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[ÇóÖú] ¹ØÓÚJournal of Separation ScienceͶ¸å

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[ Last edited by avast2009 on 2012-4-22 at 21:14 ]

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dengmao: ½ð±Ò+1, ¡ïÓаïÖú 2012-04-13 16:41:28
2Â¥2012-04-13 16:01:44
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dengmao: ½ð±Ò+1, ¡ïÓаïÖú 2012-04-13 16:41:36
Author Services

Manuscript Submission

To ensure fast publication we kindly ask you to follow the "Instructions for Authors" (PDF, 178k). To be sure that all relevant items are considered for the submission, please use the Checklist for Authors in English (PDF, 25k) or in Chinese (PDF, 88k).
All standard abbreviations and acronyms to be used without definition in the articles published in the Journal of Separation Science could be found "here" (PDF, 51k).
3Â¥2012-04-13 16:18:06
ÒÑÔÄ   »Ø¸´´ËÂ¥   ¹Ø×¢TA ¸øTA·¢ÏûÏ¢ ËÍTAºì»¨ TAµÄ»ØÌû


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dengmao: ½ð±Ò+1, ¡ïÓаïÖú 2012-04-13 16:41:47
4Â¥2012-04-13 16:21:25
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ľ³æ (ÖøÃûдÊÖ)

3Â¥: Originally posted by blue.wh at 2012-04-13 16:18:06:
Author Services

Manuscript Submission

To ensure fast publication we kindly ask you to follow th ...

Just Accepted Manuscripts  ÄÄÀïÓÐÄØ£¿
5Â¥2012-04-13 16:46:15
ÒÑÔÄ   »Ø¸´´ËÂ¥   ¹Ø×¢TA ¸øTA·¢ÏûÏ¢ ËÍTAºì»¨ TAµÄ»ØÌû


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3 Online submission of manuscripts
3.1 Electronic manuscripts
Please follow the instructions in Section 5 ¡°Organization of manuscripts¡± when preparing the electronic version of the manuscript and ensure that data are given in the correct order and style for the journal.
Main text (incl. front material), Tables, and figure legends (in this order) should be collected in a single file as doc or rtf formats (Word 2003 or older, not as docx files). Figures should be uploaded each separately.
Data should be typed unjustified, without hyphenation except for compound words. Use the Enter key only to end headings and paragraphs.
Do not use the space bar to make indents; where these are required (e.g. tables) use the TAB key.
If working in Word for Windows, please create special characters through Insert/Symbol.
All figures should be in TIFF, JPG, EPS, or the original format. Each figure should be submitted in a separate file and should have the following resolution:
Type Resolution
Graphs 800¨C1200 DPI
Photo 400¨C800 DPI
Color (only CMYK) 300¨C400 DPI
All submissions will be converted to PDF format during the upload process. The system automatically generates one PDF file which contains all parts of the manuscript. It is not necessary to submit the graphics with high resolution at this stage.
Submissions not conforming to these rules will be returned back to authors for correction and resubmission.
3.2 Revised manuscripts
In revised manuscripts the areas containing the major required changes should be marked and the script color changed to red. The file(s) with the changes visible on screen should be submitted online. While submitting the revised manuscript, the original manuscript has to be
deleted from the list.
Upon acceptance of the manuscript the final uploaded version will be taken as the basis for
copy editing and the subsequent production process.
4 Types of contributions and page charge
Four types of manuscripts are considered for publication:
(i) Research Articles describing completed studies. Manuscripts must not have been published previously, except in the form of a preliminary communication. Unsolicited research papers should not exceed 5000 words (including references and figure legends) and contain no more than 4 to 5 display elements (figures and tables). Papers of up to 8
printed pages long are published free of charge; for papers exceeding that length a page charge of € 196 + VAT per additional page will be levied (see Section 2). The length of an article depends greatly on the number and type of figures and tables.
(ii) Short Communications describing results that are brief, timely and/or of such importance that rapid release is warranted. These manuscripts should bear the words
¡°Communication¡± immediately above the title on the first page and should not exceed 3 printed pages (including references, figures, tables, and figure legends).
(iii) Review Articles critically covering a specific area of separation science are welcome. In addition to direct submissions, authors may also be invited by the Editors. These contributions should typically not exceed 8500 words (including references and figure legends) and contain no more than 7 to 8 display elements (figures and tables). Page
charges do not apply to Review articles.
(iv) Highlights summarizing exciting recent developments in separation science and technology without any deep experimental details. They comprise about 1800 words and up to three figures.
5 Organization of manuscripts
Manuscripts must be typewritten with double spacing (including references, tables, legends, etc.). American or British spelling should be used consistently. Authors are requested to follow these instructions carefully. Manuscripts deviating from the prescribed organization
and style may be returned for correction.
5.1 Contents of first page of manuscript
The first page of the manuscript should contain only the following:
1) Title of the paper should be concise and should include no abbreviations
2) Full names (including first name) of the authors and their affiliation(s). If the publication originates from several institutes, the affiliation of each author should be clearly stated by using superscript Arabic numbers after the name and before the institute.
3) Title, name and full postal address, e-mail address and phone and fax numbers of the author to whom all correspondence (including galley proofs) is to be sent.
4) A list of the nonstandard abbreviations used in the paper in alphabetical order (see list of¡°Standard Abbreviations¡±, Section 8).
5) Keywords (max. 5, in alphabetical order): Do not use generic words such as chromatography, spectroscopy, column, etc. as keywords. Use of abbreviations as keywords is not permitted.
5.2 Abstract
The second and (if necessary) third page of the manuscript should contain the abstract only.
This must be self-explanatory and intelligible without reference to the text. It should not exceed 200 words. Abbreviations should not be introduced and used in the Abstract.
5.3 Division into sections
Manuscripts should be divided into the following sections:
¡°1 Introduction¡±: containing a description of the problem under investigation and a brief survey of the existing literature on the subject
¡°2 Materials and Methods¡± or ¡°Experimental¡±: For special materials and equipment, the manufacturer¡¯s name and, if possible, the location should be provided.
¡°3 Results¡±
¡°4 Discussion¡±
¡°5 Concluding remarks¡±
Figure captions
Sections 3 and 4 can be combined in Section ¡°Results and Discussion¡±.
Subdivisions of sections should be indicated by numbered subheadings. For details see any
current issue of this journal.
5.4 References
References should be numbered sequentially in the order in which they are cited in the text. The numbers should be set in brackets, thus [2, 15]. References are to be collected in numerical order at the end of the manuscript under the heading ¡°References¡±; they should
also be typed with double spacing throughout.
All authors of a paper should be given. Titles of journals should be abbreviated according to
the practice of Chemical Abstracts.
[1] Kinghorn, R. M., Marriott, P. J., Dawes, P. A., J. High Resol. Chromatogr. 2000, 23, 245¨C
[2] Opiteck, G. J., Jorgenson, J. W., Anderegg, R. J., Anal. Chem. 1997, 69, 2283¨C2291.
Other serial publications such as ¡°Advances in Protein Chemistry¡± should be cited in the same manner as journals.
[3] Rood, D., A Practical Guide to the Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Capillary Gas Chromatographic Systems, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 1998.
Chapter in a book:
[4] Möller, E., Greaves, M. F., in: Mäkelä, O., Cross, A., Kosunen, T. U. (Eds.), Cell
Interactions and Receptor Antibodies in Immune Responses, Academic Press, New York
1971, pp. 101¨C125.
5.5 Acknowledgements
Acknowledgements as well as information regarding funding sources should be provided and will appear at the end of the text (before the ¡°References¡±).
5.6 Conflict of interest statement
All authors must declare financial/commercial conflicts of interest. Even if there are none, this should be stated in a separate paragraph following on from the acknowledgements section.
This is a mandatory requirement for all articles.
5.7 Tables
Tables with suitable captions at the top and numbered with Arabic numerals should be collected at the end of the text. Column headings should be kept as brief as possible and indicate units in parentheses. Footnotes to tables should be indicated with a), b), c) etc. and
typed on the same page as the table. Explanations to the tables should appear at the bottom of the tables, not in the table titles themselves.
5.8 Supporting information
Submission of supporting information is encouraged. Extensive tables (more than 5 typewritten pages) should be published online as supporting information. This material will not be typeset so authors should prepare the Table in the final form. Also for this reason
there will be no galley proofs of this material. Supporting information will be made freely available on the web (similar to the table of contents and the article abstracts). Authors are permitted to place this material on their homepages when they are setting up a link to the fulltext
version of the article on Wiley Online Library.
Further, other files may be submitted as supporting information (e.g. animations, video sequences). All supporting information will also undergo the peer-review process. Thus, this material has to be submitted electronically along with the main body of the article. It is in the hands of the Editor-in-Chief to decide which part of the manuscript will be published as supporting information.
5.9 Figures, graphs, and legends
Graphs and photographs should be submitted each as a separate file. Figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numer als in the order of their appearance. Figures should be submitted in a format which can be reduced to a width of 50¨C80 mm or 120¨C170 mm, and symbols and labels to a height of 2.0 mm (after reduction). In electropherograms presented horizontally, the anode should be on the left while in vertical presentations the
anode should be at the bottom. Two-dimensional presentations, e.g. with isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecyl sulphate electrophoresis in the two dimensions, are thus presented consistently with the standard coordinate system. Each figure is to be accompanied by a legend which should be self-explanatory.
The legends should not appear under the figures but must be included in text after the references.
Color figures can be reproduced; however, authors will be charged for additional costs incurred for the reproduction of color (see Section 3).
5.10 Image manipulation
Manipulation of images is strongly discouraged and all figures must accurately reflect the original data. Information should not be enhanced, eliminated, added, obscured or moved. In
cases where manipulation is unavoidable, this should be clearly detailed in the Figure legend. All instruments, software and processes used to obtain the images must be fully detailed in the manuscript either in the Figure legends or the Materials and Methods.
Acceptable image manipulation includes uniformly adjusting the contrast of an entire image, and any control images, ensuring that all original data, including the background, remains visible and that no new features are introduced. Cropping of gels, or re-positioning of
lanes/fields, is permitted providing that all alterations are clearly indicated by the use of dividing lines in the image itself, vital data are not removed and an explanation of the lterations is included in the Figure legend. Unacceptable manipulation includes, but is not limited to, the enhancement of one feature/band over others, removal of background noise/bands and so on. Authors must be able to produce all data in their raw format upon editorial request.
5.11 Biographic material
All authors of Review articles are invited to submit a portrait photograph of themselves and a short biographical text (no more than 80 words) which will appear at the end of the article.
5.12 Structural formulae and equations
Structural formulae should be drawn in the manuscript in the position where they belong.
They must be numbered in consecutive order with the other figures.
Mathematical and chemical equations are to be written in the manuscript at the place in which they belong using an equation editor and should be marked by Arabic numerals in parentheses in the right margin in the order of their appearance.
5.13 Units and symbols
The use of SI units is mandatory. Generally accepted nomenclature and symbols as recommended by ASTM or IUPAC are preferred (see Ettre, L. S., J. High Resol. Chromatogr. 1993, 16, 258). In the interest of clarity, symbols should be defined in the text. If numerous
symbols are involved, they should be listed and defined at the end of the text. The period rather than the comma should be used as decimal point.
5.14 Abbreviations
Abbreviations are hindrances to a reader working in a field other than that of the author, and to abstractors. Therefore, their use should be restricted to a minimum. Abbreviations should be introduced only when repeatedly used. Abbreviations used only in a table or a figure may
be defined in the legend. If non-standard abbreviations are used they should be defined in the list of abbreviations, as well as when first used in the body of the paper.
Section 8 at the end of these instructions contains a list of bbreviations, which may be used without definition within the text of articles published in JSS.
5.15 Ethics
If the manuscript describes experiments using animals, the permission of the national or local authorities (giving the permission or the accreditation number of the laboratory and of the investigator) should be stated. If no such rules or permissions are stipulated in the particular country, this must also be mentioned in the paper. In the case of human studies, it should be stated that local ethical committee approval has been received and that the informed consent of all participating subjects was obtained.
6 Proofs and reprints
Authors will receive one set of proofs before publication. Corrections should be limited to actual errors and returned promptly as an attachment to email or by fax. Authors will be charged for extensive alterations. Reprints can be ordered at prices shown on the reprint
order form, which will be sent with the proofs. Upon publication, the submitting author will receive a low resolution PDF of the published article.
7 Funding
Please visit the journal homepage (For Authors) for details.
8 Standard abbreviations
Standard abbreviations and acronyms which may be used without definition in the articles published in JSS could be found under:
Please refer to Section 5.14 about the correct usage of abbreviations.
6Â¥2012-04-13 17:35:25
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¡°Organization of manuscripts¡± when preparing the electronic version of the manuscript and ensure that data are given in the correct order and style for the journal
8Â¥2012-04-13 18:34:25
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