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[资源] 一封陶瓷信--陶瓷入门指导

Hi Professor

Thank you for the reply.

Honestly, when I sent my first email, I was trying to match your research topics mostly with my background. However, I am also quite happy to learn some new knowledge and skills, and I believe I can master new programs/projects quite well. It has been proved many times in my work and study that I am excellent at new challenge and opportunities. Also, since there is still a long period from the coming semester when I join this school, I can prepare myself ready for your programs if I was offered such a good chance.

Could you reconsider me as a PHD position in your lab? I am quite sincere to look for a new starting point in my research and career. And if you have openings for that, I would be honored.

I am strongly interested in  your research on  nanoparticle synthesis, self-assembly and functional applications. And I want to pursue my Ph.D. in your program.

When I send this letter to you , I know that my background in applied chemistry may not be suitable for your group. But I am  quite happy to learn some new knowledge and skills, and I believe I can master new programs/projects quite well. It has been proved many times in my work and study that I am excellent at new challenge and opportunities. Also, since there is still a long period from the coming semester when I join this school, I can prepare myself ready for your programs if I was offered such a good chance. Can you consider me as a Ph.D. candidate ?

I attached my C.V and scanned transcript in this letter.

这个 也只是其中之一,大家看看就行了,不具有权威性,仅供参考
给那些开始准备些陶瓷信的 入门一下。
要是觉得还不错,可以给个positive 的评价,嘿嘿

[ Last edited by bird870306 on 2011-6-12 at 14:58 ]

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