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木虫 (正式写手)

[求助] PRL审稿意见,不知道是拒稿还是修改,重投的希望大吗?已有6人参与

一个月前投了一篇physical review letters,今天两位审稿人返回意见:
   一位审稿人意见“I find the text is easy to follow but has some grammatical errors that need fixing. However, I do not recommend publication in PRL for the following major concerns”。
    另一位审稿人认为“While the work is innovative and the manuscript engaging, it falls short in its physical interpretation and analysis, which are essential for publication in Physical Review Letters. A deeper investigation into the physical mechanisms behind the observed phenomena is necessary to substantiate the claims.”
  最终编辑给出的意见:Based on the information at hand, we judge that your manuscript probably does not meet our criteria of impact, innovation, and interest and is thus not suited for publication in Physical Review Letters. However, if you feel you can overcome the criticism and make a convincing case for publication in PRL, you may resubmit to us. If not, your manuscript may well be suited for one of the topical Physical Review journals, such as Physical Review E or Physical Review Research。
    目前论文状态:with authors

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木虫 (著名写手)


3楼2024-09-27 12:56:01
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