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木虫 (正式写手)

[交流] Multiple PhD studentship openings in UK (CSC公派申请者截止日期FEB 20th)

PhD studentship openings

Dr XU in mechanical engineering department of Northumbria University now is seeking PhD students from polymer/materials/mechanical engineering or physics to work in multiple academic researching areas as: smart shape memory polymer system, surface instability in soft mater, polymer MEMS/NEMS, stimuli-responsive polyelectrolyte, polymer surface and interface, functional polymer hydrogel.

The candidate is expected to hold at least two skills/experiences from the list blow:

1. Functional polymeric materials background, surface treatment, and general polymer/materials characterizations (IR,NMR,DSC,DMA,TGA,etc), plastic/elastomer engineering experiences.
2. FEM/FEA, or other simulation experience such as matlab,
3. Micro-fabrication/micro-engineering of polymer thin film, or MEMS/NEMS experiences,
4. Excellent personal communication and paper writing skills,
5. Photonics physics, fluorescence imaging in polymer system,or ion/electron beam experience, especially specialized in laser operation, fluorescence microscopy,
6. stimuli-responsive materials experiences, Biomedical device experience,
7. Mechanical materials background with Labview based equipment system experience.

Candidates with multi-disciplines research background/degree are highly desired but not essential. The university scholarship will cover the tuition fee plus a salary of at least 12000 GBP P.A. for three years. There are some part-time TA positions in university can be accessed as additional incomes. For most of the PhDs being trained in UK high education system, the doctoral study will be completed in 3-4 years, as they meet the general requirement from university and school.

The ideal candidates will be at his final year of master study, or will get his/her degree within 12 months. Final year undergraduates with research project experiences are also welcomed for applying. If interested, please send your cover letter, research statement, detailed CV with contact information and two referee's contact information to: xubinice@gmail.com

English level: The minimal IELTS score for enrollment is 6.0, or equivalent IBT scores. Candidates should submit the score with the application pack through the university postgraduate enrollment system.  

About Living Costs in Newcastle:  
The cost of living in Newcastle is among the lowest in the UK. The amount you will need depends on your lifestyle, but we estimate that the minimum amount required by a single student to cover basic living expenses (e.g. shared accommodation with bills, food,etc) is around £600 per month.

[ Last edited by xubinice on 2013-1-21 at 03:24 ]

English level: The minimal IELTS score for enrollment is 6.5, or IBT 89. Candidates should submit the score with the application pack through the university postgraduate enrollment system.

[ Last edited by xubinice on 2013-2-6 at 06:41 ]


[ Last edited by xubinice on 2013-2-12 at 23:14 ]
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木虫 (正式写手)

4楼: Originally posted by 278887987_88 at 2013-01-02 16:13:39

5楼2013-01-04 22:18:46
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至尊木虫 (著名写手)



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2楼2013-01-01 23:09:46
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4楼2013-01-02 16:13:39
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