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[交流] 我的审稿意见,可以改后重投这个杂志吗?

我的审稿意见Associate Editor

The reviewers have submitted their review reports. They agree that the manuscript has fundamental weaknesses and does not meet the standards of Applied Clay Science. It is not organized properly, and it has significant weaknesses both in the experimental methodology and the characterization of the materials used. The manuscript cannot be accepted for publication. I consider that the authors will find the reviewers comments useful. I would like to thank the authors for submitting their experimental results to Applied Clay Science.
The primary objective of this study was to examine the adsorption of sulphat ions by surfactant-modified palygorskite. The paper requires a major modification before it would be suitable for publication. The quality of the paper should be improved after considering the following specific additions/modifications and corrections during revision.


[ Last edited by fwoee on 2011-5-31 at 10:57 ]

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铜虫 (小有名气)

fwoee(金币+1): 2011-06-01 22:16:04
The paper requires a major modification before it would be suitable for publication. The quality of the paper should be improved after considering the following specific additions/modifications and corrections during revision.

30楼2011-06-01 09:29:12
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