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至尊木虫 (著名写手)

[交流] 想投e-polymer的各位仁兄注意啦已有4人参与


Dear Ms. Remiszewska,

I noticed that this manuscript, submitted in 2008 (04.10.2008) was published in Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2010, 116, 2083-2094) under the same title and with the same abstract. I propose to exclude it from the list of manuscripts.

There are still two manuscripts dating from 2008 and five manuscripts from the first half of the year 2009. I am not sure whether the authors still wish their manuscripts to be published in e-Polymers or they have submitted the same manuscripts to other journals. Have the authors maybe contacted you regarding their manuscripts?

Thanks for your answers in advance.
Best regards,
Majda Zigon      

From: remiszewska@e-polymers.org [mailto:remiszewska@e-polymers.org]
Sent: pon 31.5.2010 10:10
To: Majda Zigon
Subject: Manuscript e-Polymers

Dear Prof. Zigon,

We would be grateful if you take care as Associate Editor of the following manuscript:

Preparation, Characterization and In Vitro Application of Composite  Films Based on Gelatin and Collagen from Natural Resources

by Ahmed Haroun*, Haroun Ahmed, Beheri Hanan, Abd ElGhafffar Mahmoud

If you have any questions concerning the manuscript or the procedure,
please contact me as fast as possible by e-mail.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Stan Penczek
(Editor of e-Polymers)

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铁虫 (小有名气)

2楼2010-08-12 10:33:46
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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)

3楼2010-08-12 11:26:01
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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)

现在这个杂志处理稿件的速度太慢,而且发邮件咨询 都没有回信,我一篇文章去年2月投的稿,七月份返回的修改稿,到现在都没有消息
4楼2010-08-12 12:03:27
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金虫 (文坛精英)

5楼2010-08-12 12:09:10
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