▲ 作者:Hoang-Vu Phan, Hoon Cheol Park & Dario Floreano
▲ 链接:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07755-9
▲ Abstract:
Here we demonstrate that rhinoceros beetles can effortlessly deploy their hindwings without necessitating muscular activity. We show that opening the elytra triggers a spring-like partial release of the hindwings from the body, allowing the clearance needed for the subsequent flapping motion that brings the hindwings into the flight position. After flight, the beetle can use the elytra to push the hindwings back into the resting position, further strengthening the hypothesis of passive deployment. We validated the hypothesis using a flapping microrobot that passively deployed its wings for stable, controlled flight and retracted them neatly upon landing, demonstrating a simple, yet effective, approach to the design of insect-like flying micromachines. |