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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)

[资源] 最新 2012 science 关于石墨烯的几篇文章

奉上几篇2012 science 上有关graphene的文献,请大家捧场!放心下载,不需金币哈!
1、Electromechanical Properties of Graphene Drumheads ;Science 336, 1557 (2012);
We determined the electromechanical properties of a suspended graphene layer by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) measurements, as well as computational simulations of the graphene-membrane mechanics and morphology. A graphene membrane was continuously deformed by controlling the competing interactions with a STM probe tip and the electric field from a back-gate electrode. The probe tip–induced deformation created a localized strain field in the graphene lattice. STS measurements on the deformed suspended graphene display an electronic spectrum completely different from that of graphene supported by a substrate. The spectrum indicates the formation of a spatially confined quantum dot, in agreement with recent predictions of confinement by strain-induced pseudomagnetic fields.
2、Dislocation-Driven Deformations in Graphene ;Science 337, 209 (2012);
The movement of dislocations in a crystal is the key mechanism for plastic deformation in all materials. Studies of dislocations have focused on three-dimensional materials, and there is little experimental evidence regarding the dynamics of dislocations and their impact at the atomic level on the lattice structure of graphene. We studied the dynamics of dislocation pairs in graphene, recorded with single-atom sensitivity. We examined stepwise dislocation movement along the zig-zag lattice direction mediated either by a single bond rotation or through the loss of two carbon atoms. The strain fields were determined, showing how dislocations deform graphene by elongation and compression of C-C bonds, shear, and lattice rotations.
3、Field-Effect Tunneling Transistor Based on Vertical Graphene Heterostructures;Science 335, 947 (2012);
An obstacle to the use of graphene as an alternative to silicon electronics has been the absence of an energy gap between its conduction and valence bands, which makes it difficult to achieve low power dissipation in the OFF state. We report a bipolar field-effect transistor that exploits the low density of states in graphene and its one-atomic-layer thickness. Our prototype devices are graphene terostructures with atomically thin boron nitride or molybdenum disulfide acting as a vertical
transport barrier. They exhibit room-temperature switching ratios of ≈50 and ≈10,000, respectively. Such devices have potential for high-frequency operation and large-scale integration.[ Last edited by 海天天意 on 2012-7-26 at 23:30 ]

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石墨烯知识汇总 先进材料 英文文献或者教材 石墨烯与碳纳米管
石墨烯小百科 科研 石墨烯碳纳米管技术顶级参考 石墨烯量子点
科研常识 无机纳米材料 申请留学 关于锂电电池的资源合集
石墨烯-高分子复合材料 石墨烯 环境能源科学 锂电合成方面的文献
石墨烯功能修饰及其复合材料的制备及表征 化学教材 计算机模拟 宇宙超级无敌霹雳囧死人不偿命纳米材料(石
GS文献 等离子体技术、薄膜及新材料 点滴 精华
weiweipeng的专辑 科研与生活 Graphene 学习资料
come的资源小站 Science and Nature

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