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[交流] 美国南卡罗来纳大学(药物输送和纳米药剂)招2025春季全奖博士生

美国南卡罗来纳大学的徐培盛教授实验室招收博士生(全奖免学费,另提供$28,000/年奖学金), 2025春季入学。研究方向为纳米药剂靶向治疗中枢神经系统疾病和肿瘤. 有兴趣的同学请与徐教授联系。有药物化学,高分子化学,有机合成,药物靶向输送或其他相关研究经历的本科和硕士研究生优先考虑。


研究:南卡大学属于卡内基分类中的R1大学, 其pharmacy 排名在全美排第40, NIH grant 全美排第26。
治安:南卡大学位于南卡的首府哥伦比亚市, 与州政府仅仅一街之隔,所在地区整洁漂亮,而且治安非常好。
气候与生活:南卡的气候可能是全美最好的地区之一,四季分明,除了夏天会有两个多月比较热,大部分时间阳光明媚、非常舒适。这里距离大海只有一个半小时车程,市郊有大湖,市内有河流。是一个景色宜人、干净舒适的城市。不但自然环境优美,而且因为是州的首府,这里生活也很便利,动物园,植物园,costco, walmart, macy's, bestbuy, 还有各种中西口味的饭店,两家中国超市。对学生免费的、世界水平的健身馆从我们系楼走过去三分钟路程。

Ph.D student positions available at the University of South Carolina

Research assistant positions available for  Ph.D degree-seeking graduate students to work on a NIH-funded project to develop nanoparticle based targeted systems for the diagnostic and treatment of central nervous system disease and cancer.

Knowledge and research experiences in the following areas are preferred: medicinal chemistry, organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, drug delivery, nanomedicine, and biomaterials. Highly motivated candidates with a master degree in organic chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, biomedical engineering, pharmaceutics, or other related disciplines are encouraged to apply.

Interested applicants are encouraged to send an email including a cv with TOEFL or IELTS scores, transcripts, summary of research experience to Dr. Peisheng Xu (xup@cop.sc.edu). Additional information of the research group can be found at https://openwetware.org/wiki/xu_lab, or https://sc.edu/study/colleges_sc ... aff/xu_peisheng.php。

The university of south carolina is a globally recognized, high-impact research university dedicated to innovation in learning, research and community engagement. founded in 1801, the university offers more than 350 degree programs and is the state's only top-tier carnegie foundation research institution and one of only 40 public universities to receive carnegie's highest research designation and community engagement designation.

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