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Please follow the instructions below when formatting your revised manuscript. Any failure to send in the manuscript in the format described below will result in your manuscript being unsubmitted!
Formatting instructions:
1. All Text and Tables must be formatted as .doc files. Please save Tables separately with clear labels embedded in the document.
2. All graphical images (this includes Figures, Schemes, Charts, and Graphical Abstract images) must be saved as .tif or .eps files. Please save all images separately with clear labels and captions embedded in the document.
3. All line art should have a resolution yielding 600-1200 dpi. Grayscale and Color Figures should have a resolution yielding 300 dpi.
Graphical Abstract:
A Graphical Abstract must be included in your revision if your manuscript is classified as an Original Article, Highlight, Rapid Communication, or Note. The Graphical Abstract consists of a graphical image and a paragraph description of this image. The paragraph should be 100 words in length, and it should highlight the key results of your paper. The graphical image can be a figure or a scheme from the text (if this is the case, please save it under the name Graphical Abstractı as well). However, spectra or other analytical data are not recommended. The most useful image would be a new small scheme summarizing the message of the manuscript. This Graphical Abstract is in addition to the Abstract of the manuscript and should not duplicate it. Please do not provide images that will not be legible once they are reduced to an 18 pica column width. |