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金虫 (小有名气)

[求助] 这真的是传说中的约稿吗?

The Editors-in-Chief of International Journal of Coal Geology, Shifeng Dai, Özgen Karacan and Ralf Littke invite you to submit your best review articles to the Journal.

International Journal of Coal Geology saw its impact factor grow by 23%, from 2.069* in 2011 to 2.542** in 2012, and also reached the 200,000 download mark last year. Publishing your papers in International Journal of Coal Geology therefore ensures they get the highest exposure and visibility.

A selection of top review articles for free

To get a glimpse of International Journal of Coal Geology, we would like to offer you a selection of the journal's 2011 top review articles for free on ScienceDirect for a period of 3 months:

Coal mine methane: A review of capture and utilization practices with benefits to mining safety and to greenhouse gas reduction
Karacan, C.Ö-., Ruiz, F.A., Cotè, M., Phipps, S.
Volume 86, Issue 2-3, Page 121-156, May 2011

Influence of soil cover on reducing the environmental impact of spontaneous coal combustion in coal waste gobs: A review and new experimental data
Querol, X., Zhuang, X., Font, O., Izquierdo, M., Alastuey, A., Castro, I., van Drooge, B.L., Moreno, T., Grimalt, J.O., Elvira, J., Cabañas, M., Bartroli, R., Hower, J.C., Ayora, C., Plana, F., López-Soler, A.
Volume 85, Issue 1, Page 2-22, January 2011

CBM and CO 2-ECBM related sorption processes in coal: A review
Busch, A., Gensterblum, Y.
Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 49-71, August 2011

Geochemistry of trace elements in Chinese coals: A review of abundances, genetic types, impacts on human health, and industrial utilization
Dai, S., Ren, D., Chou, C.-L., Finkelman, R.B., Seredin, V.V., Zhou, Y.
Volume 94, Page 3-21, May 2012

Estimating long-term world coal production with logit and probit transforms
Rutledge, D.
Volume 85, Issue 1, Page 23-33, January 2011

We look forward to receiving your submissions.
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至尊木虫 (文坛精英)



感谢参与,应助指数 +1
秋天白云: 金币+1, 感谢交流! 2012-08-20 09:12:34
你这样问的话,应该是群发的。invite you to submit  - SUBMIT就是投稿,还是要审。
2楼2012-08-19 15:46:16
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