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[交流] 新西兰坎特伯雷大学Dan Foley课题组招收有机化学/药物化学博士生

Dr Dan Foley's group at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, is looking for suitably qualified PhD students to start in 2025.

Dr Foley is a Senior Lecturer in Organic Chemistry. He carried out his undergraduate studies at the University of Manchester, UK (2007–2011), including an industrial secondment at Syngenta, before completing his PhD (2011–2015) with Prof. Steve Marsden and Prof. Adam Nelson at the University of Leeds. Dan subsequently secured an EPRSC Doctoral Prize Fellowship (2015–2017), which he carried out at Leeds and the Diamond Light Source in Oxfordshire. Further postdoctoral studies (2017–2018) followed in the group of Prof. Herbert Waldmann at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology in Dortmund, Germany, where he held a Marie Sklodowska–Curie Fellowship.

For more information about Dan please see his profile page:

Research interests: synthesis and optimisation of natural products for medicinal uses; the development of green asymmetric synthetic methodologies of value to medicinal chemistry.

Requirements: (1) A Master's degree in Organic or Medicinal Chemistry. (2) Satisfy the English language requirements for admission to the University of Canterbury (e.g. IELTS 6.5 with a minimum of 6 or PTE 58 with a minimum of 50). (3) A GPA >8.0/9.0 (85/100 approximately). (4) An English language thesis in a relevant field is preferred.

Scholarship Information (for international students):

UC Doctoral Scholarship: Tuition fee waiver + NZD 32,000 per annum living expenses for 3 years (Note: This scholarship is highly competitive and requires good grades and a strong GPA from the applicant).  
Link: https://www.canterbury.ac.nz/study/getting-started/ scholarships/doctoral-scholarships

China Scholarship Council (CSC) Scholarship: Tuition fee waiver + NZD 2100 per month for up to 48 months.

A limited number of self-funded PhD students are accepted in our group and are required to pay an annual tuition fee of NZD 11,000.


If you are interested in joining us, please send your personal statement, curriculum vitae and academic transcripts to daniel.foley@canterbury.ac.nz. In your email, please briefly describe your research experience, motivation for applying to the PhD programme, as well as your project interests.

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player124(金币+1): 谢谢参与

4楼2024-06-14 15:43:00
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新虫 (初入文坛)

4楼: Originally posted by 蝶影 at 2024-06-14 15:43:00

如果您打算申请UC Doctoral Scholarship的话应该可以先申请后补语言;如果打算CSC必须先考出合格语言成绩才可以 坎特伯雷大学申请前要先联系导师,有兴趣可以直接和Dr. Dan Foley邮件沟通
10楼2024-06-14 16:04:49
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