聚合物粘弹性介绍-第三版 原名: Introduction to Polymer Viscoelasticity
中文名: 聚合物粘弹性介绍-第三版原名: Introduction to Polymer Viscoelasticity
作者: Montgomery T. Shaw
William J. MacKnight图书
分类: 科技
资源格式: PDF
版本: 文字版
出版社: John Wiley & Sons.
书号: 9780471740452
发行时间: 2005年08月08日
地区: 美国
语言: 英文
A revised molecular approach to a classic on viscoelastic behavior.
Because viscoelasticity affects the properties, appearance, processing, and performance of polymers such as rubber, plastic, and adhesives, a proper utilization of such polymers requires a clear understanding of viscoelastic behavior.
Now in its third edition, Introduction to Polymer Viscoelasticity remains a classic in the literature of molecular viscoelasticity, bridging the gap between primers on polymer science and advanced research-level monographs. Assuming a molecular, rather than a mechanical approach, the text provides a strong grounding in the fundamental concepts, detailed derivations, and particular attention to assumptions, simplifications, and limitations.
1. Introduction.
2. Phenomenological treatment of viscoelasticity.
3. Viscoelastic models.
4. Time-temperature correspondence.
5. Transitions and relaxation in polymers.
6. Elasticity of rubbery networks.
7. Dielectric and NMR methods.
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