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铁杆木虫 (知名作家)

[交流] 【Pure water】MEMORIES NEVER GONE

Eric Wei

I can still remember clearly what happened the first day I set foot on this marvelous land, sweet and unforgettable. Memories now come to me immediately as the lush leaves of the camphor trees lined up the both sides of the avenue swaying gently in the early spring breeze. I’m now trying to ruminate over my curiosity about all the items on this campus when I first arrived. Leaves seemed to be greener than what I’ve ever seen anywhere else, people were just so kind and warm-hearted to help me with my luggage and smiles in their faces seemed to be part of their nature. My heart was then so full-filled with gratitude that I did not even know how to express it. Then came to the end of the half-a-month exhausting military training, we celebrated the Middle Autumn Day with our student instructor, a nice and patient girl who were then in her senior year and now a postgraduate in Professor Zheng’s lab.

To mention Professor Zheng, I know I’ve got so much to say about him since the great help and encouragement he has offered me the past four years. He was then actually our department head and now upon his retirement. I can even recall that three or four days after we arrived it was Professor Zheng who delivered an introduction lecture of our department and their research to the freshman. I was immediately impressed and attracted by him. I thought he would be the nicest teacher I’ve ever had and then he did, with his benevolence and enormous patience! Upon leaving in this season, I think I would go to his lab and find a place to sit down doing nothing but retrieving the time slipped away. Many thanks to my professor!

I remember I joined the Student Union in my first college year, as being freshman everything seemed new and attractive to me, so I just gave it a try and only later did I found that I’m not the one! So I gave it up the next year and went for what I was really interested in, reading. I’m a total bibliomania and inextricably attached to books. Whenever I see books, I would feel so comfortable and relaxed. I did never treat them as a heavy burden which everyone would try to get rid of, controversially I thought them to be something more rewarding and pleasant than most of us expected. So I kept reading for nearly three years and I never confined myself to our textbooks which seemed to be so plain in views if you just knew more. I know I should have taken every examination seriously for it is really important to work for just high marks, but unfortunately I never did so! I tried to receive every piece of knowledge by giving critical thinking, not just mechanically memorizing the facts. I continually asked myself What, How and Why to meet my endless curiosity in exploring the new world of knowledge to me.

Besides reading, I did something even regrettable. Campus love is a really nice thing, but it does not suitable for everyone! Once I’ve been longing for it so much that I believed I’d fallen in love with a nice girl. Every time I saw her I would imagine her to be my angel and what would it be like if she just stand by my side! Finally, courage had come and driven me in front of her with those three perturbing words. However, her answer turned out to be what made me the most depressed! Then I kept my promise to myself, I thought, just waited in a lone and desolate night! Happy birthday to you, my sweet one! After then, I knew I would never have the same passion again, and even now I do not believe in this passion because there are more important things waiting for me.

Four years elapsed, like all these have been created within the time of a single blink. Now, the familiar odor from these trees sneaks in my nose, and I’m wondering whether these happened yesterday. So was it a dream? No. It’s real, all too real for anyone of us! Without so much serious preparation, we have already been pushed to the moment of departing. The final ‘trial’ of our June commencement is around the corner. Seasons for leaving!

Yes, those days belonged to us here have almost gone, however, the dreams stayed and will stay with us the rest of our lives! We still share the same cherished memory of our campus, our teachers and our classmates. We will also bring what we have learned in these four years to new places where our new memories is going to be created. We have so much to treasure even after we have finally departed! Contact might be kept between the best friends and stories maybe shared among those who want a regular release of the pressure from work. No matter where and when we are, we can still feel so comfortable when chatting with those people who have been around us for four years. Although we simply did not exchange one word every time passing by, we may become very friendly to each other if one day fate just brings us together!

Life is full of so many goodbyes, my dear friends! It’s tough yet full of opportunities! Please believe in that there is more love than hate, more understanding than misunderstanding, more dreams than reality! Now it’s time to take my farewell and go ahead for your own future!

PS: My English is not so good and just need to to be polished badly, It's very kind of you not to take my writing too seriously! Thank you!

[ Last edited by 寒雨人生 on 2011-3-9 at 07:17 ]

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3楼2011-03-08 09:57:35
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铜虫 (正式写手)

Some Memories Shall Never Gone
5楼2011-03-08 10:06:23
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铜虫 (正式写手)

Great! So beautiful pictures!
6楼2011-03-08 10:42:34
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金虫 (正式写手)

Are these pictures of your school? It has a pool? So cool!
8楼2011-03-08 14:21:56
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