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金虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 编辑拒稿,再投还有希望吗?

被编辑拒稿了,主要认为写得太罗嗦。另外,这个编辑刚写了篇相关综述发在这个杂志(Carbohydrate Polymers),认为创新点不足。


This manuscript suffers from a number of flaws:
1= Unacceptable writing style that does not correspond to the Carbohydrate Polymers style: repetitions, digressions, propaedeutic statements, comments at the elementary level, banalities and other flaws are present everywhere in the manuscript; there is much confusion between original data and bibliographic data because speculations and discussions are admixed with experimental information.
2= The main substances (A, B and C) line 113, are not adequately identified/characterized by instrumental analyses and therefore the scientific value of this work is nil.
3= Without making any assessment of merit at this time, the content of this manuscript might result to be of marginal originality in the light of the previous publications by several other authors.
For reasons under 1 and 2, the manuscript will not be endorsed by submission to the reviewers: regretfully it is hereby rejected.

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至尊木虫 (文坛精英)

3楼2011-01-10 23:30:17
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