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木虫 (著名写手)


[交流] Love needs no reasons — Go home.

At the beginning....  
For those who suffer from pain, but finally become happy couples....  

At 10000 meters high in a plane, the room left for him is quite limited. He, a talented research fellow and soon a youngest principle investigator in a famous American university, can hardly move any parts of his body.

Although a very thick coat is on, he is still trembling from head to foot since the temperature drops to 40 degree below zeros. Even worse he starts to feel losing his consciousness! He tries all his best to wriggle so to warm and wake him up. He now can feel that little case in his breast pocket.

Inside of the case is a diamond ring for his wife — that person he loves most. He can clearly remember the day he went abroad and worked as a PostDoc researcher in USA. The last boarding announcement had been broadcasted, but he was still tightly holding his parents’ and her hands and didn’t want to leave.

She swallowed tears and said, “This could be your best opportunity to run for your dream. You don’t certainly need to worry about us. I gave you my word. Your parents are my parents and I CAN take care of the family myself. Now it is time to go and I don’t want to see you cry and I don’t want to see you to look back neither. When you decide to come back, make me pound then!”

It has been seven years, there have been so many times he wanted to give up and quit, but her words encourage him to swallow all problems and pains and drive him going. Cold beats him down? No such a way. He keeps wriggling and starts to feel his feet now. A ten year anniversary of their marriage is in three days and he has missed her so much for too long. He must go back home now.

Suddenly there comes a strong vibration. He tries all he can to balance himself.

Damn turbulence!
Damn CNPC, why you choose such a time to reserve the whole flight for tour!
Damn Boeing, Can’t you make the landing gear box a little bigger and warmer!!

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2楼2011-06-08 16:13:18
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3楼2011-06-08 16:20:17
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铁杆木虫 (知名作家)


So moving story!

But who's the hero?

Can you tell us his Name or his detailed life experience?

don't tell me this story is about you or around you.

[ Last edited by seaharrier on 2011-6-8 at 16:40 ]
4楼2011-06-08 16:35:00
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木虫 (文坛精英)


because i have seen this post you written in the morning,i think that post make me feel much better if you add the front part, the feeling comes
5楼2011-06-08 16:37:40
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6楼2011-06-08 17:11:52
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新虫 (文学泰斗)



so nice

I read it all。

thank you for sharing
7楼2011-06-08 18:23:35
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木虫 (著名写手)


Originally posted by seaharrier at 2011-06-08 16:35:00:
So moving story!

But who's the hero?

Can you tell us his Name or his detailed life experience?

don't tell me this story is about you or around you.

[ Last edited by seaharrier on 2011- ...

Thank you. But it is not a real story. I just made it up for fun. Hopefully no one tries this technique to go back home.  
If you can read this, either you copy and paste it into a window based word processing system or you have got used to my techniques or you should go have an eye examination.
8楼2011-06-08 20:37:46
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木虫 (正式写手)

9楼2011-06-11 18:50:58
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铁杆木虫 (知名作家)


10楼2011-06-12 11:24:53
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