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金虫 (正式写手)

[交流] Elsevier SD(ScienceDirect)收录期刊-工程领域已有10人参与

Subject Collection Engineering  

Catalogue Year 2010  

Product ID ISSN Product  
00336 0001-4575 Accident Analysis & Prevention  
00310 0094-5765 Acta Astronautica  
05605 1874-1029 Acta Automatica Sinica  
05618 0894-9166 Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica  
05481 1570-8705 Ad Hoc Networks  
02007 1474-0346 Advanced Engineering Informatics  
02000 0965-9978 Advances in Engineering Software  
09001 1270-9638 Aerospace Science and Technology  
10029 1434-8411 Ae Ü- International Journal of Electronics and Communications  
00429 1367-5788 Annual Reviews in Control  
02003 0003-682X Applied Acoustics  
02004 0306-2619 Applied Energy  
03001 0003-6870 Applied Ergonomics  
07604 0307-904X Applied Mathematical Modelling  
00843 0893-9659 Applied Mathematics Letters  
02005 0141-1187 Applied Ocean Research  
05434 1568-4946 Applied Soft Computing  
00630 1359-4311 Applied Thermal Engineering  
00270 0005-1098 Automatica  
05256 0926-5805 Automation in Construction  
03004 0142-9612 Biomaterials  
03099 1746-8094 Biomedical Signal Processing and Control  
02062 0956-5663 Biosensors and Bioelectronics  
12610 1537-5110 Biosystems Engineering  
00296 0360-1323 Building and Environment  
02012 0958-9465 Cement and Concrete Composites  
00352 0008-8846 Cement and Concrete Research  
08595 1000-9361 Chinese Journal of Aeronautics  
04092 0007-8506 Cirp Annals - Manufacturing Technology  
04113 1755-5817 Cirp Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology  
05325 0378-3839 Coastal Engineering  
07630 0010-2180 Combustion and Flame  
05471 1007-5704 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation  
00984 1359-8368 Composites Part B: Engineering  
02019 0266-3538 Composites Science and Technology  
02017 0263-8223 Composite Structures  
09024 1631-0721 Comptes Rendus Mecanique  
05364 0167-9473 Computational Statistics & Data Analysis  
03014 0010-4485 Computer-Aided Design  
05260 0140-3664 Computer Communications  
06004 0045-7825 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering  
05262 1389-1286 Computer Networks  
00367 0045-7906 Computers and Electrical Engineering  
02016 0266-352X Computers and Geotechnics  
00349 0098-1354 Computers & Chemical Engineering  
00365 0045-7930 Computers & Fluids  
00399 0360-8352 Computers & Industrial Engineering  
05365 0166-3615 Computers in Industry  
00301 0898-1221 Computers & Mathematics with Applications  
12659 0885-2308 Computer Speech and Language  
00359 0045-7949 Computers & Structures  
12024 1077-3142 Computer Vision and Image Understanding  
03017 0950-0618 Construction and Building Materials  
00123 0967-0661 Control Engineering Practice  
05265 0169-023X Data & Knowledge Engineering  
05152 0011-9164 Desalination  
03021 0142-694X Design Studies  
12027 1051-2004 Digital Signal Processing  
05270 0141-9382 Displays  
02020 0143-7208 Dyes and Pigments  
06008 0378-7796 Electric Power Systems Research  
06009 0378-7788 Energy and Buildings  
02021 0955-7997 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements  
00975 0952-1976 Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence  
00139 1350-6307 Engineering Failure Analysis  
00322 0013-7944 Engineering Fracture Mechanics  
03027 0141-0296 Engineering Structures  
09030 0997-7538 European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids  
09031 0997-7546 European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids  
07646 0894-1777 Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science  
00939 0957-4174 Expert Systems with Applications  
05272 0168-874X Finite Elements in Analysis and Design  
02024 0379-7112 Fire Safety Journal  
03029 0955-5986 Flow Measurement and Instrumentation  
06010 0920-3796 Fusion Engineering and Design  
05371 0165-0114 Fuzzy Sets and Systems  
02028 0266-1144 Geotextiles and Geomembranes  
05278 0262-8856 Image and Vision Computing  
05561 1566-2535 Information Fusion  
07669 0020-0255 Information Sciences  
05286 0167-9260 Integration, the Vlsi Journal  
05287 0953-5438 Interacting with Computers  
00208 0735-1933 International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer  
03042 0143-7496 International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives  
07662 0888-613X International Journal of Approximate Reasoning  
08628 1874-5482 International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection  
03044 0142-0615 International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems  
00278 0020-7225 International Journal of Engineering Science  
03045 0142-1123 International Journal of Fatigue  
07657 0142-727X International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow  
00210 0017-9310 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer  
12608 1071-5819 International Journal of Human-Computer Studies  
00700 0734-743X International Journal of Impact Engineering  
05284 0169-8141 International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics  
00264 0890-6955 International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture  
00206 0020-7403 International Journal of Mechanical Sciences  
00234 0301-9322 International Journal of Multiphase Flow  
00299 0020-7462 International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics  
00762 0749-6419 International Journal of Plasticity  
02031 0308-0161 International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping  
05380 0925-5273 International Journal of Production Economics  
03048 0140-7007 International Journal of Refrigeration  
00256 1365-1609 International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences  
00297 0020-7683 International Journal of Solids and Structures  
09063 1290-0729 International Journal of Thermal Sciences  
09057 1959-0318 Irbm  
09056 1959-7568 Irbm News  
05382 0019-0578 ISA Transactions  
00248 0021-8928 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics  
00321 0021-9290 Journal of Biomechanics  
04289 1672-6529 Journal of Bionic Engineering  
08598 1005-8885 Journal of China University of Posts and Telecommunications  
02032 0143-974X Journal of Constructional Steel Research  
05290 0304-3886 Journal of Electrostatics  
12662 0889-9746 Journal of Fluids and Structures  
04103 1001-6058 Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B  
01056 1526-6125 Journal of Manufacturing Processes  
02092 0278-6125 Journal of Manufacturing Systems  
06017 0924-0136 Journal of Materials Processing Technology  
12653 1084-8045 Journal of Network and Computer Applications  
05172 0377-0257 Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics  
05400 0272-6963 Journal of Operations Management  
12080 0743-7315 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing  
03057 0959-1524 Journal of Process Control  
00679 0022-4375 Journal of Safety Research  
12616 0022-460X Journal of Sound and Vibration  
05299 1383-7621 Journal of Systems Architecture  
00302 0022-4898 Journal of Terramechanics  
00334 0016-0032 Journal of the Franklin Institute  
03080 1751-6161 Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials  
00220 0022-5096 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids  
04290 1570-6672 Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technolo  
12087 1047-3203 Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation  
05480 1570-8268 Journal of Web Semantics  
05207 0167-6105 Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics  
05293 0950-7051 Knowledge-Based Systems  
03065 0308-597X Marine Policy  
02038 0951-8339 Marine Structures  
03066 0261-3069 Materials & Design  
01030 1369-8001 Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing  
00623 0895-7177 Mathematical and Computer Modelling  
05296 0378-4754 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation  
05411 0263-2241 Measurement  
12661 0888-3270 Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing  
05210 0167-6636 Mechanics of Materials  
00374 0093-6413 Mechanics Research Communications  
00303 0094-114X Mechanism and Machine Theory  
00933 0957-4158 Mechatronics  
03068 1350-4533 Medical Engineering & Physics  
05559 1361-8415 Medical Image Analysis  
05298 0167-9317 Microelectronic Engineering  
02094 0026-2692 Microelectronics Journal  
00274 0026-2714 Microelectronics Reliability  
05300 0141-9331 Microprocessors and Microsystems  
08603 1674-5264 Mining Science and Technology (China)  
13363 1549-9634 Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine  
04085 1748-0132 Nano Today  
03072 0963-8695 NDT & E International  
04098 1751-570X Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems  
01060 1468-1218 Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications  
02279 0362-546X Nonlinear Analysis: Theory Methods & Applications  
06030 0029-5493 Nuclear Engineering and Design  
02044 0964-5691 Ocean & Coastal Management  
00320 0029-8018 Ocean Engineering  
12101 1068-5200 Optical Fiber Technology  
05499 1573-4277 Optical Switching and Networking  
02043 0143-8166 Optics and Lasers in Engineering  
03076 0030-3992 Optics & Laser Technology  
10018 0030-4026 Optik  
05302 0167-8191 Parallel Computing  
00328 0031-3203 Pattern Recognition  
05303 0167-8655 Pattern Recognition Letters  
05505 1574-1192 Pervasive and Mobile Computing  
08623 1029-9599 Physical Mesomechanics  
07750 0141-6359 Precision Engineering  
02052 0266-8920 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics  
05631 1877-7058 Procedia Engineering  
04068 1540-7489 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute  
00415 0376-0421 Progress in Aerospace Sciences  
00474 0360-1285 Progress in Energy and Combustion Science  
02167 1359-6128 Pump Industry Analyst  
04115 1875-5372 Rare Metal Materials and Engineering  
02054 0951-8320 Reliability Engineering and System Safety  
00969 0960-1481 Renewable Energy  
05309 0921-8890 Robotics and Autonomous Systems  
00704 0736-5845 Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing  
05419 0925-7535 Safety Science  
02129 1350-4789 Sealing Technology  
06033 0924-4247 Sensors and Actuators A: Physical  
06034 0925-4005 Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical  
05311 0165-1684 Signal Processing  
05312 0923-5965 Signal Processing: Image Communication  
05314 1569-190X Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory  
02056 0267-7261 Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering  
00103 0038-1101 Solid-State Electronics  
05316 0167-6393 Speech Communication  
05425 0167-4730 Structural Safety  
05427 0167-6911 Systems & Control Letters  
08642 1874-8651 Systems Engineering - Thoery & Practice Online  
05245 0167-8442 Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics  
02057 0263-8231 Thin-Walled Structures  
00547 0965-8564 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice  
00130 0968-090X Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies  
03086 0301-679X Tribology International  
04071 1007-0214 Tsinghua Science and Technology  
00799 0886-7798 Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology Incorporating Trenchless Technology Research  
06038 0043-1648 Wear  
00654 0172-2190 World Patent Information  
02113 0262-1762 World Pumps  
10057 0939-3889 Zeitschrift fur Medizinische Physik

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金虫 (正式写手)


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2楼2010-11-09 10:13:17
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金虫 (著名写手)



3楼2010-11-09 11:11:48
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新虫 (初入文坛)

4楼2011-04-13 10:46:16
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金虫 (小有名气)

5楼2011-07-06 21:03:58
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6楼2012-01-14 23:06:09
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至尊木虫 (著名写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
7楼2014-01-23 22:37:55
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金虫 (正式写手)

8楼2014-07-08 17:28:35
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金虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
但是怎么有些期刊不是SCI?如Journal of Manufacturing Processes
9楼2014-07-08 17:29:36
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木虫 (小有名气)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
2楼: Originally posted by zhengjx at 2010-11-09 10:13:17

10楼2014-11-05 11:48:19
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