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[资源] Advanced Materials最新综述---金纳米棒:合成、自组装和传感应用

最新一期的权威杂志Advanced Materials刊发了题为Functional Gold Nanorods: Synthesis, Self-Assembly, and Sensing Applications的综述文章,文章综述了纳米金的合成以及自组装的研究现状,并对金纳米棒在传感领域的应用。

Gold nanorods have received much attention due to their unique optical and electronic properties which are dependent on their shape, size, and aspect ratio. This article covers in detail the synthesis, functionalization, self-assembly, and sensing applications of gold nanorods. The synthesis of three major types of rods is discussed: single-crystalline and pentahedrally-twinned rods, which are synthesized by wet chemistry methods, and polycrystalline rods, which are synthesized by templated deposition. Functionalization of these rods is usually necessary for their applications, but can often be problematic due to their surfactant coating. Thus, general strategies are provided for the covalent and noncovalent functionalization of gold nanorods. The review will then examine the significant progress that has been made in controllable assembly of nanorods into various arrangements. This assembly can have a large effect on measurable properties of rods, making it particularly applicable towards sensing of a variety of analytes. Other types of sensing not dependent on nanorod assembly, such as refractive-index based sensing, are also discussed.

[ 来自科研家族 材料家族 ]

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木虫 (著名写手)

★★★ 三星级,支持鼓励

159楼2012-08-04 00:21:49
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2012-06-28 16:50   回复  
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2012-06-28 17:08   回复  
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2012-06-28 17:20   回复  
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2012-06-28 17:54   回复  
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2012-06-28 18:27   回复  
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2012-06-28 19:40   回复  
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2012-06-28 20:11   回复  
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2012-06-28 20:12   回复  
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2012-06-28 20:36   回复  
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2012-06-28 20:51   回复  
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2012-06-28 21:05   回复  
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