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金虫 (正式写手)

[交流] awaiting decision有1个月多了,中间催稿了,等文章才能毕业,我能再催吗已有12人参与

投稿到the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 审稿审了5个多月了,看到waiting decision 1个月多了,还没有等到审稿意见,中间催稿了,助理说主编很忙,他帮忙催催,催了又快1个月了,还是那样,就等这篇文章毕业了,是不是可以写信再催催编辑。

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture" <jsfa@wiley.com> 写道:
>Dear Rong Wang
>Thank you for your email.  Your manuscript is currently still under peer-review.  Unfortunately due to a recent large arrival of new submissions to Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, the editor has a backlog of overdue papers, causing a delay in decision time.  I do apologise for this inconvenience to you and your co-authors.  I have sent a reminder to the editor to deal with your manuscript as soon as possible.  Thank you for your kind patience in the mean time, it is much appreciated.
>With best wishes
>Samantha Moore
>Assistant Editor
>Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture


Dear editor,
Please excuse me for taking some of your time.
I saw the status was awaiting decision for more than a month. Since I need to know the results as soon as possible to determine whether I can have a chance to apply for the graduation reply tomorrow. I'm in a tearing hurry to know the result. I do apologize for interrupting you again.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
With best regards
Sincerely yours

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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)

2楼2010-04-22 14:40:12
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