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[交流] 西交利物浦大学环境系招收环境微生物/微生物生态学方向博士生(利物浦大学博士学位)

I. Introduction to the University
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) was established in 2006. Endorsed by the Ministry of Education in China, it is a joint venture between Xi'an Jiaotong University and the University of Liverpool, possessing independent legal status. The campus is located in Suzhou, known as the "Paradise on Earth". Currently, the university has approximately 25,000 registered students, among which 5,000 are postgraduate students. XJTLU offers 16 PhD programs, covering fields like Science, Engineering, Management, Education, and Literature. As per Essential Science Indicators (ESI), Engineering, Computer Science, Social Sciences, and Ecology, and Environmental Sciences at XJTLU rank within the top 1% globally. Graduates who successfully complete their doctoral studies at XJTLU will receive a PhD certificate from the University of Liverpool (recognized by the Chinese Ministry of Education), as well as a corresponding certificate from XJTLU.

II. Introduction to the Research Group
The Microbial Ecology Group in XJTLU's Department of Health and Environmental Sciences undertakes cutting-edge research in Microbiology, Ecology, and Molecular Biology. Research interests include: 1) Microbial predation and micro food web; 2) Mechanisms of microbial community assembly and response to environmental dynamics; 3) Environmental adaptation of functional microbes. Please find more information about the group leader at: https://scholar.xjtlu.edu.cn/en/persons/LuZhang03. We are currently recruiting one PhD student in Environmental Microbiology/Microbial Ecology.

III. Recruitment Requirements
(1)        You are expected to hold (or soon to obtain) a Master's degree in a related field
(2)        Candidates with a background in Microbiology, Molecular Biology, or Bioinformatics will be given preference
(3)        An IELTS score of 6.5 (no single category lower than 5.5) or equivalent TOEFL iBT or Pearson English (PTE) offline test is required
(4)        Applicants must have good academic integrity and research ethics, be able to work independently, and possess strong problem-solving and collaborative capabilities
(5)        Good English speaking and writing skills are expected

IV. Training and Funding
(1)        Successful candidates will be awarded a PhD degree from the University of Liverpool
(2)        Tuition fee waiver for three years and a monthly living allowance of 5000 RMB (for a total of 36 months)
(3)        Opportunities to apply for a funded exchange at the University of Liverpool for three months
(4)        The university and the research group will support PhD students to attend international conferences

V. Application Procedure
Application period: Starting now until the position is filled
Application documents:
a) Personal CV (including education and work experience, published papers, etc.) and supporting documents
b) Information and contact details of at least two referees

Please merge all the above-mentioned documents into a single PDF file and send it to: Lu.Zhang03@westlake.edu.cn.

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