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[交流] MSESCS 2011_I.C. Material Sci., Environmental Sci. & Computer Sci.(Ei,ISTP)已有4人参与

2011 International conference on Material Science, Environmental Science and Computer Science (MSESCS 2011)
September 24-25, Guangzhou, China

MSESCS2011是Advanced Materials Research 期刊重点支持的期刊会议,该会议已经进入其会议列表,链接如下:

MSESCS 2011 is a leading annual conference of ISER Association for all researchers home and abroad. With the rapid development of industry and information technology, researchers in all fields begin to discuss some new ideas connected with information technology. In this conference, the author(s) can put their focus on Materials, environment and computer. And MSESCS 2011 will provide a valuable opportunity for researchers ,scholars and some scientists to exchange their ideas face to face together. MSESCS 2011is very special for its strong organization team, dependable reputation and wide sponsors all around the world.

We are very sincere to invite you to take part in 2011 International conference on Material Science, Environmental Science and Computer Science (MSESCS 2011)

inGuangzhou, China. It will bring you an unexpected harvest. In the future, you may be a member of our big family. Therefore, it will a good chance for you to make friends in scholarism.All accepted papers will also be published on international journal Advanced Materials Research and it will be indexed by EI compendex and ISTP .Its ISSN is 1022-6680.
所有被录用的文章将被出版在国际期刊Advanced Materials Research正刊上其ISSN 为1022-6680,,并被EI compendex检索。

(5) 该会议是维普学术网重点支持的会议,会议所有录用论文最终将进入维普网:http://expo.cqvip.com/meet_detail.asp?id=246
(8)该会议得到世界会议网our goal重点支持:http://scienceindex.researchbib.com/?c=28%2C1%2Ccn%2CGuangzhou



2011 International conference on Material Science, Environmental Science and Computer Science (MSESCS 2011) will provide a forum for engineers, scientists, researchers inMaterial Science, Environmental Science and Computer Science fields. The conference will put its focus in the following aspects, but not limit them to:
The topics are as follows:

◆Functional materials

◆Structural materials

◆Composite materials

◆Modeling functional materials

◆Material processing


◆Polymer nanocomposites technology

◆Environmental and energy problems

◆Environmental, health and safety

◆Material Science and information system

◆Material Science and Environmental Science

◆Materials and system

◆Biological nanometer materials

◆Soil environmental analysis

◆Study on Water conservancy project

◆Environmental science and technology

◆Water ecological evaluation method

◆Pollution control technology and system

◆River pollution control and governance system technology

◆Water management, technical renovation and repairedwater pollution in Urban landscape

◆Water health risk assessment

◆Atmospheric environment and global change

◆Pollution meteorological and atmospheric pollution process

◆Topics conneting with computer science
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2楼2011-05-23 18:28:36
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禁虫 (小有名气)


3楼2017-09-15 22:57:25
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禁虫 (小有名气)


4楼2017-09-19 04:21:12
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新虫 (正式写手)

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