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The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) is a multidisciplinary center for climate and Earth system research located in Hamburg, Germany. It has an internationally recog-nized reputation in climate modelling. The MPI-M, in cooperation with partners throughout Germany, is proud to announce a new initiative on High Definition Clouds and Precipitation for Climate Prediction, HD(CP)2. In support of this initiative, up to fifty scientists are sought, with expertise spanning a wide range of topics, from meteorology to climate science, from computational fluid dynamics to high performance computing, from remote sensing to data integration and coordination.
HD(CP)2 has three components: (i) to develop the capacity to simulate climate processes using the next generation earth-system model, ICON, at grid resolutions of hundreds of me-ters, over large areas such as northwest Europe; (ii) to integrate data from observational sites around northwest Europe for the evaluation of these simulations; (iii) to develop tech-niques for using the results from these simulations to develop state-of-the-art parameteriza-tions for use in conventional climate models. The simulations performed through the HD(CP)2 initiative are expected to be among the most advanced, and most computationally demanding, of any simulations performed world-wide, and provide opportunities to work at the exciting interface between state of the art high-performance computing and numerical simulations of clouds and convection, on some of the most profound and pressing questions in all of climate science.
In support of the HD(CP)2 initiative the MPI-M intends to fill six open positions to begin after October 1st 2012:
Project Coordinator (m/f) – SAS2012-03 –
This individual will provide the day-to-day lead, and will work to support the HD(CP)2 scien-tific steering committee in the coordination of the overall project. The project coordinator will organize project meetings and will be responsible for managing communication and report-ing to the funding agency. Prerequisites for the position include excellent organizational and communication skills, fluency in written and spoken German and English, a track record of research on HD(CP)2 related topics, as well as a Ph.D. in meteorology, oceanography, physics, or related fields. An interest in the management and coordination of large scientific projects, and a willingness to travel to meet with project partners throughout Germany, is also desired.
4 Scientist/Postdocs (m/f) – SAS2012-04 (i-iv) –
Individuals with a PhD in Meteorology or a related field, interest and expertise in high-resolution numerical simulations of clouds and convection are sought. Scholars with a track record of accomplishments using large-eddy or cloud resolving simulations and with experience working in high-performance computing environments are particularly desired.
The four positions respectively focus on: (i) The development of very high-resolution benchmarking simulations, including sensitivity studies centred around the representation of cloud microphysical processes, using standard large-eddy simulation techniques over idealized domains; (ii) the development of new methods for representing ice microphysical processes in high-resolution simulations; (iii) the implementation and testing of sub-grid-scale processes, especially microphysical processes, within the HD(CP)2 model; (iv) the model development lead, or master HD(CP)2 model user who will help oversee the model development, and be involved in the routine testing, development and evaluation of the prototype simulations.
For each of the above positions, but particularly for position (iv), an ability to communicate effectively with other model developers and experts in high-performance computing is also desired. For all the positions excellent programming skills (Fortran), and an ability and desire to work as part of a team to help maintain a clean, robust, and flexible source code are essential skills, as are the ability to communicate effectively in spoken and written English.
1 Scientist/Postdoc (m/f) – SAS2012-08 –
An individual with a PhD in applied mathematics, computational fluid dynamics, meteorolo-gy, oceanography, engineering or related fields is sought to develop and implement inter-face tracking methods in a large-scale model using level set techniques. Excellent pro-gramming skills, and an ability to communicate effectively in spoken and written English is desired. A proven track record in mathematical methods related to the numerical solution of partial differential equations is required.
The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) is located in the heart of Hamburg, Ger-many, one of Europe’s most liveable and vibrant cities. The MPI-M provides a highly international and interdisciplinary environment for conducting scientific research as well as access to state of the art scientific facilities. For further information, including a more detailed description of the open positions, or a more detailed description of the HD(CP)2 project as a whole, please contact Bjorn Stevens (bjorn.stevens(at)mpimet.mpg.de). Applications should be forwarded to the address indicated below.
The open positions are initially offered for two years, with the possibility and expectation of extension to a third year dependent on a successful mid-term review. Payment will be in ac-cordance with experience following the German public service positions (TVoeD E13/14), which include extensive social security plans. The conditions of employment, including up-grades and duration, follow the rules of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Sciences and those of the German civil service. The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology seeks to increase the number of female scientist and encourages them to apply. Handi-capped persons with comparable qualifications receive preferential status.
The selection process will start on 1. September 2012 and will continue until the positions are filled. Successful candidates are expected to start before the end of the year. Please submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone num-bers of at least two references via E-Mail: jobs@vw.mpimet.mpg.de (1 pdf-attachment with max. 5 MB only), or by post to:
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Administration (SAS2012-03, 04 or 08)
Bundesstrasse 53
D-20146 Hamburg, Germany
Reiner Letscher
Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie
Ansprechpartner: Bjorn Stevens (bjorn.stevens@zmaw.de |