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[交流] Postdoctoral Research Fellow 电化学有机合成博士后

Hong Kong
Postdoctoral Fellow

Sample Text
The appointee will mainly conduct research projects related to biomass electrochemical conversion.

Sample Text
1.Candidates have the background in electrocatalysis and biomass organic electrochemistry.
2.The candidates should have at least 3 first-authored papers in high-impact SCI-indexed journals.
3.Ph.D. degree or close to receiving Ph.D. degree is required for postdoctoral fellow.
4.Successful candidates are expected to demonstrate strong motivation, critical thinking ability, as well as excellent oral and written communication skills in English.

Sample Text
Salary offered will be highly competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Sample Text
To apply, please submit your CV including your full publications to Mr LU at xinkun_lu@lepumedical.com. Please also list 2 referees who are willing to supply letters of reference upon request.

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lxk_9510: 金币+1 2024-04-01 10:53:30
2楼2024-03-01 14:35:51
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