Advanced Materials Research  7587  7  
208  Defect and Diffusion Forum  2787  7  
209  KINET CATAL-ENGL TR - Kinetics and Catalysis  1475  7  
210  GLASS PHYS CHEM-ENGL TR - Glass Physics and Chemistry  1081  7  
211  Sealing Technology  963  7  
212  Non-destructive Testing  584  7  
213  ADV MATER OPT ELECTRON - Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics  504  7  
214  J PLAST FILM SHEETING - Journal of Plastic Film & Sheeting  398  7  
215  J MATER SYNTH PROCESS - Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing  235  7  
216  IEEE Transactions on Parts, Materials and Packaging  203  7  
217  BRIT CORROS J - British Corrosion Journal  137  7  
218  Metallomics  112  7  
219  GLASS CERAM-ENGL TR - Glass and Ceramics  9693  6  
220  Metal Powder Report  1925  6  
221  International Journal of Material Forming  1078  6  
222  Journal of The Society of Materials Science, Japan  1031  6  
223  Rare Metals  870  6  
224  Reactivity of Solids  339  6  
225  HIGH TEMP MATER PROCESS-US - High Temperature Material Processes  332  6  
226  SOFT MATER - Soft Materials  231  6  
227  Plastics, Additives and Compounding  230  6  
228  Journal of Materials Engineering  164  6  
229  ADV PERFORM MATER - Advanced Performance Materials  139  6  
230  Handbook of Ferromagnetic Materials  32  6  
231  REFRACT IND CERAM - Refractories and Industrial Ceramics  7467  5  
232  Spie Newsroom  2116  5  
233  J WUHAN UNIV TECHNOL-MAT SCI - Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-materials Science Edition  1647  5  
234  PHYS METALS METALLOGR ENGL TR - Physics of Metals and Metallography  1526  5  
235  Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials  1094  5  
236  Journal of The Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy  743  5  
237  Reinforced Plastics  739  5  
238  INT J MATER RES - International Journal of Materials Research  672  5  
239  Materials  472  5  
240  INT J CAST METALS RES - International Journal of Cast Metals Research  425  5  
241  TRANS INST MET FINISH - Transactions of The Institute of Metal Finishing  303  5  
242  J SUPERHARD MATER - Journal of Superhard Materials  266  5  
243  Journal of Materials for Energy Systems  248  5  
244  Mokuzai Gakkaishi  209  5  
245  International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials  198  5  
246  International Journal of Forming Processes  179  5  
247  Smart Materials Bulletin  124  5  
248  Wood Material Science and Engineering  118  5  
249  RUSS MET-ENGL TR - Russian Metallurgy  1309  4  
250  PROT MET-ENGL TR - Protection of Metals  1001  4  
251  REV METALL-CAH INF TECH - Revue De Metallurgie-cahiers D Informations Techniques  756  4  
252  REV METALURGIA - Revista De Metalurgia  716  4  
253  TETSU TO HAGANE - Tetsu To Hagane-journal of The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan  402  4  
254  Frontiers of Materials Science in China  289  4  
255  Acta Metallurgica Sinica (english Letters)  251  4  
256  Zairyo-to-kankyo  227  4  
257  Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures  206  4  
258  International Journal of Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis  187  4  
259  TRANS INST MIN METALL C-MINER - Transactions of The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section C-mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy  172  4  
260  INT POLYM PROC - International Polymer Processing  161  4  
261  NEW CARBON MATER - New Carbon Materials  138  4  
262  Handbook of Magnetic Materials  76  4  
263  Journal of Wide Bandgap Materials  74  4  
264  Textures and Microstructures  20  4  
265  METALLURGIST-ENGL TR - Metallurgist  9921  3  
266  Korean Journal of Materials Research  930  3  
267  Seikei-kakou  577  3  
268  INT J MINER METALL MATER - International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials  322  3  
269  MATER EVAL - Materials Evaluation  316  3  
270  RARE METAL MAT ENG - Rare Metal Materials and Engineering  295  3  
271  Packaging, Transport, Storage and Security of Radioactive Material  243  3  
272  Journal of Natural Fibers  234  3  
273  International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties  212  3  
274  Npg Asia Materials  154  3  
275  J MIN METALL SECT B-METALL - Journal of Mining and Metallurgy Section B-metallurgy  153  3  
276  International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity  76  3  
277  Recent Patents on Materials Science  73  3  
278  Research Letters in Materials Science  69  3  
279  MRS BULL - Mrs Bulletin  67  3  
280  International Journal of Abrasive Technology  57  3  
281  E-journal of Soft Materials  32  3  
282  Journal of Multiscale Modelling  16  3  
283  Steel in Translation  1139  2  
284  Japan Tappi Journal  699  2  
285  RUSS J NON-FERROUS METALS - Russian Journal of Non-ferrous Metals  448  2  
286  PROT MET PHYS CHEM SURF - Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces  342  2  
287  J MATER SCI TECHNOL - Journal of Materials Science & Technology  327  2  
288  TRANS INDIAN INST MET - Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals  294  2  
289  MATERIA - Materia-rio De Janeiro  235  2  
290  Journal of The Korea Concrete Institute  128  2  
291  ELECTRON MATER LETT - Electronic Materials Letters  116  2  
292  FUNCT MATER LETT - Functional Materials Letters  106  2  
293  STEEL RES INT - Steel Research International  75  2  
294  Advances in Materials Sciences  74  2  
295  Materials Science Monographs  62  2  
296  The Open Materials Science Journal  40  2  
297  International Journal of Materials in Engineering Applications  37  2  
298  Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science  35  2  
299  International Journal of Applied Glass Science  26  2  
300  MATER TECHNOL - Materials Technology  25  2  
301  International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics  25  2  
302  International Journal of Protective Structures  14  2  
303  Spie Reviews  6  2  
304  Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute  212  1  
305  Additives for Polymers  163  1  
306  ADVAN MATER PROCESS - Advanced Materials & Processes  158  1  
307  Journal of The Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers  138  1  
308  Inorganic Materials: Applied Research  111  1  
309  Shikizai Kyokaishi  103  1  
310  Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials  80  1  
311  International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials  77  1  
312  Korean Journal of Metals and Materials  63  1  
313  Z METALLK - Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde  56  1  
314  MATER TRANS JIM - Materials Transactions Jim  52  1  
315  Journal of The Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  51  1  
316  EUR CELLS MATER - European Cells & Materials  48  1  
317  SAMPE J - Sampe Journal  44  1  
318  The Open Corrosion Journal  37  1  
319  FULLERENE SCI TECHNOL - Fullerene Science and Technology  29  1  
320  International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials  26  1  
321  Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media - An International Journal  22  1  
322  KOVOVE MATER-METAL MATER - Kovove Materialy-metallic Materials  17  1  
323  Materials Sciences and Applications  17  1  
324  International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation  14  1  
325  ADV COMPOS LETT - Advanced Composites Letters  11  1  
326  J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER - Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials  12  1  
327  Asian Journal of Materials Science  11  1  
328  Journal of Metallurgy  5  1  
329  Synthesis Lectures on Solid State Materials and Devices  2  1  
330  J INORG MATER - Journal of Inorganic Materials  670  0  
331  MATER PERFORM - Materials Performance  534  0  
332  FIZ METAL METALLOVED - Fizika Metallov I Metallovedenie  86  0  
333  ACTA METALL SIN - Acta Metallurgica Sinica  79  0  
334  TAPPI J - Tappi Journal  69  0  
335  International Journal of Plastics Technology  52  0  
336  J ADV MATER - Journal of Advanced Materials  15  0  
337  MATER SCI-POLAND - Materials Science-poland  12  0  
338  Focus on Polyvinyl Chloride  9  0  
339  International Journal of Corrosion  8  0  
340  Recent Patents on Corrosion Science  8  0  
341  RUBBER CHEM TECHNOL - Rubber Chemistry and Technology  6  0  
342  PHYS CHEM GLASSES - Physics and Chemistry of Glasses  5  0  
343  SILIC INDUSTRIELS - Silicates Industriels  5  0  
344  TRANS INDIAN CERAM SOC - Transactions of The Indian Ceramic Society  5  0  
345  SENSOR MATER - Sensors and Materials  4  0  
346  Ceramics-silikaty  3  0  
347  SCI ENG COMPOS MATER - Science and Engineering of Composite Materials  3  0  
348  GLASS TECHNOL - Glass Technology  2  0  
349  MATER PLAST - Materiale Plastice  2  0  
350  Metall  2  0  
351  Srx Materials Science  2  0  
352  ING QUIM - Ingenieria Quimica  1  0  
353  ARCH METALL - Archives of Metallurgy  1  0  
354  INT J MET - International Journal of Metalcasting  1  0  
355  J CERAM PROCESS RES - Journal of Ceramic Processing Research  2  0  
356  KONA POWDER PART J - Kona Powder and Particle Journal  1  0  
357  MATER SCI RES INT - Materials Science Research International  1  0  
358  POLYM POLYM COMPOSITES - Polymers & Polymer Composites  1  0  
359  REV ADV MATER SCI - Reviews on Advanced Materials Science  1  0  
360  Glass Technology-european Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A  1  0  
361  The Open Ceramic Science Journal  1  0  
362  Synthesis Lectures on Materials Engineering  1  0

[ Last edited by cxksama on 2013-1-16 at 08:54 ]

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