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[交流] 雅思小作文常用词汇和表达(外语路上,与风同行)已有3人参与


  上升动词类: increase, go up, rise up, grow up, jump up, surge, shoot up, keep an upward tendency

  下降动词类: decrease, go down, decline, fall down, drop, sink, dip, keep a downward tendency

  波动动词类: fluctuate

  持平动词类: remain the same, stabilize, remain stable, remain constant

  修饰动词的副词: slightly 轻微地, slowly 缓慢地, gradually 逐渐地, steadily 稳定地, rapidly 迅速地, moderately 温和地, 轻微地, significantly 明显地, sharply 明显地, dramatically急剧地, drastically 急剧地

  上升名词类: increase, rise, growth, jump, surge

  下降名词类: decrease, decline, fall, reduction, drop

  波动名词类: fluctuation

  修饰名词的形容词: slight, slow, gradual, steady, rapid, moderate, significant, sharp, dramatic, drastic


  最高点: reach the peak/top/highest point

  Increase to the peak/top/highest point(所有上升类的动词都可以替换掉increase)

  最低点: reach the bottom/lowest point

  drop to the bottom/lowest point(所有下降类的动词都可以替换掉drop)

  占的最多: occupy/make up/take up/account for the largest proportion/number/percentage of …

  占的最少: occupy/make up/take up/account for the smallest proportion/number/percentage of …


  Double 是两倍/大一倍

  Increase/decrease three times 增长/减少了三倍


  About/around + 数字

  数字 + or so

  Approximately + 数字


  句式一: 变化主体/图画中主体+趋势动词+副词+时间区间

  Eg: The number of aged people over 65 increased significantly from 1940-2000.

  The number of aged people over 65 dropped slightly from 1960-1980.

  The number of aged people over 65 fluctuated between 1 million and 1.2 million from 1940-1950.

  The number of aged people over 65 remained stable from 1930-1940.

  句式二: There be + 形容词 + 表示趋势的名词 + in+ 变化的主体+ 时间区间

  Eg: There was an significant increase in the number of aged people over 65 from 1940-2000.

  There was a slight decline in the number of aged people over 65 from 1960-1980.

  There was a fluctuation between 1 million and 1.2 million from 1940-1950.
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荣誉版主 (知名作家)



4楼2012-08-25 13:09:18
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