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金虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 美国西北大学 生物医学实验室 招聘优秀博士后!


感兴趣请联系:stwang@northwestern.edu     课题组网站:https://www.stw-biomat.com/

our lab is currently under renovation and will be operating in jan 2025!
see latest layout, the lab comprises three parts: synthesis, biomaterials processing, and bl2 tissue culture. safety is our priority. the lab located in the beautiful mudd building at the evanston campus of northwestern university.

phd and masters:

we are looking out for outstanding and creative graduate students in chemistry, engineering, cell biology, materials science and medicine. diversity in all its forms is important to us, and we welcome students from all over the world. prospective graduate students apply to our lab primarily through materials science and engineering (mse).


we are looking to recruit excellent researchers from a wide range of different academic backgrounds and around the world to join our interdisciplinary lab. diversity in all its forms is important to us. please find our participation in the chicagoland diverse stem postdoc recruitment initiative. candidates with chemistry, biology, and engineering trainings are welcomed to apply. please send us an introductory email with cv.

undergraduate students:

we are looking out for motivated and independent undergraduates to join the lab. please send us an introductory email with cv.

laboratory technicians:

we are looking for all levels (junior to senior) lab technicians to help build our interdisciplinary lab and achieve excellence in research. we welcome of candidates with trainings in chemistry and molecular biology to apply. please send us an introductory email with cv.

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金虫 (正式写手)

A postdoc position is available in the lab of Prof. Shih-Ting (Christine) Wang in the Department of
Materials Science and Engineering at the Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, United States.
The position is fully funded.

The Wang lab is an interdisciplinary biomaterials lab at Northwestern University. We are interested
in leveraging sequence-defined biomolecules to generate precision materials to probe and
intercept biological problems and for medical applications. We use a highly interdisciplinary
approach, including chemical synthesis, biomolecular and biomaterials engineering and advanced
materials characterization to generate new enabling technologies. Specific medical problems we
aim to solve include but not limited to:
1) Interception of lung fibrosis (with Pulmonary and Critical Care, Northwestern University)
2) Continuous monitoring of skin disease (with Querry Simpson Institute, NorthwesternUniversity)
3) Smart antigen detection

As such, we are looking for applicants that are attracted by this research. The applicants are
expected to be motivated to complement their skillsets and broaden their horizons to reach their
intended career goals.

Qualified postdoc applicants should have completed a relevant Ph.D. in Chemistry, Materials
Engineering, Bioengineering/Biomedical Engineering, or equivalent. The position requires good
knowledge in synthetic chemistry and/or synthetic biology as it entails synthesis and biological
evaluation of the materials. Computational and data analysis skills are a plus.
Good English communications skills including both written and oral are essential. The successful
candidate will also be part of the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University, which
offers state-of-the-art research infrastructure, diverse environments, and close connections to the
medical community.

A start date from February 1, 2025 is ideal but negotiable upon mutual agreement. Initial
appointment will be 1 year, renewable.
Applicants should include their complete CV, a paragraph of research interests, a paragraph of
research experiences related to the field or study, and 2-3 contact details for references. For more
information, please contact Prof. Christine Wang by email: stwang@northwestern.edu
2楼2024-12-05 14:11:47
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金虫 (正式写手)

3楼2024-12-12 08:51:19
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金虫 (正式写手)

4楼2024-12-13 09:47:42
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