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[交流] 英国-伦敦国王学院-Carla Molteni课题组全奖招聘博士生(k-CSC) (分子模拟方向)


Professor of Physics

* Co-Director BiPAS CDT
* Director at King's, Thomas Young Centre for the Theory and Simulation of Materials
* Physics Senior Tutor

Carla Molteni is Professor of Physics at King's College London and is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics. She is an expert in atomistic simulations applied to materials and biological systems, and works at the interface of physics with chemistry, materials science and biology.

Before joining King's, Carla held an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, and a College Research Fellowship at New Hall (now Murray Edwards College). Previously, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institut fuer Festkoerperforschung in Stuttgart (Germany) and a EU Human Capital & Mobility Postdoctoral Fellow at the Cavendish Laboratory. She obtained her Laurea and PhD in Physics at the University of Milan (Italy).

Carla is co-Director of the London Thomas Young Centre for the Theory and Simulation of Materials and is deputy Director of the multidisciplinary Centre for Doctoral Training BiPAS (Biological Physics Across Scales). She is member of the management board of the JCMaxwell node of CECAM and of the Materials and Molecular Modelling Hub, and is the leader of the working group “Molecules, Macromolecules and Biomolecules” of the Psik European network. She is also member of the research council of the Italian Embassy in London and of the board of directors of AISUK, the Association of Italian Scientists in the UK.


We design computer experiments to elucidate and predict complex processes in materials and biomolecules, by accurately calculating, with the aid of powerful computers, how atoms interact, rearrange and react to external stimuli, such as pressure, light or the binding of a ligand.

We use a number of simulation techniques, from classical and ab-initio (density functional theory) molecular dynamics to enhanced sampling methods, plus methodologies to deal with excited states. Systems we have studied range from grain boundaries, liquid metal surfaces, polymers and nanocrystals to sugars, polyphenols, photoactive proteins and neuroreceptors.

Current research projects include:

- the elucidation of the activation mechanisms in ligand-gated ion channels;
- the characterisation of fluorescent molecular rotors;
- the exploration of polyphenols (e.g. green tea catechins) and their interactions with proteins and DNA;
- the growth of ice crystals;
- the investigation of pressure-induced structural phase-transformations in nanomaterials


- kings每年会有100个和CSC合作的奖学金名额,学费学校会免除,另CSC会支付生活费。博士项目期限为4年。详见:https://www.kcl.ac.uk/study-lega ... hip-programme-k-csc
- 有兴趣的同学请先把简历发给我,我初步筛选后会推荐给导师。导师会安排后面的单独面试,然后推荐你申请我们课题组的博士。所以学校这边的申请,基本导师通过了,就能通过。再就是CSC的申请,最好你现在已经拿到了雅思成绩。因为CSC对理科的要求是总分6.5小分6。如果还没拿到可能需要你进语言班。
- 最好你有做过模拟的经历,这样来了比较容易上手工作。我们使用的模拟软件主要是NAMD, LAMMPS,GAUSSIAN,GROMACS。分析数据常用PYTHON。


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