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新虫 (初入文坛)

[资源] 10.25 BJ J1+J2(child)携签,通过

10.24 住进那家著名的如家燕莎使馆店,提前两周预订的。结果发现过了一周后,再也订不到房间了。建议有需要的虫友在确定面谈时间后立刻网上预订。到了之后,照例去踩了个点,经过一个邮局,步行时间8-10分钟(慢速,呵呵)。
10.25 因为约的是7:15,所以6:35出门,6:45到,发现前面排了20人左右。就象虫友们已提过的,可能是因为非旺季,其实只要是当天的,好象都没什么问题,不会拦着你。进去之后照例先交材料,工作人员收进去后,会让你等一会儿,把材料盖了戳记后再还给你。这里四人一组的分组就通过颜色牌确定了。然后就是按手印。接着面谈。这些虫友们谈过多次,此处就不再赘述。个人觉得,看看新浪的那个视频就OK了http://video.sina.com.cn/p/edu/news/2009-04-22/183760300354.html
ME:Good morning, sir. Nice to meet you.(汗,这都是跟论坛上的前辈们学的)
VO: Nice to meet you. How are you?
ME: Fine. Thank you. I am here to apply for a J-1 and J-2. J-1 is for me, and J-2 is for my son, he is 7years old. Here are our documents(塞材料)。
VO:(满脸笑容地收材料)Your son is cute.
ME: Thank you.
VO(发现我忘了把儿子的DS-2019表递给他): Would you please pass me your son's DS-2019?
ME(大窘): Sorry, just wait a second.(赶紧把小朋友的DS-2019递进去)
VO: Your son's birth certificate?出生证?
VO: And your resume and your study plan?(不知道这是不是个陷阱,我觉得应该不是)
ME(赶紧在一大堆材料里翻,VO在窗口里笑):sorry, I've brought too many documents. Here is my CV(逐份递). And here is my research plan. The topic of my research proposal is XXXX(根据虫友的经验,坦白交待,呵呵).
VO: XXXXX(有关金融市场的问题)?
ME:XXXX(用了若干maybe, 因为这个问题着实不好回答)。
VO(表示理解):It's really hard to say. Hold on. Wait a moment.(工作中……)
ME(大喜):Thank you very much.
1. 计划好行程,有备无患。我是在确定面谈时间之后,立即订票、订房间。并且,考虑到一大早赶时间,特地带上了大汉口热干面和若干卤蛋(武汉人最爱,哈哈),早晨充饥,快而管饱。到了之后踩点,做到心中有数。
3.在材料的准备方面,我带了一大包。但VO因为时间有限,对于J1来讲,最关注的可能莫过于你的CV和Researh Plan,而J2,最重要的就是出生证了,因为这是J1和J2之间Parental relationship的重要证明。看到5号窗口贴了个条,还要对方导师的CV。至于资助证明,因为DS2019表发出之前学校已经审查过了,再说表上写得很清楚,所以VO问都没问。而我之前跑到银行打的存折,让小孩老爸开的存款证明,房产证、行车证等等,都没用上。发表的论文,重的要命,VO也没看。Anyway,如果时间宽裕,准备充分当然更好。如果时间有限,我觉得突出重点,就行了。

Checklist for J-1 Visa Application

Part1. Application Documents
1.        DS-160 Confirmation Page
2.        Receipt Confirmation for Visa Application Fee
3.        Visa Photo
4.        Passport
5.        DS-2019 Form for J1 Applicant
6.        Receipt Confirmation for SEVIS Fee

Part2. Financial Supporting Materials
1.        Certification of financial support by CSC
2.        Certification of financial support by XXX

Part3. Main supporting Materials for Visiting Scholars
1.        Invitation Letter from XXX
2.        Research Plan
3.        Resume of Professor XXX
4.        Web Pages of Professor XXX
5.        My Resume
6.        Selected Articles in Recent 3 Years: Abstract and Key Words
7.        Copy of Publications

Part4. Other supporting Materials for Visiting Scholars
1.        Diploma & Certificate of a Ph.D Degree from XXX
2.        Postdoctoral Certificate
3.        Certificate of Awards
4.        Certificate of English Test

Part5. Proofs of Strong Ties with China
1.        Agreement with CSC (notarized)
2.        Account of Personal Deposit
3.        Marriage Certificate
4.        Property to prove
5.        Family Photos

Checklist for J-2 Visa Application

Part1. Application Documents
1.        DS-160 Confirmation Page
2.        Receipt Confirmation for Visa Application Fee
3.        Visa Photo
4.        Passport
5.        DS-2019 Form for J2 Applicant

Part2. Supporting Materials and Proofs of Strong Ties with China
1.        Birth Certificate
2.        Household Register
3.        Copy of Sponsor’s Passport
4.        Copy of Sponsor’s ID Card
5.        Certificate of Sponsor’s Deposit
6.        Certificate of Sponsor’s Employment and Income
7.        Family Photos

[ Last edited by openmis on 2011-12-11 at 13:34 ]

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新虫 (正式写手)

★★★★★ 五星级,优秀推荐

2楼2011-10-31 23:15:23
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金虫 (正式写手)

★★★★★ 五星级,优秀推荐

4楼2011-11-18 22:35:39
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金虫 (小有名气)

★★★★★ 五星级,优秀推荐

5楼2011-11-19 11:13:04
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至尊木虫 (正式写手)

★★★★★ 五星级,优秀推荐

6楼2011-11-19 22:44:14
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新虫 (初入文坛)

5楼: Originally posted by micro_tao at 2011-11-19 11:13:04:

7楼2011-12-09 21:20:18
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新虫 (初入文坛)

STEP 1 预约
        请在致电前准备好以下信息:
联系方式:电话 传真

签证信息话务中心的电话号码: 4008-872-333

8楼2011-12-09 21:21:54
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新虫 (初入文坛)

STEP 2 填写DS160表

[ Last edited by cresta on 2011-12-9 at 21:36 ]
9楼2011-12-09 21:25:47
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新虫 (初入文坛)

STEP 3 准备材料
STEP 4 面签
        What will you study in the United States?
I will study for my Ph.D. in Civil Engineering in the University of Texas at Austin.  And my specified field is Transportation Engineering.
        2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?
My current major in Beijing Polytechnic University is Civil Engineering.  I will continue to study Civil Engineering for my Ph.D. in the University of Texas at Austin.  My specified field of study is Transportation Engineering.
        3) What will you do in USA?
I will study for my Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering in the University of Texas at Austin.  I plan to finish my study in about 4 years and then come back to china.
        4) Are you going to study in USA?
Yes.  I will study for my Ph.D. degree in industrial engineering in the University of Texas at Austin.
        5) When/where did you get your BS/MS?
I got my Bachelor's degree in Transportation Engineering in 1997 at Harbin University of Civil Engineering & Architecture and will get my Master’s degree in this coming July from Beijing Polytechnic University.
        6) What/where are you studying now?
I am now studying for my Master's degree in Transportation Engineering in Beijing Polytechnic University.
        7) How long will you study in USA?
About 4~5 years. My future advisor said that if I wok hard I can get my Ph.D. within a shorter time.
        8) Have you any scholarship?
Yes. On the basis of the evaluation of my resume, personal statement, undergraduate transcripts, and GRE, TOEFL scores, I was accepted by the department as a priority student and honored full financial support including a tuition waiver and yearly stipend of 15,600 US dollars.
        9) What do you want to study in USA?
I will study for my Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering in the University of Texas at Austin.
        10) What do you do with your work for BS/MS/PhD?
I will take courses, teaching, do research, and finish my thesis in the area of Transportation to get my Ph.D. in Civil Engineering in 4 years.
        11) What is your purpose for the visa?
I need a F-1 visa in order to study for my Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering in the University of Texas at Austin.  I plan to finish my study in about 4 years and then come back to china.
        12) What is your academic background?
Since September 1993, I had been studying in the Transportation College of Harbin University of Civil Engineering and Architecture for my Bachelor's degree. After I got my bachelor's degree in July 1997, I continued my postgraduate study in Beijing Polytechnic University, and I will be conferred the Master’s degree in this coming July.
        13) How do you know this Univ.?
I started to know about the University of Texas at Austin from my current advisor. When he leaned that I was planning to go abroad and further my study, he was glad and encouraged me to do so.  On the other hand, I also learned a lot about the University of Texas at Austin from the World Wide Web.
        14) What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?
I will specialize in Transportation Engineering and finish my Ph.D. studies in Civil Engineering in the University of Texas at Austin in about 4 years.  Then I will come back to China and first get married with my girlfriend whom I have known for more than 9 years. At the same time I will try to find a position in a big state owned consulting company.  My desired working place is Beijing.
        15) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?
First of all, I have to come back and get married with my girlfriend. We have known each other for 9 year since we were young.  You see we were in the same class in junior high school.  She is now working in a research institute in Beijing.  Her major is Materials Science and Engineering, specializing in ceramics.
Secondly, as you can see, I applied directly for a Ph.D. program.  As far as I know, and probably as you know, Ph.D. holders in the States are not so easy to find good jobs as M.S holders even in the same discipline, especially in the Civil Engineering.  However, it will be very easy for me to find a good job in any of the big cities in china with my Ph.D in Civil Engineering got in the United States.
Third, my career objective determines that it is a better choice for me to come back to China than staying in the states.  My long-range objective is to become an enterpriser and own my business.  And it would be very difficult for me to realize it if I choose to stay in the states, for the United States is a highly developed county, and almost everything is already there. You see, as a country develops, the space for people to develop shrinks relatively.  It is not realistic for me to find my own space as a successful enterpriser between all these big, developed and high-tech companies in the United States. I mean I can start, but can hardly succeed. On the contrary, if I come back to china, I have much better chances. Since china is underdeveloped, it leaves much more space for people, especially for civil engineers to develop. As you can see, waste, low efficiency, high-cost, poor quality is almost everywhere, though things are changing everyday.  With my Ph.D. degree got in the states and my social relationships, it is much easier for me to start my own enterprise, or buy one from the government when they decide to privatize some of the medium-sized and small state owned enterprises.  Since China will join the WTO, I believe there will be more and more chances here.
        16) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?
I think that is partly because they were afraid that they would not be treated fairly after they come back.  As a matter of fact, that used to be the reality. But things has been changing greatly during the recent years and much more students are are coming back after they have finished their study.  I also think this has something to do with the majors. As for students majoring in science, they may like the better equipment, environment and salary in the states because they are afraid that if they are back, some of their research can not go on as a result of poor facility and shortage of funding.  But as for my major, it will be very easy for me to find a good job in any of the big cities in china with my Ph.D. in Civil Engineering got in the United States.  You see it is a practical major.  My career objective also determines that it is a better choice for me to come back to China than staying in the states.
        17) Why do you choose this Univ.?
First of all, the Civil Engineering Department in the University of Texas at Austin is among the top five Ph.D. programs in the United States. According to the US News, the Civil Engineering Department of UT-Austin ranked the fifth all around the US in 1999.  Both my current advisor and several foreign friends suggested me this school.  Another reason is that my future advisor is a very famous professor.  He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.  I believe I will learn a lot under his instruction.  
        18) Why do you like your major?
Because I believe it is promising in china.  As for my major, it will be very easy for me to find a good job in any of the big cities in china with my Ph.D. in Civil Engineering got in the United States. You see, it is a practical major.  Since china is underdeveloped, it leaves much more space for people, especially for transportation engineers to develop.  As you can see, Freeways are constructed everywhere in China these years.  Billions of money is invested to the transportation area every year by the government and private investors.  With my Ph.D. degree got in the states and my social relationship, it is much easier for me to start my own enterprise.  When I come back, I plan to work for a state-owned consulting company.  Do you know China International Engineering Consulting Company?  It is the largest consulting company in China and Premier Zhu Rongji’s wife is the president of that company.  60% of its employees are Ph.D. or M.S. holders who came back from foreign countries such as America, Japan and Europe.  If I can get a position in that company, I believe I will be a millionaire in 3 or 4 years.  When China join the WTO, there will be more chances in China. So the earlier I come back, the better.

        19) Why do you want to study in USA?
Because Transportation Engineering is a new and underdeveloped major currently in china.  When my department chair leaned that I was planning to go abroad and further my study in Industial Engineering, he was glad and encouraged me to do so. We talked a little bit and agreed that promoting research and application in industrial engineering in china is now nessesary and will soon prove very fruitful, while the development of this decipline in china is far from satisfactory. You see, Industrial Engineering became a formal area of study in china only in 1993, only 6 years ago. Xian Jiaotong University is the first Unversity in this county that was approved by the national education committee to offer degree programs in industrial engineering.And I am going to be a graduate of the second class, I mean the big calss,you see enrolled in 1994.The problem is that you can hardly find any Ph.D program in industrial engineering in this country. Apparently the best choice is to get my Ph.D. in the states, where industrial engineering originated.  in the states, where industrial engineering originated.

        20) Why do you want to pursue a doctor's degree?
As for my major, it will be very easy for me to find a good job in any of the big cities in china with my Ph.D in Industrial Engineering got in the United States.  You see, it is a practical major.  Morover, I think a Ph.D. is necessary for me to realize my career objective.  My long range objective is to become an enterpriser and own my business. I don't want to stop someday on my half way toward success to resume my study as a result of knowledge.  With my Ph.D got in the states and my social relationship, It is much easier for me to start my own enterprise, or buy one from the government when they decide to privatize some of the midium-sized and small state owned enterprises.
        21) Why do you receive fiancial aid from this Univ.?
Yes. on the basis of the evaluation of my resume, personal statement, undergraduate transcripts, and gre toefl scores, I was accepted by the department as a priority student and honored full financial support including a tuition waiver and yealy stipend of 16,000 us dollars, which is renewable for a total of 4 years.
        22) What is the difficult class do you have?
Probably algorithm. It is a course about advanced calculating and requires high technique in both computer programming and mathematics.
        25) What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?
They are the same. Both of my undergraduate study and graduate study are in industrial engineering. Just that my graduate study will be more detailed and advanced. And that I will specialize in production management, which is a sub-area of industrial engineering.
4、提问频率最高的还是why this program, why this university, why choose America, 以及financial support,career plan 等问题。所以应该把重点放在对这些问题的准备上。
Part 1 Visa for What
1) What will you study in the United States?
2) What will you do in USA?
3) What do you want to study in USA?
I will study Accounting at ** University. It’s located in *州名*.

4) Are you going to study in USA?
Yes, I will study Accounting at ** University.     It’s located in *州名*.

5) What is your purpose for the visa?
I want to pursue a Master Degree in Accounting at ** University.   It’s located in *州名*.

6) What will you do if you don’t get this visa?
Well, I think you are so kind and you will give me the visa. But if you fail me, I’m sure I will try for another time. I really want to be educated there and one time failure won’t make me give up.

7) How long will you study in USA?
It will take around two years.

Why does the I-20 say the program is around 36 months?
That’s the duration of my program. It can be finished in 24 months if I take courses in the summer semester. Actually, my advisor told me that most students can make it within 2 years.

8) What will you study in this major? What courses?
I will take courses like Corporate Accounting, Cost Accounting, Auditing, Income taxation, Accounting Information System, and other related courses. I will also take some business related courses, such as financial management, and marketing,

Which course do you think is the most difficult one?
I think Accounting Information System is the most difficult one, according to those who have taken it. But I will work hard on it, no matter how difficult it is.
横线部分随便填个课名就行了,因为这个原因可以以不变应万变。举一反三,问题也可能被换成the most interest one 之类的。

9) Who is your advisor?
My advisor is Dr. ***.  She’s the chair of the Accounting department.(这里稍微介绍一下是应该的,不能光说个名字就完了。)

Part 2 Why this program(换专业的同学更应该好好准备这个问题)
1) Why do you like your major?
2) Why do you change your major?
Well, there are several reasons.(回答时条理一定要清晰,一二三四说清楚。)
Firstly, it has something to do with my current job. I am a ** project manager, I’m responsible for developing budgets and performing cost benefit analysis on ** projects. In my work, I found it’s really amazing(这个单词只有重读才能有效果) to understand the big financial picture of a company by simply knowing a few numbers.
Secondly, it’s because of my husband(你可以换成别人嘛,亲戚、朋友……) He’s a certified public valuer, and he often says that: “Accounting is the language of the business world”. After he found out my interest in Accounting, he took me to seminars and encouraged me to read some books. And then, my interest in accounting grows stronger.
That’s why I want to pursue a master degree in Accounting and become a professional.

4) Why do you want to pursue a master's degree?
5) Why do you think it is time for you to pursue master degree now? (工作后再上学的人更应该准备这个问题)
After eight year’s work, I feel that my life is filled with routines: same work, same subway, and same faces. I want new things to refresh myself. Besides, a Master Degree of America will make me more competitive. 横线部分的答案很充分,最好接着谈自己的职业规划,毕业后想从事什么工作等等。
It’s never too old to learn.(必要时可以把这句名言用上)

6) What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?
My bachelor major was **. It focuses on **. I took courses like *, *, and *, etc. These courses are helpful for my study in the future because **.
The major in USA is accounting. It deals with numbers and calculations.

7) How do you understand accounting?
Briefly, it’s a science of dealing with numbers. The purpose of accounting is to provide the financial information for economic decision making.

Accountancy is a branch of mathematical science, and it’s widely used in business. Today accounting is called “the language of business”. It has two classifications: management accounting and financial accounting. The former is used to provide financial information to interior persons like employees, managers, and owner-managers. The latter is used to provide financial information to external parties, such as shareholders, and creditors.

Accounting, the easy way is a popular book for beginners. It has been published the 4th edition. I’m interested in the case study part of the book. I really learned a lot from this book.

The public accountant, usually an employee of a CPA firm, is employed as an independent contractor by a business to perform an auditing function: to review the accounting system used by the business, check the correctness of financial statements, and give an opinion.
The private accountant, usually employed by a business, records business activities and prepares periodic financial statements.

8) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?
My major is accounting. I will focus on Financial Accounting.

The main purpose of financial accounting is to prepare financial reports regarding the performance of a firm for external persons, such as investors, creditors, and tax authorities. I’m interested in it.(简单介绍一下专业方向后再以横线上的答案结尾就行了,interest简直是个万能理由。)

Part 3 Why this university
1) How do you know this Univ.?
A friend of mine graduated from there 2 years ago. She strongly recommended ** University to me. She told me that it’s a big public university with excellent resources and diversified student groups. It’s full of great opportunities for students to learn and to grow. (这些溢美之词可以适用于任何学校。)  Besides, it’s located in a quiet small town. People there are really nice. (如果你的学校在大城市,你就说那里交通便利、设施先进之类的。)

So what does your friend do now?(这就是有朋友在美国的弊端了。本来不想这么回答,可是我在申请学校的时候提过朋友推荐,担心签证官会看到这些信息,只好实话实说。)
She’s nursing her baby in California, because her husband works in the Silicon Valley. She follows her husband.
2) Why do you choose this Univ.?
A friend of mine graduated from there 2 years ago. She strongly recommended it to me. So I checked its website and found their master of accounting program fits me well. It’s designed for students interested in accounting, auditing and taxation, even if one doesn’t have any related bachelor degree, like me. Moreover, it’s a big public university with excellent resources and diversified student groups. It’s full of great opportunities for students to learn and to grow. Besides, it’s located in a quiet small town. People there are really nice. So I applied for this Univ. and got admission.

3)How much do you know about the university?
It’s a large public university with ** years of history. It’s located in **, near **. ……(把你所知道的学校的情况全说出来,尽量有条理一些。)Therefore, I believe I will enjoy studying at *** in the future.

4) Do you know which school is the best in your major? What else?
The University of Texas in Austin is the top one in accounting program. The Accounting program in Warton Business College and UIUC are among the top too.

So why didn’t you apply these schools?
I don’t think ranking is the most important factor to consider when applying universities. I just want to join a university that fits me most. I believe ** is such a university.

5) To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Any other school admits you?
I have applied  2  universities: ** and **. Both of them admit me. Would you like to see the admission letters?

Why just applied two universities?(申请的太少会被这么问,申请的太多可能会被问为什么申请那么多)
I was working full time and didn’t have time to apply more universities. Besides, no matter how many universities you have applied, you can only choose one to go to.(我很喜欢这个答案:))

6) Is *** the first university to give you the offer?

Part 4 Why choose USA
1) Why do you want to study in USA?
2) Why do you want go to the United States for further study?
3) Why do you want to study xxx in the US?
4) Many universities in the China offer first--rate graduate programs in xxx. Why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study?
I think that the best education is in America. Although some Chinese students go to Canada, Australia, or UK for further study, but the universities of America remains the first choice for Chinese students to join in. Meanwhile, I can improve my English skills, broaden my horizon, and enrich myself. I believe I can benefit a lot from this valuable experience.

Part 5 Study plan(非常重要,这是判断是否有移民倾向的关键)
1) Do you want to get CPA in America?
No, I will get CPA in China. Because I want to develop my career in China, so the CPA of China will be more helpful. Besides, it normally takes 1 year to pass the CPA exams in the US, which means in addition to the 2 years of graduate study, I will have to stay in the US for one more year if I wanna get CPA there. I don’t want to be separated with my husband for too long.

Then why do you want to get a Master of Accounting in America?
I think the best education is in America. Although some Chinese students go to Canada, Australia, or UK for further study, but the universities of America remains the first choice for Chinese students to join in. I believe I can benefit a lot from this valuable experience, such as improve my English skills, broaden my horizon, and enrich myself.

2) What is your plan?
My plan is to finish the master program in 2 years with good academic standing, and then I will come back to China and find a good job in Beijing. My primary preference is to be hired in a foreign-invested corporation, which can offer me more opportunities to develop my potentials.
My optional choice is …….
No matter which company I would serve for, I will surely work hard to prepare for my CPA exam of China. I am confident that I can pass the exams within 2 years since my coming back, so that I can keep a stable and honorable occupation with high earning and excellent welfare in China, and I will be more competent to provide my family members with more care and support.

What will you do after graduation? Why?
I will come back and find a decent job in Beijing, because my husband is here. We have known each other over ** years, and have already celebrated our ** wedding anniversary.(如果是恋爱关系,就说打算到时回来结婚呗。) 2 years of separation is really tough for both of us.

What kind of job can you find in the future?
My primary preference is to be hired in a foreign-invested corporation, which can offer me more opportunities to develop my potentials.
My optional choice is …….
No matter which company I would serve for, I will surely work hard to prepare for my CPA exam of China. I am confident that I can pass the exams within 2 years since my coming back, so that I can keep a stable and honorable occupation with high earning and excellent welfare in China, and I will be more competent to provide my family members with more care and support.

3) Do you plan to seek employment in the US after you have completed your studies?
No. I will come back as soon as possible because my husband is here. 2 years of apart is enough for both of us.
Although I want to earn more money in the future, but I don’t think money is the most important thing. Family is the first to me.

4) Will you come back to this company after graduation?
No. I want to find an accounting related job in foreign-invested corporations, which can give me more opportunities to develop my potentials.

What will you do if you can not find a position in foreign-invested companies?
My optional choice is …….

5) What is your favorite subject?
Literature and history. I like reading classics like Shi Ji and HongLouMeng in my spare time. In Chinese, Shi Ji means the Record of History. It was written in the Han Dynasty, nearly 2000 years ago. And HongLouMeng, you can call it Dreams of Red Mansions. It’s the most famous romantic novel of China. I have read it a dozen times.
(回答这个问题要小心,签证官可能会接着问:那你为什么不学这个专业呢?对我来说很简单,it’s my hobby, not my career.)
Can it be used to military utilities?
No, I don’t think so.

8) What is your ultimate academic goal?
My goal is to get the master degree in Accounting in 2 years and then come back to China, and pass the CPA exam to become a professional accountant.

9) What do you do with your work for MS?
I will quit my job soon. After I come back with my Master Degree, I will find a new job here.

Part 6 Education Experience
1) What is your dissertation about? What is your specific research of your undergraduate paper?
My paper is about ……. My paper discussed this issue and analyzed its influence.

2) When/where did you get your BS/MS?
3) What is your academic background?
4) What institution did you attend and what was your major?
I got my Bachelor Degree from ** University in **, majored in **. I took courses like ……

Why did you choose this university?
In high school, I dreamed of being a university student in Beijing. And ** was the best university within the reach of my 高考 marks.  (不要迟疑,就说汉语高考,对方能听懂,而且会觉得比较幽默。如果没听懂,你就解释一下“高考”的含义吧。:))

5) Are you a top student in your school?
What about your ranking in your class?
I was above average. Around 80 percentile. (哈哈,中等生不要担心,这么回答就行了。)

Part 7 Work Experience
1) Are you a worker or a student now?
I have been working for ** years.

2) What/where are you working now?
  What is your current project in your company? What are your responsible for in your present post?
I am a ** manager in ……. I am responsible for **. For example, in this April, I went to Nanjing, and organized a training project regarding ** of chemical industry. This project lasted for ** days. 50 senior engineers attended it. We discussed issues such as how to **, how to **, and how to **.(一定要用这样的细节实例回答问题,这样签证官才能明白你的工作,觉得可信,并且可能从中寻找下一个问题,又在你的掌握中了。)

What does your company do?

3) What have you done after you graduated from university?
I worked in a small company as ** for a year and then got my current job in **.

4) How long does it take to commute to your work place? 闲扯的问题,答案略。
5) Where is your company located in? 闲扯的问题,答案略。  

6) How long have you been in Beijing?
** years, four years in college and ** years for work.

7) Why did you live in Beijing?
I studied at ** University from 199* to 200*, and then have worked in Beijing till now. My husband also works here. Both of us love this city very much. It has a long history, and it’s China’s cultural center. Sometimes we go to the National Center for the Performance Arts to watch opera like Turandot. And sometimes we take a walk around Houhai. Have you ever been there? It’s a quiet place and there are many Hutongs there. You can also taste all kinds of traditional Beijing snacks there!
(签证官也可能会问:Do you love this city?答案一定得是yes,具体回答自己考虑。如上文,提到了歌剧图兰朵,提到了后海,这些老外都知道,会比较有共鸣,能营造轻松地谈话氛围。)

8) Why did you choose your present job?
Because the salary and benefit are nice, and the work environment is friendly. (这个理由很充分。)

10) Where is your HUKOU(户口)?
My Hukou is in Beijing.

11) Where do you live?
I’m living in Beijing. I have been here over ** years, four years in college and ** years for work.

Where will you live?
Of course I will remain living in Beijing. My husband has a nice job here. Both of us like this city very much.

Part 8 Immigration Decline
1) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?
2) You can also make more of this kind of money in US, why don't you want to earn more?
Why you come back to China instead of finding a job in America?
Firstly, my husband will be staying in Beijing as he has a nice job here. He is a **, working in **. He likes his job very much. 2 years of separation is really tough for us, so I will return to China as soon as I graduate.
Secondly, my parents are getting older and older. They need me to come back to take care of them. Last but not least, China has a bright future. I’m sure with a master degree in Accounting and my own social network of relationships in Beijing, I will be able to find a nice job pretty easily.
My primary preference is to be hired in a foreign- invested corporation. My optional choice is……

3) Do you want your husband to go with you?
No, he would like to stay in Beijing as he has a nice job here. He is a **, working in **, and he likes his job very much. Besides, he will need to take care of our apartment while I’m away.

4) What’s your husband like?
He’s kind and supportive. He often cooks for me. When I concentrated on my study, he did all the housework. Besides, he’s really hard-working, and has a very clear goal for work.

5) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?
Well, I don’t know. Honestly, this question puzzles me too. Whatever, I must come back and spend the rest of life with my husband. We have known each other for ** years and have already celebrated our ** wedding anniversary.

Part 9 Costs
1) Have you any scholarship?
No. We have enough money to pay for my tuition and living expenses in the US.

Have you applied for scholarship or financial aid? Why?
Yes, I tried to, because it is available there.

Why you didn’t get the scholarship?
You know, it’s really hard to get scholarship from business schools. I think another reason might be that I don’t have a related bachelor degree. But that’s not a big deal, I can handle it myself. My husband and I can earn ** yuan a year, and we have been working for ** years.

2) How much do you expect you will have to spend each year in the United States?
As I know, tuition is around ** thousand dollars a year and living expenses is around ** thousand dollars.

3) How do you support yourself during your studies in the United States?
My husband and I have enough money for my study. We have been working for ** years. We can earn ** yuan each year. We have no children and don’t want to buy cars, so we don’t have much expenditure.

Why don’t you want to buy car?
Taking pubic traffic like subway or bus is a low carbon living style, and the public traffic is convenient and cheap in Beijing.

When do you plan to have a child?
We plan to have a baby 3 years later, after my coming back.

4) Do you plan to seek financial support in the US?
No, we have enough money to support my study in the US.

5) Who will be your sponsor?
Both my husband and I will be the sponsor for my study. We have been working for ** years, and we have enough money to support my study.

How much is his annual income and what will be the amount you will receive annually?
His annual income is around ** yuan. And mine is about ** yuan. (只要他问了一方的薪水,就要顺便把另一方的薪水说出来。)

6) Do you have a bank deposit certification?
Yes, I do. Here you go. And also I take my certificate of housing ownership.(如果担心存款证明不是很有说服力,并顺便把自己带的其他的资产证明都说出来,比如房产证、汽车证、股票权证之类的。)

7) How much do you earn now?
I earn around ** a year. My husband’s salary is higher than mine. He can earn ** yuan a year.

How much do you earn per month?(今天签证官确实是先问了我年薪,接着问月薪。所以都要准备一下,因为用英语说数字总觉得转不过弯,搞不好会说错。)

How much will you earn when you come back?
As I know, the salary for professional accountant with master degree is higher, ranging from 150 thousand to 250 thousand yuan a year. (一定要说的比现在高才行,不然出去干嘛?也别太离谱,签证官都是中国通。)

Part 10 T/G Test
1) How long have you prepared your visa interview?
It took me around 1 month to get ready for the visa interview, including making visa interview appointment and gathering necessary documents.

Have you prepared the interview in New Oriental?
No, I didn’t.

2) How long have you prepared for GMAT?
I studied for about 3 months for my GMAT. I only studied after work and on weekends because I am working full time.

Did you cheat?
No. 这里应该笑一下。

3) When did you join the T/G test?
I took GMAT in ** and TOEFL in ** last year.

4) What score did you get in T/G test?

5) Is your transcript original?

6) How did you take GMAT?  
First, I bought some books on GMAT and finished huge amounts of exercises. Second, I practiced the test preparation software to get myself familiar with the procedure of GMAT.(别说自己多刻苦,这是能力考试,不是学术考试。)

7) When are you going to enter US?
I’m going to enter US in August. The fall semester will begin at the end of August.

Have you booked your air ticket?
Not yet. I plan to go back to my home town and stay with my parents for several days. I will book my ticket after I’m back in Beijing.

8) Have you ever been to nations aside of China? Have you ever gone abroad?

Part 11 Chat
1) What's your name? 我晕,遇到这种问题是不是要偷笑?
My name is **.

What does your first name mean?(我在演练时遇到朋友提到这样的问题,还真是被问住了。)
I don’t know. My father gave me this name, and I never asked him why.

2) How old are you?  略

3) Where are you from?
I’m from Beijing but I was born in ** Province.

Where is your hometown?
It’s a city located in ** Province. Its name is &#. In Chinese, & means ** and # means **. It’s a small city with many beautiful parks. (一定要说自己的家乡漂亮)

4) What do your parents do?
They own a small business in my home town.

5) Do you have sisters or brothers?
Yes, I have one sister and one brother.(不能干巴巴地到这里就没下文了,尽量多说点家里的情况。) My sister runs an ** shop in a city near my home town. My brother works in Shanghai after he finished his college there.

6) Do you have any relatives in the United States?

7) What do you think of the West Development in China?(答案一定要积极向上)
The west of China has abundant natural resources, hard working people, and a huge potential for development. I think the development of the west will be crucial to the whole country.

8) What is the difficult class do you have?
In my opinion, Physics is the most difficult subject. No matter how hard I worked on it, those complex theories were always beyond my understanding.

9)If you say you will be a teacher in the future, what will you teach?
Let me see. I prefer to teach mathematics in primary school. Because I like children, and I think it’s necessary to teach them something about finance.(原因一定要赶紧接上,否则人家会问:那你干嘛不学数学呀?)

Part 12 Hobby
1) What do you think is the best/worst thing of the U.S?  
I think American’s humor is the best. The famous TV series, Friends, is a typical representative. I love it very much.(不好夸别的,否则会被怀疑想移民。)
The worst thing……I’m sorry, I’ve never thought of this question. (这个话题也有点敏感,不如不说。)
But I do know the worst thing in China, the man’s football team. You know, if they fail, it’s normal; if they win, that will be a big surprise!(哈哈,这样就把话题转移了,也没有贬低自己的祖国。).

2)What is your dream?
My dream is working in a nice company as a professional accountant(其它职业套用就行了), living in a cozy apartment with my husband, and traveling abroad every year.

3) What is the thing you like best in America?
I think American’s humor is the best. The famous TV series, Friends, is a typical representative. I love it very much.

Which one do you like best in Friends?(哈哈,好像一提起friends,这个问题最容易被提及。)
Joey. He’s kind and naïve. Actually, I didn’t like him at first, because I thought he’s a playboy. But I was moved gradually. He loves his little sister, his parents, and his grandma. He’s warm-hearted to his friends. When he thought Phoebe was a Single Mother, he proposed to her. When Rachel wanted to move out from Ross’s apartment with her baby, Joey accepted her enthusiastically.

What is the thing you like best in China?
I love Chinese culture and its long history. I also love Chinese food, especially noodles.(各人有个人的答案,总之扯到吃上面比较好,话题就变得轻松了。)

4) What's your favorite food?
Chinese noodles. Noodles are the main food in my hometown. They are my favorite food since my childhood. I have tried different kinds of noodles after I came to Beijing, such as fried sauce noodles of Beijing, Dandan noodles of Sichuan, and Biangbiang noodles of Shanxi. By the way, Biang maybe the most complex word in Chinese, you can only find it in the Kangxi Dictionary. It’s an ancient dictionary, edited in the Qing Dynasty, about 300 years ago. (不好意思,您被绕晕没?这可能是我准备的最无厘头的回答了。)


What’s your favorite Western food?
Pizza. I like Pizza Hut.

5) Which is your favorite restaurant (cafe)?
I like Malan Noodles restaurant. It has many branches in Beijing. Noodles are the main food in my hometown. They are my favorite food since my childhood. The noodles of Malan are the Northwest flavor, totally different from that of my hometown, yet I love both of them.

6) What is the thing you don't like most in China? (儿不嫌母丑,只好认准国足来挖苦了。)
Well, I never thought about this question. Um, I got one, the man’s football team! You know, if they fail, it’s normal; if they win, that will be a big surprise!

7) Can you give an example of your topic that is applied in our living?
Accounting is widely used in our life. In the end of each year, every company needs to know how they are doing financially,   

8) What's you hobby?
Traveling is my hobby. I have been to many places in China, such as Nanjing, Guiyang,Yunnan, Guilin and Chengdu. Among all these places, I like Chengdu best. It’s famous for hot pot, for beautiful girls (如果是男生就把这项给删了吧,否则后果可能有点严重), and especially for the leisure of life. Every afternoon, around 4 or 5, you can see people sitting around in the open air, drinking tea, chatting, and playing Majiang. It’s a perfect place to relax yourself.

What do you do in your spare time?
Cooking, walking, or reading,……

9) What is your favorite pet? Why?
My favorite pet is dog. It’s cute and loyal.(可以多说一些,介绍家庭成员时最好把宠物也捎上,外国人喜欢这个。)

10) Do u have a cup of coffee every morning?
No. I am not a coffee person. I like tea better.(俺骨子里就是个中国人,哈哈。)

11) What kind of computer do you have?
IBM. The quality is good. I use IBM computer at work.

12) What is your favorite color?
I love Purple. It represents elegant and romantic. My wall and curtain of the bedroom are all purple.

13) What is your favorite American movie?
Forrest Gump is my favorite. He is a persistent person. I still remember one sentence in the movie: Life is a box of chocolate, and you will never know what you are gonna got. The movie tells us a lot about life. (多么有意义的回答啊,哈哈!)

14) What's your best quality?(别说勤奋好学之类的,中国学生都有这个优点。)
I am a persistent person. Once I have a goal, I will try my best to pursue it. I won’t give up in the halfway.
What's your worst quality?(可不能真的说自己的缺点)
I am a perfectionist and sometimes too picky on the details. I am a little over-organized, somewhat like Monica in the Friends.

15) Who do you think is the best president of the US?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, He’s great. He led America through the Great Depression.

16) Who do you think is the greatest leader in the world?
Well, I don’t know who can be called “the greatest leader in the world” nowadays. But I do believe that everyone should be the greatest leader of himself.
10楼2011-12-09 21:33:01
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