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铜虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 今天收到一个这样的东西,大家帮我看看是什么意思?已有1人参与

Dear Dr. ****,

Please find below an abstract for evaluation in respect of its suitability
for publication in Current Nanoscience. I shall be most grateful if you
kindly evaluate the abstract and dispatch your comments as soon as possible
via email.

If the proposal is beyond your expertise then please forward it to any
colleague and friend who are working in the field and send their comments to
us. In case you are busy and unable to review the proposal then please feel
free to inform us so that it can be send to another reviewer.

With kind regards

Akhtar Waheed
Assistant Manager Publications
Bentham Science Publishers

Manuscript Title: Label-Free Protein Detection Based on Functionalized
Aligned Carbon Nanotube Gated Field-Effect Transistors

Author name: Robert A Croce Jr

This paper presents the successful fabrication of a silicon
metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) based protein
sensor utilizing a vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT)
forest assembled in the gate region. Successful protein detection was
verified by an increase in the MOSFET drain current as the concentration of
thrombin solution present on the SWCNT gate increased. A model describing
the device threshold voltage and the charge present on the SWCNT gate is

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金虫 (小有名气)

2楼2010-12-02 14:49:28
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