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木虫 (正式写手)

[资源] 关于未来可持续能源的愿景介绍:《Energy for a Sustainable World 》-Wiley

Energy for a Sustainable World: From the Oil Age to a Sun-Powered Future




Part One. Living on Spaceship Earth.

1. The Energy Challenge.

1.1 Our Spaceship Earth.

1.2 An Unsustainable Growth in an Unequal World.

1.3 Energy and Climate Crisis.

1.4 Dealing with Change.

1.5 Unavoidable Questions.

2. Concepts and Misconcepts.

2.1 The Elusive Definition of Energy.

2.2 A Taste of Basic Principles.

2.3 Converting Primary Energy into Useful Energy.

2.4 It Takes Energy to Make Energy: Useful Energy.

2.5 Embodied Energy.

2.6 Energy Units and Conversions.

2.7 The Immense Energy and Power Scales.

2.8 Some Energy Key Parameters.

2.9 Energy Pervasiveness Versus Energy Illiteracy.

2.10 Key Numbers: an Abacus for Energy Literacy.

3. Energy in History.

3.1 Historia Magistra Vitae.

3.2 Animal Power.

3.3 Human Slaves and Energy Slaves.

3.4 Waterwheels and Windwheels.

3.5 From Wood to Coal.

3.6 Steam-Powered Machines.

3.7 Road Vehicles.

3.8 Aircraft.

3.9 Electricity.

Part Two. Fossil Fuels.

4. Oil.

4.1 What is Oil.

4.2 Oil History, Exploration, Drilling, Production.

4.3 Oil Transportation.

4.4 Oil Refining.

4.5 Oil Storage.

4.6 Unconventional Oil.

4.7 Petrochemicals.

4.8 Oil as a Fuel.

4.9 America’s Addiction to Oil.

4.10 Oil Price.

4.11 Oil Peak and Reserves.

5. Natural Gas.

5.1 What is Natural Gas and Where It Comes From.

5.2 Gas Properties and Definitions.

5.3 Brief Historical Notes on Gas Exploitation.

5.4 Gas Production, Consumption, and Reserves.

5.5 Liquefield Natural Gas (LNG).

5.6 Natural Gas Processing.

5.7 Transport, Storage, and Distribution.

5.8 Gas Uses: Energy and Feedstock.

5.9 Unconventional Gas.

6. Coal.

6.1 What is Coal.

6.2 Coal Extraction.

6.3 Coal Transportation and Industrial Uses.

6.4 Coal Gasification.

6.5 Coal Production, Consumption, and Reserves.

6.6 Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS).

6.7 Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC).

7. Fossil Legacy.

7.1 The Energy Dark Sides.

7.2 Alteration of the Carbon Cycle by Fossil Fuel Combustion.

7.3 Anthropogenic Climate Change.

7.4 Air Pollution and Global Warming.

7.5 Counterbalancing our Climate Influence.

7.6 Putting a Limit to CO2.

7.7 Air Pollution and Human Health.

7.8 Land and Water Degradation.

7.9 So, What?

Part Three. Nuclear Energy.

8. Nuclear Energy.

8.1 Principles of Nuclear Fission and Fusion.

8.2 Power from Nuclear Fission.

8.3 Civilian Use of Nuclear Fusion?

Part Four. Renewable Energies.

9. Solar Energy Basics.

9.1 The Origin of Sunshine.

9.2 Solar Radiation and Attenuation.

9.3 Abundant, Fairly Distributed, Vital.

9.4 Sun’s Limits: Dilution and Intermittency.

9.5 The Conversion of Solar Energy: Heat, Fuels, Electricity.

10. Solar Heat and Electricity.

10.1 Passive Solar Harnessing in Buildings.

10.2 Thermal Conversion: Unconcentrated Solar Flux.

10.3 Thermal Conversion: Concentrated Solar Flux.

10.4 The Birth and Rise of Photovaltaics.

10.5 Inorganic Photovoltaics: Key Principles.

10.6 Silicon Solar Cells.

10.7 Thin Film Solar Cells.

10.8 Organic Solar Cells.

10.9 Concentrated Photovoltaics and Other Innovative Concepts.

10.10 Photovoltaics: Global Installation and Market Trends.

10.11 Solar Energy: Sustainable and Affordable.

11. Solar Fuels.

11.1 Introduction.

11.2 Natural Photosynthesis.

11.3 Biomass and Biofuels.

11.4 Future Options for Transportation Fuels.

11.5 Artificial Photosynthesis.

11.6 Dye-sensitized Solar Cells.

11.7 The Solar Fuel Challenge.

12. Other Renewables.

12.1 Hydroelectric Energy.

12.2 Wind Energy.

12.3 Ocean Energies.

12.4 Geothermal Energy.

Part Five. Energy Carriers.

13. Electricity.

13.1 Basic Concepts.

13.2 Illumination.

13.3 Traditional Power Generation.

13.4 Traditional Electricity Grid.

13.5 Power Generation from New Renewables.

13.6 Energy Storage for Electricity Supply Networks.

13.7 Plugging-in Transportation.

13.8 Smart Grid.

13.9 Towards an Electricity Powered World.

14. Hydrogen.

14.1 Introduction.

14.2 Properties and Industrial Uses.

14.3 Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier: The Scale of the Task.

14.4 Methods for Producing Hydrogen.

14.5 Hydrogen Storage.

14.6 Hydrogen Transportation and Distribution.

14.7 End Uses of Hydrogen Fuel.

14.8 Hydrogen Powered Vehicles.

14.9 Towards a Hydrogen Economy?

Part Six. Scenarios for a Sustainable Future.

15. The Challenge.

15.1 Reflection on the State of Our Planet: Now We Know.

15.2 Energy Demand and Supply.

15.3 Energy and the Quality of Life.

15.4 Saving the Climate.

15.5 Phasing Out Fossil Fuels.

15.6 Avoiding Nuclear Energy.

15.7 Ecological Sustainability.

15.8 Why We Need to Develop Renewable Energy Energies.

15.9 Conclusion.

Appendix – Did You Know That… ?



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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)

★★★★★ 五星级,优秀推荐

4楼2011-07-22 10:54:19
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木虫 (正式写手)

★★★★★ 五星级,优秀推荐

9楼2011-10-24 08:55:28
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