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金虫 (正式写手)

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13C NMR (101 MHz, Acetone) δ 178.56, 149.11, 142.33, 134.67, 109.94, 107.41, 70.35, 56.97, 48.64, 48.29, 40.58, 39.06, 33.01, 27.71, 26.24, 24.66, 23.66, 12.86, 11.71.

13C NMR (151 MHz, Acetone) δ 183.51, 165.04, 164.12, 162.90, 162.13, 156.45, 128.96, 122.93, 116.79, 105.33, 103.61, 99.80, 99.50.(这个应该是个双黄酮分子量为538)

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金虫 (正式写手)

mrdone.0907: 回帖置顶 2012-08-18 21:29:30
13C NMR (101 MHz, Acetone) δ 11.71, 12.86, 23.66, 24.66, 26.24, 27.71, 33.01, 39.06, 40.58, 48.29, 48.64, 56.97, 70.35, 107.41, 109.94, 134.67, 142.33, 149.11,178.56.
  13C NMR (151 MHz, Acetone) δ  99.50, 99.80, 103.61, 105.33, 116.79, 122.93, 128.96, 156.45, 162.13, 162.90, 164.12, 165.04,183.51.
5楼2012-08-18 21:29:05
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木虫 (正式写手)


2楼2012-08-18 15:43:38
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木虫 (正式写手)


3楼2012-08-18 15:45:55
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4楼2012-08-18 16:00:23
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木虫 (正式写手)



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感谢参与,应助指数 +1
jiangchunyong: 金币+1, 谢谢 2012-08-20 09:35:36
mrdone.0907: 金币+5, 有帮助 2012-08-20 19:15:14

1 .     henrilabdane A
C20H32O4     相似度:50%
Phytochemistry          2008          69          2867-2874
Bis-sesquiterpenes and diterpenes from Chloranthus henryi
Chuang-Jun Li, Dong-Ming Zhang, Yong-Ming Luo, Shi-Shan Yu, Yan Li, Yang Lu
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


2 .     16-Methyl-12,15-epoxy-8(17),13-labdadien-19-oic acid
C20H30O3     相似度:50%
Journal of Asian Natural Products Research          2006          8          677-682
Labdane diterpenes from the seeds of Platycladus orientalis
X.-Y. REN and Y. YE
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


3 .     lambertianic acid
C20H28O3     相似度:50%
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica          2005          Vol 40          435-437
Studies on chemical constituents of Pinus armandii
YANG Xin; DING Yi; SUN Zhi-hao; ZHANG Dong-ming
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图

6楼2012-08-20 07:00:02
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木虫 (正式写手)



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mrdone.0907: 金币+5, 有帮助 2012-08-20 19:15:49

溶剂选项: 全部 CDCl3 CD3CD2OD CD2Cl2 C5D5N C3D7NO CD3SOCD3 C4D8O (CH3)4Si C4D8O2 CD3COOD C4D8O2 H2O D2O CF3COOD CD3OD ND3 CD3COCD3 C6D6 CD3CN 查询空值  
匹配容差: (数字格式,可自行设定)
相似度:  %(相似度>=50%)  


1 .     apigenin
Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs          2010          41          526-529
Flavonoids from Ficus sarmentosa var. henryi
WANG Xue-gui; SHEN Li-tao; ZENG Yun-yun; TIAN Yong-qing; XU Han-hong
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


2 .     apigenin
Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs          2006          37          1622-1626
Flavonoids isolated from flowers of Althaea rosea
FENG Yu-lin; LI Yun-qiu; XU Li-zhen; YANG Shi-lin
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


3 .     acacetin
Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal          2009          44          894-897
Studies on Chemical Constituents of Flos Chrysanthemi indici
BI Yue-feng, PAN Cheng-xue, WANG Pu-ju, PEI Shan-shan, ZHANG Yan-bing, LIU Hong-min
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


4 .     6-Demethoxycapillarisin
Phytochemistry          1991          30          3837-3838
2-Phenoxychromones and a structurally related flavone from leaves ofRosa rugosa
Yyasuyuki Hashidoko, Satoshi Tahara, Junya Mizutani
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


5 .     apigenin
Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs          2009          40          1712-1715
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


6 .     tricin
Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal          2010          45          980-983
The Chemical Constituents of Chrysanthemi indici L.(Ⅱ)
BI Yue-feng, JIA Lu, SUN Xiao-li, WANG Pu-Ju, LIU Xiao-qing, ZHANG Yan-bing
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


7 .     Atalantoflavone
C20H16O5     相似度:58.8%
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry          2010          48          83-88
Complete 1H and 13C NMR data assignment of new constituents from Severinia buxifolia (pages 83–88)
Markus Bacher, Günter Brader, Harald Greger and Otmar Hofer
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


8 .     6-Demethoxy-4'-O-methylcapillarisin
Phytochemistry          1991          30          3837-3838
2-Phenoxychromones and a structurally related flavone from leaves ofRosa rugosa
Yyasuyuki Hashidoko, Satoshi Tahara, Junya Mizutani
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


9 .     chrysoeriol
Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs          2010          41          526-529
Flavonoids from Ficus sarmentosa var. henryi
WANG Xue-gui; SHEN Li-tao; ZENG Yun-yun; TIAN Yong-qing; XU Han-hong
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


10 .     apigenin
Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs          2010          41          1957-1960
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


11 .     cirsimaritin
Journal of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University          2006          23          212-215
Chemical constituents of Isodon lophanthoides (Buch. Ham. ex D. Don) Hara var. gerandianus (Benth.) Hara
ZHANG Long, ZHOU Guang-xiong, LI Qian, DAI Yi, YE Wen-cai, YAO Xin-sheng
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


12 .     chrysin
Journal of Natural Products          1997          60          632-634
Two New Biflavonoids from Ochna obtusata
K. V. Rao, K. Sreeramulu, C. Venkata Rao, and D. Gunasekar
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


13 .     lupinalbin A
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica          2008          Vol 43          67-70
Chemical constituents from Spatholobus sinensis
YIN Ting; LIU Hua; WANG Bin; TU Guang-zhong; LIANG Hong; ZHAO Yu-ying
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


14 .     norartocarpetin
Phytochemistry          1995          39          1447-1451
Flavonoids from Artocarpus heterophyllus
Chun-Nan Lin, Chai-Ming Lu, Pao-Lin Huang
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


15 .     apigenin
Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs          2005          36          17-20
Flavonoids and spiro-lactones from Hypericum hookerianum
罗蕾; 李祖强; 马国义
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


16 .     Luteolin
Records of Natural Products          2011          5          12-21
Relationship Between Chemical Structure and Antioxidant Activity of Luteolin and Its Glycosides Isolated from Thymus sipyleus subsp. sipyleus var. sipyleus
Ufuk Özgen*, Ahmet Mavi, Zeynep Terzi, Cavit Kazaz, Ali Asçı, Yusuf Kaya and Hasan Seçen
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


17 .     dinklagin B
C20H18O6     相似度:50%
Phytochemistry          2002          61          99-104
Dinklagins A, B and C: three prenylated flavonoids and other constituents from the twigs of Dorstenia dinklagei
Bonaventure T. Ngadjui, Etienne Dongo, Berhanu M. Abegaz,Serge Fotso, Helene Tamboue
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


18 .     3,6,8-Trihydroxy-1-methylxanthone
C14H10O5     相似度:50%
Journal of Natural Products          2003          66          706-708
Two New Xanthone Derivatives from the Algicolous Marine Fungus Wardomyces anomalus
Ahmed Abdel-Lateff, Christine Klemke, Gabriele M. Knig, and Anthony D. Wright
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


19 .     (±)-3-hydroxyvestitone
C16H14O6     相似度:50%
Chemistry of Natural Compounds          2001          37          29-31
N. I. Kulesh, O. B. Maksimov,V. A. Denisenko, and V. P. Glazunov
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


20 .     4',5,7-trihydroxyflavone-(6→8'')-4''',5''-dihydroxy-7''-methoxyflavone
Phytochemistry          1999          51          833-838
A flavone dimer from Ouratea hexasperma
Isabel C.Moreira, Mario G. de Carvalho, Ana Beatriz F.O. Bastos, Raimundo Braz-Filho
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


21 .     6-dernethoxy-7-methylcapillarisin
C16H12O6     相似度:50%
Journal of Natural Products          1993          Vol 56          275
Three New 2-Phenoxychromones from the Leaves of Epimedium sagittatum
Yu-Lin Huang, Jun-Chih Ou, Chief-Fu Chen, Chien-Chih Chen
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


22 .     5,7,4'-Trihydroxy-6-(3-methylbut-3-enyl)flavone
C20H18O5     相似度:50%
Phytochemistry          1994          37          893-898
Two isoflavones and a flavone from the fruits of Maclura pomifera
Giuliano Delle Monache, Rosalba Scurria, Alberto Vitali, Bruno Botta, Barbara Monacelli, Gabriella Pasqua, Cleofe Palocci, Enrico Cernia
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


23 .     gancaonin O
Phytochemistry          1991          30          1245-1250
Six prenylated phenols from Glycyrrhiza uralensis
Toshio Fukai, Wang Qing-Hua, Taro Nomura
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


24 .     erodiol
C14H8O7     相似度:50%
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B          2005          60b          555-560
Tannins and Flavonoids from the Erodium cicutarium Herb
Izabela Fecka and Wojciech Cisowski
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


25 .     山柰甲黄素
Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs          2009          40          366-368
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


26 .     4',5,7-trihydroxy-8-methylflavanone
Natural Product Research and Development          2009          21          612-615
Flavonoids from the Aerial Parts of Rhododendron primulaeflorum
LI Xue-feng;JIN Hui-zi; CHEN Gang; YANG Ming; ZHU Yan; SHEN Yun-heng; YAN Shi-kai; ZHANG Wei-dong
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


27 .     Genkwanin
C16H12O5     相似度:50%
Chemistry of Natural Compounds          2011          47          132-134
Genkwanin and iridoid glycosides from Leonurus turkestanicus
I. M. Isaev, M. A. Agzamova and M. I. Isaev
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


28 .     1,3,6-trihydroxy-8-methyl-9H-xanthen-9-one
C14H10O5     相似度:50%
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni          2009          48(4)          133-136
The Secondary Metabolites of the Mangrove Endophytic Fungus(ZZF13) from the South China Sea
XIA Xuekui, LI Qing, SHAO Changlun, LIU Changheng, SHE Zhigang, LIN Yongcheng
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


29 .     1,3,6-trihydroxyl-8-methyl-xanthone
C14H10O5     相似度:50%
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni          2007          46(6)          59-62
Study on Secondary Metabolites and Biological Activities from Mangrove Endophytic Fungus NO.SBE-14
GUO Zhi-yong, WEN Lu, HUANG Zhong-jing, ZOU Kun, SHE Zhi-gang, LIN yong-cheng, FU Li-wu
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图


30 .     Chrysoeriol
C16H12O6     相似度:50%
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry          2011          59          9581-9587
Isolation and Identification of Flavonoids Accumulated in Proanthocyanidin-free Barley
Hiroshi Nakano, Naoyuki Kawada, Mitsuru Yoshida, Hiroshi Ono, Rika Iwaura, and Takuji Tonooka
Structure      13C NMR   碳谱模拟图

7楼2012-08-20 07:01:07
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