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新虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] Chinese chemical letters已有7人参与

紧急求助,请问ccl 投稿有字数要求吗?官网上没有给出字数要求,但是我看着发表的文章基本上都是短的而且都是communication  研究型长篇文章是不是不合适投这个期刊?要是投稿的话应该选什么文章类型?

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金虫 (正式写手)

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Article structure
This section describes the article structure for this journal.

Headings and subheadings are not permitted for the article type “communication” submitted to this journal. All sections only hold essential information, others can be put in Supporting information files. In general, communications should not be more than four printed pages. But for the article type “review”, the main text should appear with headings as appropriate and should not exceed 10 pages generally.

Template files
Templates are provided in order to allow authors to view their paper in a style close to the final printed form. Their use is optional. The templates can be found here:



https://www.sciencedirect.com/jo ... h/guide-for-authors

not exceed 10 pages
four printed pages
9楼2024-12-10 08:41:43
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2楼2024-12-10 00:31:21
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3楼2024-12-10 00:32:06
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