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银虫 (著名写手)

[交流] 新西兰奥克兰大学土木全奖博士/ Funded PhD University of Auckland

1.        基本背景介绍
新西兰奥克兰大学土木工程专业高级讲师Gary Raftery团队招聘优秀2023年博士生, 导师超级超级Nice, 认真负责,3-3.5年能完成博士学位,博士期间拟进行的研究为木结构加固相关,欢迎选择来我们的团队. 提供全奖!!!比CSC更有含金量。新西兰签证相对容易不卡学生,奥克兰大学被誉为新西兰的“国宝级”大学, 是一所世界顶尖的研究型大学, 享有极高的国际声誉。在QS2020世界大学排行榜中位列全球第81名, 而该校的土木工程结构方向在QS2020年世界专业排名中, 位列世界第38名。

有兴趣的同学请站内联系我,加我微信chen23771911.或者直接发邮件 g.raftery@auckland.ac.nz (请附带简历或者详细自我介绍)

2.        博士项目介绍
There are a large amount of timber rail bridge structures throughout New Zealand. Many of these bridges have been in service for several decades and are nearing the end of their service life. However, the replacement of such bridges is expensive and incurs considerable disruptions to key transport lines throughout New Zealand. Because of the timber species and duration of time in service, many unknowns exist in relation to the exact material properties of these bridges. The research project will help to characterize the quality of the material and address this knowledge void, develop effective techniques to rehabilitate key elements and ascertain strategies to extend the service life of the structures in contrast to conducting expensive full bridge replacement. Field inspections on-site will be conducted. Experimental testing of full elements will take place at the UoA test hall facilities. Rehabilitation options could include the use of FRP or screw reinforcements which will be assessed through experimentation and numerical analysis. The research outcomes will include the development of key guidance documents.  
Please contact: Dr. Gary Raftery
E-mail: g.raftery@auckland.ac.nz

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