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银虫 (著名写手)

[交流] 编委帮助转投,中的可能性多大?

本人投Green Chemistry被拒,但是编委给我回的E-mail如下:
Thank you for your submission to Green Chemistry which I have read with interest. I regret to inform you however, after consulting with the Editor Sarah Ruthven and Senior Publishing Editor Gisela Scott, this manuscript will not be considered further as a submission to Green Chemistry. I am sorry to say that on this occasion your paper will undergo no further processing because it lacks sufficient impact & novelty to appeal to our broad readership. Green Chemistry communications are expected to present work that is highly original, of immediate interest and likely to have a high impact on the Green Chemistry community. Please note that the rejection rate for Green Chemistry is currently about 75% of submitted manuscripts.
However, I think your paper would be more suited to the scope of RSC Advances. RSC Advances is a new addition to the RSC portfolio of journals, an international, peer-reviewed, online journal covering all of the chemical sciences, including interdisciplinary fields. Please have a look at the first issues published (www.rsc.org/advances). I have spoken to the Senior Publishing Editor, Anna Pendlebury, who would be happy for the paper to be considered for publication in RSC Advances. I can arrange for it to be transferred directly, keeping its original submission date. If you are interested in this opportunity, please resubmit your manuscript through your author centre at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/gc?

Please use this link to resubmit the manuscript to Green Chemistry and we will then transfer it for you.

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木虫 (知名作家)

Tristan_lcy(金币+1): 谢谢参与
9楼2013-01-10 17:01:44
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木虫之王 (文学泰斗)

Tristan_lcy(金币+1): 谢谢参与
3楼2013-01-10 16:31:24
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Tristan_lcy(金币+1): 谢谢参与
11楼2013-01-30 15:50:59
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13楼2013-02-09 21:36:42
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2013-01-10 17:01   回复  
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