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[×ÊÔ´] 2012¹«ÅɸÄÇ©¡¢µÚ¶þÂÖÉêÇë»ò2013³ö¹úµÄº¥Ä·»ô×È¿Õ¼äÉúÃü¿ÆѧÑо¿Ôº

Helmholtz Space Life Sciences Research School (SpaceLife)
Position:        PhD Student
Host Institution: Institute of Aerospace Medicine£¬DLR

Research Area:         
SpaceLife offers a comprehensive and interdisciplinary training for doctoral students from different fields. In each generation, up to 25 students from any country can participate in the three-year program. Project language is English.
The scientific training is provided in cooperation with several German universities (Aachen, Berlin, Bonn, Erlangen-N¨¹rnberg, Kiel, Köln, DSHS Köln, Magdeburg, Marburg, M¨¹nchen, Regensburg) in a superb and vibrant research environment with state of the art facilities and cutting edge research projects. Students will learn to develop integrated concepts to solve health issues in human spaceflight and in related disease patterns on Earth, and to further explore the requirements for life in extreme environments, enabling a better understanding of the ecosystem Earth and the search for life on other planets in unmanned and manned missions.
Prospective students can choose one out of more than 19 challenging research projects offered by our faculty members. Although students specialize in a particular research topic (Radiobiology, Gravitational Biology, Astrobiology, Space Physiology), the interdisciplinary context of the program facilitates interactions with other research groups and fosters the ability of cross-frontier thinking. Laboratory work is supplemented by lectures, a students¡¯ workshop, journal clubs, elective courses, soft skills training, exchanges with partner universities or partner organizations, and participation in national or international conferences.

Specific Requirements:          
-        study in any Life Science or Physics related to the research topics (e.g. biology, human biology, biochemistry, physiology, anatomy, biotechnology, microbiology, physics, chemistry, veterinary medicine, biomechanical engineering, and nutrition or sports sciences) finished with high marks and a Diploma or Master degree that qualifies for starting a PhD study in Germany. Candidates who are about to earn their degree are welcome to apply.
-        fluently spoken and written English is essential
-        basic laboratory experience / clinical study experience (dependent on research topic)
-        strong interest in Space Life Sciences
-        high motivation and dedication for scientific working
-        ability to work creatively in a multidisciplinary team
-        knowledge of standard word processing and spreadsheet software

Work Place:        Cologne, Kiel, Munich, Magdeburg or Erlangen
Earliest Start:         October 2012 (later start in 2013 is possible)
Language Course:        Fluency in English is necessary, German language course at DLR
Further Information:         Please check the SpaceLife webpage: http://www.dlr.de/me/spacelife
Address for application: Please send your application to spacelife@dlr.de

[ Last edited by flyingskynk on 2012-5-31 at 19:26 ]

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3Â¥2012-05-09 12:53:24
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3Â¥: Originally posted by huizihappy at 2012-05-09 12:53:24:

4Â¥2012-05-09 16:03:11
ÒÑÔÄ   »Ø¸´´ËÂ¥   ¹Ø×¢TA ¸øTA·¢ÏûÏ¢ ËÍTAºì»¨ TAµÄ»ØÌû


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6Â¥2012-05-12 15:34:54
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2Â¥2012-05-09 12:41:22
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5Â¥2012-05-12 08:58:33
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