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[资源] 本人新近在Nano Today上发表的关于荧光金属纳米簇的综述

Ultra-small fluorescent metal nanoclusters: Synthesis and biological applications

Li Shang, Shaojun Dong and G. Ulrich Nienhaus

Recent advances in nanotechnology have given rise to a new class of fluorescent labels, fluorescent metal nanoclusters, e.g., Au and Ag. These nanoclusters are of significant interest because they provide the missing link between atomic and nanoparticle behavior in metals. Composed of a few to a hundred atoms, their sizes are comparable to the Fermi wavelength of electrons, resulting in molecule-like properties including discrete electronic states and size-dependent fluorescence. Fluorescent metal nanoclusters have an attractive set of features, such as ultrasmall size, good biocompatibility and excellent photostability, making them ideal fluorescent labels for biological applications. In this review, we summarize synthesis strategies of water-soluble fluorescent metal nanoclusters and their optical properties, highlight recent advances in their application for ultrasensitive biological detection and fluorescent biological imaging, and finally discuss current challenges for their potential biomedical applications.

Graphical abstract

► Fluorescent metal nanoclusters are novel luminescent nanomaterials with ultrasmall dimensions. ► Fluorescent metal nanoclusters have been synthesized with various biocompatible coatings. ► Recent advances have demonstrated the potential of metal nanoclusters as luminescent probes for biological applications.

Keywords: Fluorescent probes; Metal nanoclusters; Bioanalysis; Fluorescence imaging; Biolabels

Link: http://www.sciencedirect.com/sci ... i/S1748013211000703

全文下载链接: http://www.box.net/shared/04kvec9y63ttv3aghqg7 or http://www.boxcn.net/shared/04kvec9y63ttv3aghqg7

写的第一篇综述,因为这个topic就是自己正在做的课题,所以写起来没费多大劲。写的时候就是奔着Nano Today这个期刊去的,因此写好后就直接投了过去,两个月后审稿意见回来,3个审稿意见都非常好,所以小改后很快就接受了。这篇综述我最喜欢之处就是能让自己的大头贴也上了期刊,哈哈。


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