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[交流] Angew最新综述:从纳米石墨烯、石墨烯纳米带到石墨烯片---化学合成方法已有55人参与

最新一期的Angewandte Chemie International Edition刊发了由德国马普研究所K. Mllen教授课题组合作撰写的关于纳米石墨烯的minireview,该课题组近年来一直致力于纳米石墨烯的合成及其性质研究,本篇综述算是对该领域的一个小结。本综述着重于纳米石墨烯的化学合成,综述了现有的合成途径并做了一定的展望。文章15页,引文93篇。
Graphene, an individual two-dimensional, atomically thick sheet of graphite composed of a hexagonal network of sp2 carbon atoms, has been intensively investigated since its first isolation in 2004, which was based on repeated peeling of highly oriented pyrolyzed graphite (HOPG). The extraordinary electronic, thermal, and mechanical properties of graphene make it a promising candidate for practical applications in electronics, sensing, catalysis, energy storage, conversion, etc. Both the theoretical and experimental studies proved that the properties of graphene are mainly dependent on their geometric structures. Precise control over graphene synthesis is therefore crucial for probing their fundamental physical properties and introduction in promising applications. In this Minireview, we highlight the recent progress that has led to the successful chemical synthesis of graphene with a range of different sizes and chemical compositions based on both top-down and bottom-up strategies.

[ 来自科研家族 材料家族 ]

[ Last edited by xiejf on 2012-7-9 at 08:46 ]

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