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银虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 最新更新(2011-08-31):申请欧美博士后感受

  (1) 比较直接的:e.g. Thank you for your email. Unfortunately I do not have any post-doc positions available at this time.
(2)附有建议的:e.g. Thank you for your enquiry. There are no opne places at present for which you could apply. Keep checking the web site of the University for Employment Opportunities and if you see a post that interests you then apply. Your application will have (by law) to be considered in competition with others.

(3) 小有可能的,e.g. Thank you for your interest in my research.  There may be an opportunity coming soon that someone with your skill set will be highly suitable.  I will keep you informed with further developments.

(4) 想找人给干活的,前提是免费的,呵呵: e.g. Many thanks for writing and sending your impressive CV. You would most certainly be welcome to join our group as a researcher. However, we can only welcome scientists at this point who are independently funded, with a suitable external scholarship or fellowship. We can then cover the experimental, lab/office/computer, etc. expenses.

(5) 申请时机不佳:e.g. some vacancies will be available from August. please contact me then.

(6) 即将退休的老教授:Thank you for the interest you expressed. However, I am no longer in charge of activities here as I am partly retired and I am not able to assist you regarding a post-doc position.  I wish you better fortune elsewhere.

(7) 希望最大的,帮我申请学校博士后奖学金:Here are the details – we can liaise on the project next week when I am back at work from overseas.

(8) 最新进展:澳洲的第一轮已经顺利通过,第二轮材料已经递交(截止日期8月31号),昨天跟老板发了一封email,告知他推荐信已经发过去了,他的回复是:My main concern was the referees and so good to know this is under control。

(9) 最意想不到的是,昨晚又收到了英国那边的面试通知(8月8号递交材料截止):We have a pleasure to inform that you have been shortlisted for the position of
the Research Associate.


[ Last edited by cmhing on 2011-8-31 at 13:16 ]


[ Last edited by cmhing on 2011-12-12 at 17:40 ]


[ Last edited by cmhing on 2012-2-24 at 13:41 ]

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木虫之王 (文学泰斗)

Originally posted by cmhing at 2011-06-10 09:08:27:

3楼2011-06-10 09:37:06
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木虫之王 (文学泰斗)

cmhing(金币+1): 2011-09-03 21:28:31
Originally posted by cmhing at 2011-06-10 09:08:27:

15楼2011-06-10 11:01:36
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2011-09-04 23:01   回复  
cmhing(金币+1): 2011-09-06 22:57:40
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