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[资源] Chem.Soc.Rev.:金属硫属化合物纳米结构-合成、修饰以及在能源转化和存储器件中的应用

最新一期的Chem. Soc. Rev.刊发了由中科大俞书宏教授课题组撰写的题为Nanostructured metal chalcogenides: synthesis, modification, and applications in energy conversion and storage devices 的综述,详细的介绍了金属硫属化合物纳米结构的合成、修饰以及表征,还有在能源存储和能源转化方面,尤其是能源相关的器件制备组装方面的应用。本文为一篇指导性综述,对基本原理的阐释比较全面。文章32页,引文403篇。
Advanced energy conversion and storage (ECS) devices (including fuel cells, photoelectrochemical water splitting cells, solar cells, Li-ion batteries and supercapacitors) are expected to play a major role in the development of sustainable technologies that alleviate the energy and environmental challenges we are currently facing. The successful utilization of ECS devices depends critically on synthesizing new nanomaterials with merits of low cost, high efficiency, and outstanding properties. Recent progress has demonstrated that nanostructured metal chalcogenides (MCs) are very promising candidates for efficient ECS systems based on their unique physical and chemical properties, such as conductivity, mechanical and thermal stability and cyclability. In this review, we aim to provide a summary on the liquid-phase synthesis, modifications, and energy-related applications of nanostructured metal chalcogenide (MC) materials. The liquid-phase syntheses of various MC nanomaterials are primarily categorized with the preparation method (mainly 15 kinds of methods). To obtain optimized, enhanced or even new properties, the nanostructured MC materials can be modified by other functional nanomaterials such as carbon-based materials, noble metals, metal oxides, or MCs themselves. Thus, this review will then be focused on the recent strategies used to realize the modifications of MC nanomaterials. After that, the ECS applications of the MC/modified-MC nanomaterials have been systematically summarized based on a great number of successful cases. Moreover, remarks on the challenges and perspectives for future MC research are proposed (403 references).
[ 来自科研家族 材料家族 ]
Nanostructured metal chalcogenides: synthesis, modification, and applications in energy conversion and storage devices.jpg

[ Last edited by xiejf on 2013-1-10 at 08:59 ]

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纳米技术与能源及模拟 纳米机理 先进材料 万卷阁之搜神记
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