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金虫 (小有名气)

[交流] Postdoc positions for computational condensed matter theory at RIKEN, Japan

Postdoc positions for computational condensed matter theory at RIKEN

Several postdoctoral positions are available for computational condensed
matter theory in computational
condensed matter physics group at RIKEN

The main focus of the projects includes 1) first-principles calculations for
transition metal oxides
and oxide heterostructures, 2) many-body model calculations for 5d transition
metal oxides with
strong spin-orbit coupling, and 3) development of numerical methods for
strongly correlated electrons.
Experience in parallel computing and/or strongly correlated quantum systems in
general is highly desirable.  

Applicants should send (preferably by email)
1) CV,
2) list of publications,
3) statement of research accomplishment,
4) statement of research interests and plans,
5) three representative publications, and
6) names and contact information of at least two references.
Please see the full information at

Full consideration of applications will begin immediately and will continue
until the positions are filled.
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